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  1. Sspyndel

    Should Flurry be a national rule or a local rule?

    Yes, adding in flurry 3 or flurry 5 is largely for safety. ( As a brand new NPC crowded by 6 or more experienced players, it IS also very intimidating ) I have over 10 years experience on the Health and Safety team where I used to work, and that included taking courses in Accident...
  2. Sspyndel

    Poll: What are your overall feelings about the proposed 2.0 rules compared to our current rules v.1.

    I like the simplified casting, easier to understand what I got hit with, and what I can dodge or evade with. I like that it is called OOG. It makes sense, like 2 normal, also OOG. but I do like adding the damage value, so I don't have to break off and ask the poor newbie NPC how much damage...
  3. Sspyndel

    Riding to Fort Shaundalar

    *takes note. goes back to reading lore books.. *
  4. Sspyndel

    Should Flurry be a national rule or a local rule?

    We've always had this way of agreeing to go hard or not, with every new battle.. situations change.
  5. Sspyndel

    Should Flurry be a national rule or a local rule?

    3 and out or 5 and out, either one works. Here, we often find ourselves in treacherous terrain and pressing the fight hard against new players and old diehards causes injuries. Pouring rains make large portions of our event area muddy, slippery and I've had some epic tumbles myself. Neither can...
  6. Sspyndel

    Victoria's Estate

    " Please tell them Elachae has a horse, and is interested in travelling with them to the Marquis' estate, thank you. Their note in the tavern said to leave them a message here. " "Oh, I nearly forgot, I'm currently staying at the Brave Raven Inn , if they need to find me" "Thank you again" :)...
  7. Sspyndel

    Victoria's Estate

    Approaching the gate's guardhouse, Elachae introduces herself and asks a guardsman on duty if Stig or Cato would be available, or if she can leave a message for them? " I've got my horse, I'll be ready to ride when they are, I saw the note in the tavern "
  8. Sspyndel

    Going to the stables.

    Elachae hands the lady 3 gp with a smile.
  9. Sspyndel

    Riding to Fort Shaundalar

    Elachae reads this, makes mental note to head to Duchess's estate upon buying her mount and tack.
  10. Sspyndel

    Going to the stables.

    Overhearing this as she was sauntering that way, for the very same reason, Elachae comes forward as well, "3 gold? done! You may have several customers, hope you have enough " "Oh, that grey one is handsome! "
  11. Sspyndel

    EVENT REVIEW: Uneasy Lies the Head... (MAY 2017)

    1. Post your favorite moments In no particular order.. RATS everywhere.. eww! No, you may NOT kill our RatKing Nazrat.. Hunter mods.. double hooking is always good to keep Elachae out of trouble.. haha I earned my first plat. finally :) pulling a few small pranks, Awkwardly voicing my...
  12. Sspyndel

    FAVOURITE NPC: "Uneasy Lies the Head..." (May 2017)

    tough choice. Very tough. In the end, Cory creating some scholar character in the hunter mods rather than just a marshal, and Brooke with her peoples wonderful brine cupcakes.. <3 Thank you, NPC's <3 Honourable mentions: Ornery Ox, Various Thanes, our Lovely High Empress, Stone elf ( brain...
  13. Sspyndel

    Renaming MWEs?

    Sidhe is the whole group of Fae.. including Elves, Kyn, Satyrs, Faeries, Dryads.. and the dark ones, like Red Caps.. a touch too generic, for a single "race". hm, but what about Taari-Sidhe?
  14. Sspyndel

    Renaming MWEs?

    Being that Dark elves are completely mythical, both as elves and black skinned, white haired, red / purple eyes.. I have seen many Dark Elves at our Comic expo in Calgary, and I have also done it for several Halloweens.. and got nothing but compliments, from everyone, including Blacks, Natives...
  15. Sspyndel

    Renaming MWEs?

    Agreed, yes, a change is a great idea.. not Elves, but also not the only forest or fae folk, as the lovely Foxkin says. I'm also used to Tari Nor, but Nor.. almost sounds like North.. so maybe just Taari, and drop Nor? T 'aari? (t-ar-ee noor )
  16. Sspyndel

    Weapon Help?

    these guys have a nice one..
  17. Sspyndel

    2017 Alliance Seattle Season Pass

    can't seem to access that link.. is there another? or a homepage I can use instead of the forums? thanks:)
  18. Sspyndel

    EVENT REVIEW: The Dungeon Run - "Blood in the Streets" (April 2017)

    1. Post your favorite moments I know Nicole said she over trapped our run, but I did learn some stuff. From the Fest where I was shaking like a leaf, scared to let my team down, to the run, felt entirely different.. not confident yet, but phew. getting there. The set up of rooms, was sweet...
  19. Sspyndel

    EVENT REVIEW: "Blackguards & Benefactors" - January 2016 (Tavern)

    1. Post your favorite moments Lots of interaction with PC's and NPC's alike, learning new things about the races, the people. Food. yes, delicious..and what I needed after 15 hours on a greyhound bus. Great sliders. The Pig argument. damn guys.. you were goooood. 2. Post your less favorite...