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  1. Embrawk

    Visiting from Acarthia in March

    * A voice speaks in what is clearly someone trying far too hard to copy a dwarven accent* Greetings Baroness Kathryn W. Elavir, I Embrawk Hemtite and my kin of The Resplendent Quail Merchanting Company also known as the Quails welcome you and yours to these lands. We will attempt to make...
  2. Embrawk

    The Bard's Corner

    TIN SWORD Verse1 When I was just a young lad my mother said to me My son be an adventurer and live a life that’s free So I took my father’s armor and my family sword I took off on my own into lands I’d never known Verse 2 That where seven years ago and six months to the day When word...
  3. Embrawk

    The Bard's Corner

    WE'RE OFF TO FEED THE CROWS Our bevy rang the chime for vengeance We're off to feed the crows Threw charing death and ash ascendance We’re off to feed the crows Of which is a war only a two eighths threw We're off to feed the crows While the elder seeks all life entombed We’re off to...
  4. Embrawk

    The Bard's Corner

    (A human with top hat full of feathers and an odd nervous smile speaks in what is clearly of a very poor impression of a dwarven accent) It has come to my attention, that some of my music/poems/riddles/weird writings may have peeked some people's interest. So I have chosen to share them. I...
  5. Embrawk

    Need some potions transported to Oregon

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone was going to the next Oregon Event December 4-6. If so would you mind delivering a small package to a Group known as the Triage. If you know them even better [emoji3] if not it's cool. Please let me know if you have the room for a small package...
  6. Embrawk

    LARP Question Tuesday: Between a rock and a hard place

    So a random Npc says help a carvan is being attacked by bandits. So the Hi bees are like hey New guys take of that. We rush off super excited to be the Big Damn hero's. Well turns out it was not bandits but the Vor the scourge of the land. Now this was not just a few which would have been...
  7. Embrawk

    Enerret 101

    Below is a list of race names both by standard spelling and country of origin. The list provides what you may know them as in your native lands, as I've come to understand them. I have also provided some linguistic breakdowns of some that I feel could best help with pronunciations. I will be...
  8. Embrawk

    Enerret 101

    Hello my beautiful friends, Hopefully you will all find my experiment in dream education to your liking. The key to these lessons is to make them as clear and concise as possible. So in the spirit of education and camaraderie I present lessons on the common knowledge of Enerret as I know them...
  9. Embrawk

    Alliance SF Weekend event 06/12-14/15 "Echoes"

    I don't know how to feel about this ratio. I can't even. This is going to be scary and awesome. Never seen so many peeps on the staff side. o_O
  10. Embrawk

    Stories and Favorites of April

    Fighting the horde and playing pass the poisoned spear :lol: Stopping Tzerro from his evil plot :) Getting the golden lion medal :D Figuring out far to late to stop it what was going on with the Vor :| Having it explained that all the Vor where dead :( Marking graves for the...
  11. Embrawk

    Leather strap and bracer found.

    Is it a black leather bracer?
  12. Embrawk

    Things I've learned in Twinspire Vale

    It is easier to sell cookies than to give them away for free. The chocolate coating on thin mints doesn't prevent Sarr mint frenzy. Stone Elfs will die if they smile. If you send in low bees you will get a 100% success rate with no adventure ever left behind. Biata may turn you into a...
  13. Embrawk

    Twinspire Campaign Faire Day- December 8th - "Colossal"

    Awesome I am very excited to PC for the first time. Look out baddies of the vale here comes embrawk.
  14. Embrawk

    Who are you? (new introduction thread)

    Hello s.f. alliance I did not see a self intro/info thread and as a newish player/potential new staff member, I feel it's time to put myself out there and hopefully encourage other players both new and old to speak of them selfs. Consider this your totally unoffical larp roll call. I am Bobby...