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  1. Vryan

    Magic, Elemental, Earth/Chaos Strike

    While we're on the topic, I have two more questions. 1) Will a dispel remove an active Strike ritual, as it would a blade spell? What about unconsciousness and/or becoming dead? 2) Does a Strike ritual only affect the weapon that the ritual is cast on?
  2. Vryan

    Magic, Elemental, Earth/Chaos Strike

    Dan, has the number of charges per ritual been determined? Is it just one use per casting? Or can the rituals be cast at a higher difficulty for more charges?
  3. Vryan

    Magic, Elemental, Earth/Chaos Strike

    I was confused about this, as well. Specifically, this wording (bolding is mine): "In order to fuel this Ritual the character must spend a Back Attack or Critical Attack. Once the ten minute duration passes, another charge (and Back Attack or Critical Attack) must be spent to reactivate it."...
  4. Vryan

    High Orcs

    Don't forget the +2 body Orcs get every 10 body points. This gives a high level Orc a massive increase in total body over other races, especially as a fighter.
  5. Vryan

    Balancing Biata

    Yes, but you must still be certain that the potion you are drinking is the correct one, which can be problematic unless you have a very structured potion sorting system on your person, which will take up a lot of space.
  6. Vryan

    Balancing Biata

    I would support giving Biata -1 to potion making (and Dryads -1 to Alchemy and Hoblings -1 to Create Trap while we're at it). My reasoning for scrolls being more favorable than potions is partially due to being able to throw the effect, and partially because they are much easier to manage than...
  7. Vryan

    Balancing Biata

    I suppose my post wasn't clear. I was not suggesting that Biata can circumvent their celestial restriction by using celestial activates. However, removing activates from the game prohibits non-casting Biata from utilizing what will become (in my opinion) the primary spell-replicating ability...
  8. Vryan

    Balancing Biata

    While not being able to sleep behind a Ward is a big deterrent, I think the bigger one is not being able to buy Read Magic. Since Expanded Enchantment is going away, I expect battle magic scrolls to become much more useful than they currently are. Currently, Biata can supplement this restriction...
  9. Vryan

    Crit Attacks and 2 Handed Weapons

    I made that comment because there is no current language in the playtest rules to suggest that critical attacks behave similarly to weapon profs when it comes to two-handed weapons. If that wasn't the intent of the owners, then awesome! Two-handers become even cooler!
  10. Vryan

    Thoughts on Scout Archers

    I think the "end game" for an archer under the new rules will be having a number of profs that make it so they can throw 10's (4 profs with a heavy crossbow or 5 profs with a longbow), then a stack of crit/back attacks to fuel magic items and for burst damage when they need it. Since, as far as...
  11. Vryan

    September 9-11 Pre-Registration List

    Yes, it came through this time.
  12. Vryan

    July Event Pot Luck Sign Up

    A 55 gallon drum of cheese sauce.
  13. Vryan

    July 22-24 Pre-Registration List

    It went through.
  14. Vryan

    Year Pass and Pay No Play Packages

    Excellent, thank you!
  15. Vryan

    Year Pass and Pay No Play Packages

    Are you still accepting donations for these packages?
  16. Vryan

    In Between Game Actions (IBGAs)

    Thank you! :-)
  17. Vryan

    In Between Game Actions (IBGAs)

    What should those of us who plan to do IBGA's together do?
  18. Vryan

    2016 National Event Crafted and Props Donations!

    How many spell packets do you want? I am willing to make a bunch.
  19. Vryan

    September 11-13 Event Pre-Registration

    I don't know what's happening, but I've pre-regged twice in the last couple of weeks. My name didn't pop up on the list either time, which leads me to assume they didn't go through?