Search results

  1. Embrawk

    New Head of Plot

    Hello Everyone, As most of you may or may not be aware, I Bobby Susoeff am the official new Head of Plot for the Enerret Campaign for Alliance Larp San Francisco. I only recently realized that I have not yet formally made this announcement on the boards. My goal is to provide player's with a...
  2. Embrawk

    Looking for a Race Change and Catalyst

    Sorry for the late reply. The Dreamscape is a hard place for me to attune too. To many other dream things bouncing around I guess. We don't have any in our stores but as a Quail if we can find one or someone we can make a trade with it is yours? However may I ask what ingenious use you have...
  3. Embrawk

    Looking for Teachers

    Greetings Andrew the Bard, I would be happy to teach you any weapon skills you would like when next we gather. Embrawk Hematite Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  4. Embrawk

    Costume and Props for Enerret Closer

    Hey Everyone, We are in need of more costuming and props for the next game! We are looking for items that are early to mid Dynastic Chinese and Japanese in inspiration. We are in need of clothing for both male and female characters, accessories, and decorations. Gobbies are available for those...
  5. Embrawk

    The Journal of Andrew the Bard - Entry 1

    (A voice with a slight Dwarven accent speaks in a friendly tone) Greetings Andrew the Bard, It is a pleasure to meet another bard like myself. To be honest I believe we meet when last you where at Maelstrome and fought many an Ooze creature. I have many few questions, comments and a also a...
  6. Embrawk

    Can physical limitations be written into characters backstories?

    I do this for my character he has to use his off hand (left hand) because his right hand is cursed. I have no OOG reason for this, I just do it for fun. But it has never been a problem. So you should be fine. As long as you don't use a crazy story like I broke my foot killing the king of the...
  7. Embrawk

    Enerret 101

    Enerret Months and current year. The following is the Enerret standard for both the months and current year. It has become the modern standard for all of Enerret. The year is currently 3316 GA or Golden Age. The following is a rough translation of the Myst traveling months as I understand them...
  8. Embrawk

    A thankssssss to the Cereopolisssss

    I am sorry but I must disagree with you Ny'rani. This thing wants silence so I do not believe remaining silent is helping our cause. I agree vital informationt be with held, but I will not remain silent around this abomination only if forced to do so will I. I have never had an enemy shut me up...
  9. Embrawk

    A call to Arts

    * A voice straining to repress an accent speaks clearly* Greetings Friends and Comrades To clarify one again, if anything can be shared for the survivors I ask any and all to do so please. I also truly thank any and all who have done so and may do so in the future. Having said that, Amory...
  10. Embrawk

    A thankssssss to the Cereopolisssss

    *A voice that speaks loudly and passionately with a faux Dwarves accent.* Aelin Mor, I must ask you to stop your vague threats and promises of doom and return what ever you have taken. Your actions are upsetting my friends and comrades from several different lands I will not stand for it. As...
  11. Embrawk

    National Event Theme Song?

    That's it I'm starting a playlist on YouTube to get my self mentally prepared for nationals
  12. Embrawk

    National Event Theme Song?

    Be prepared my friends Mwahahaha!!!!
  13. Embrawk

    A call to Arts

    * In a very serious tone that seems very unnatural, spoken clearly with very little hints of an accent.* Greetings all, It is true I was speaking mainly in jest. I general only speak in positive terms. I often forget that I am not very well known by most, and my sense of humor can be a bit off...
  14. Embrawk

    A call to Arts

    I feel we may have gotten off topic a little bit. To clarify if anyone has any art be it of word song or visual type, Please feel free to share it for those in need. *spoken awkwardly* Now if you'll excuse me. I'll be starting that new intense workout regiment, I just this moment remembered I...
  15. Embrawk

    A call to Arts

    If it truly is that inspirational, I will have to speak with Benjamin Breadbowl about implementing a similar event.
  16. Embrawk

    A call to Arts

    It's not the physical form of these superior male specimens, I find offensive. I feel that a dryad holding a frying pan may be offensive to dryads. As far as I understand it, it's unrealistic for many dryads to wield such a large amount of metal.
  17. Embrawk

    A call to Arts

    I stand corrected. Thank you, Terren -Embrawk
  18. Embrawk

    A call to Arts

    *same voice* Thank you for the art, but to be honest I find it slightly offensive as it sets unrealistic expectations . . .
  19. Embrawk

    A call to Arts

    *A voice echoed threw the dreamscape speaking in a faux Dwarven accent and if you concentrate, you can hear soft drumming in the background* Greetings Friends,Comrades, and Allies of Fortannis, I am Embrawk Hematite of the resplendent Quail Merchanting Company. I currently call the lands...
  20. Embrawk

    Maelstrom Spirit Resonance Notes

    D. M. VVT, That would be most appreciated. Thank you for your forethought in this matter. Your notes will be most helpful. This place should be a safe and appropriate place to share that information. -Embrawk Hematite of the Quails