EVENT REVIEW: Uneasy Lies the Head... (MAY 2017)

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The Grand Council, with the help and influence of those formerly of the Breach, has decided on a new High Ruler of Calandonia -- the Dark Elf Empress Masq'il'yr.

As well, the disturbingly deep roots of the Sect were exposed and destroyed; the final remnants of Manfred's men hopefully removed from the city for good.

Now it's time to leave the capital, united, and begin to take the fight to Al'Zoon. On to Fort Shaundaular!


First weekend event of the Summer season, and a long, RP-heavy weekend at that. Welcome back!

Please have IBGAs and MI picks in by Monday, June 12th.

**NPCs - Do not post here. Let us know if you had any highlights or concerns in the NPC FB group. Thanks! **

1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews get you 15 Goblin Stamps, so make sure you tag your review with your name.
1. Post your favorite moments
Using all of my poison resists Saturday and Sunday, Seeing the thiefs face when I resisted the third sleep gas globe on Saturday and being the only one left to fight the s-hit ooze Sunday.
15 second armour repairs!
I really enjoyed being able to play the grumpy dwarf after finding out the Thane had been assassinated. I usually don't let things bother me so getting to explore that side of billin is kinda cool. Sorry to anyone that thought my grumpiness was towards them :)
The Lord marshals cupcakes
Did I mention 15 second armour repairs?

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Out of game I was annoyed that a group went to a dwarven fortress that we had been looking for but no one had told me that this was happening so I went to bed. And I had a few people complain that most of the outfitters had followed suit. If you want us to be up, make sure we know that there is something going on!

In game i really was mad that the Thane had been assassinated, and the fact that the dark elf empress became the high queen.

3. What you would like to see more of
The spread of knowledge, if you are going to a dwarven fortress, let the dwarves know so they don't go to sleep!

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
The leadership of the breach had told us that these were Sect members, and they were not to escape. They also had said we would be fighting almost beside Stig's team. They were no where in sight but we will do our part. Looking back I see Xamot and the others of our team crouched in waiting for the strike team to flush the Sect out of their hideout. Turning back forward I see Crath motion to the side and I see some of those we came to capture start to leave the building. Good, they will walk right into... wait, they're turning down a different alleyway. "We need to stop them" I hear. I don't know if it is Crath or Xamot but I see a small gap between a couple of the building and rush through it, the shield Xamot had let me use scraping against the building. I burst out and block the road, I am the only one here besides the Sect members in front of me. 'I hope the others will follow me' I think as I take a step forward with Xamots black shield raised. This makes the mercenaries in front of me to stop and I see out of the corner of my eye that Becky and another had joined me, we start advancing forcing The Sect to retreat.
1. Pretty much the entire weekend was pretty awesome; I got to catch up with most people as Phal, taste the Rockholme cupcakes, relax with Clover and Yetta and hear the latest news, teach Alchemy and Create Potion to Ruellia and Ivory (which... I think I did okay at), and generally play up Phal's discomfort around nobles a lot more than I usually get to. I also really enjoyed getting yanked to play Isaac, even if I did get Obliterated. (WHICH WAS DELIGHTFUL. :D)

2. My major disappointment was how off the rails the final Sect battle went, because I feel like I could have made a more cinematic ending for the whole thing (with Nichole's permission, as she was right next to me so it would have been easy to ask) if I'd known before the Spirit Walk that the fight was over; it felt really anti-climactic to arrive and immediately surrender without a fight, although I did very much enjoy my chat with Sarryn on the walk back. :)

Other than that, it's really starting to bother me that I keep having to volunteer to do dishes for what feels like almost every meal at almost every event, and that Liz felt the need to help with the breakfast dishes on Sunday even though she wasn't even on the meal plan. :/

3. Um... Nothing immediately springs to mind, although if you need a spare NPC for a mod, feel free to see if you can yank me to go do it; combat is delightful, but as Phal I rarely see it (comes with the character, not a complaint :P), so as long as I'm not busy in-game I'm happy to help with a mod or two over the weekend as needed. :)

4. "I'm... not really a stealthy Dryad." Phalaenopsis whispered to Ruki, "But If you can keep her distracted, I might be able to do it." The shopkeeper Hildebrandt was conducting business with Ruth just a short distance away, and Phal was sure she'd notice if he slipped into her office without her. "I'll talk to her and see if we can get ourselves a supply deal." Ruki whispered in reply, glancing over his shoulder; Phal nodded and reached into his pocket, producing a small container filled with Elixirs, which he handed to the human. "Use these as samples;" Phal instructed,"I'll do what I can while you talk." They returned to Hildebrandt, and Ruki cajoled her into a meeting in her office with the three of them, though rather less smoothly than Phal was expecting; he carried Ruth in on his back, both to speed up the start of the meeting and to give him a second person to aid the distraction. As Ruki and Ruth started making the deal, Phal slipped behind Hildebrandt's desk and flipped quietly through her order books. 'Hmm...' he thought to himself, 'She certainly has a large order coming in... But this whole page looks like it's for... Amnesia?' Hearing the deal start to come to a close behind him, Phal quietly closed the log and returned to Ruki's side, tapping him on the shoulder to indicate they'd got what they came for and could leave.
1. Post your favorite moments
In no particular order.. RATS everywhere.. eww! No, you may NOT kill our RatKing Nazrat..
Hunter mods.. double hooking is always good to keep Elachae out of trouble.. haha
I earned my first plat. finally :)
pulling a few small pranks,
Awkwardly voicing my disappointment to poor Count Wheatley. Awkwardly speaking with nobles.Wait till my Father hears I once stood at High Mage Az Caine's shoulder.. 0.O

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
the rotting animal smell aforementioned in cabin 5. Nothing in game,

3. What you would like to see more of
in game character communication. It was fantastic to be included in not one, but 3 plotlines and minor groups plans. thank you all so much <3

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best" Her Father's mantra resounding in her head like a chorus of a drinking tune, Elachae suddenly finds herself faced by none other than the High Marshall of Rockholm, asking for her opinion.. Stunned, but recognizing an opportunity for hope, I swallow my prides, my prejudices and say "The Empress, My Lady" to answer. Scary times, that gut feeling saying a Dark Elf was somehow a better choice than the warrior lord Marquis Xerxis. Dismissed, Elachae wanders towards a local dock to attempt wrapping her head around recent experiences.
1. A whole lot of things! The weekend was huge!
-Literally everything that Siegart, Scarlette and I did for the Dark Elf Empress (AKA: OUR NEW HIGH QUEEN BITCHES). All those mods and chats were fun, the gifts being secret jabs was fantastic. And the fact that the work that the three of us did help decide the election
-Coming into the weekend with no one (but the three of us) supporting the Empress, and then seeing a lot of people change
-Getting Xerxes elected to the grand council
-Casing the alchemy/sect shop, and then stealing the chest. It had nothing in it, but it was hilarious! Brooke was FANTASTIC in that role
-Being a part of the ritual for my sword! The fact we turned Evo into a sorta undead was funny.
-Kidnapping goblins for dessert
-Having Krathe try and set me up for the murder he committed against *name redacted*
-The Lord Marshall's cupcakes were so gross, but a hilarious joke. It got funnier when Az'Cain made me eat the Empress'
-Getting to spend a bunch of time with Elwynd. Donny? He's a fantastic character! Plays the straight man to my complete **** up!
-Seeing a platinum dragon
-Having the legendary weapons fall apart when we escaped the cave
-A nice touch was the serving staff during lunch
-Having the Empress recognize me (and Scarlette and Siegart) in one of her speeches. And having Xerxes ask me personally to join him at Fort Shaundaular early.
-The tricksters game happening again! Even though there were only 7 players this time around.

2. Some, but not too many!
-long weekends are HARD. Emotionally, physically and mentally. So glad they are a once a year or every two years kinda thing
-There was a few hours during the mid-day on Saturday and Sunday where it felt like nothing was happening or going out
-Felt like there wasn't a lot of insta-mods or fishbowls going out. but it could be a case of wrong place/wrong time

3. -More traps!
-More combat (although I realized it was because of a politically heavy weekend)
-Honestly? More death. Even with less life spells around this weekend (we missed you, Isawda)...there was no real threat of death for any PC (that I know of)


Ruki, Scarlette and Siegart were following the caravan out of the underdark. They weren't sure what they would find when it arrived at their destination. A few minutes later, the caravan came to a stop at a small home outside the underdark which housed a dark elf mother and a stone elf child who looked suspiciously like the representative from Turan Falls. It took a moment for Ruki to realize, but when it clicked....


This information was going to be valuable to the Empress.
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1. Post your favorite moments
The. Whole. Thing.
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Not really game related, but when I slipped trying to get out of the top bunk and banged up my toe and shin :( Bottom bunk for me, from here on out LOL
3. What you would like to see more of
I really enjoyed the exposition Brett provided when taking us out on mods. It was like interactive story time which allowed for some unique role-playing opportunities.
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Having crept into the cool darkness of the Ogre's Head tavern, Diggs sipped his ale and counted his takings. All in all, not bad. His sore toe, shin, ribs and pride were all temporary things - while the coins stacked on the table before him had a certain permanence that pleased him. While playing politics with the nobles had been interesting, it had been difficult to turn a profit. And he still hadn't made his mind up on whether he would follow the herd of sheep he found himself surrounded with to Fort Shaundaular. Decisions, decisions...
1. Post your favorite moments
The. Whole. Thing.
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Not really game related, but when I slipped trying to get out of the top bunk and banged up my toe and shin :( Bottom bunk for me, from here on out LOL
3. What you would like to see more of
I really enjoyed the exposition Brett provided when taking us out on mods. It was like interactive story time which allowed for some unique role-playing opportunities.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Having crept into the cool darkness of the Ogre's Head tavern, Diggs sipped his ale and counted his takings. All in all, not bad. His sore toe, shin, ribs and pride were all temporary things - while the coins stacked on the table before him had a certain permanence that pleased him. While playing politics with the nobles had been interesting, it had been difficult to turn a profit. And he still hadn't made his mind up on whether he would follow the herd of sheep he found himself surrounded with to Fort Shaundaular. Decisions, decisions...

Do you have an example of this? I'm curious how that would look/sound/playout!
Well at one point we all sat down on the ground in front of him while he read a prepared passage about the next part of our journey. We then roleplayed, with words not actions, how we handled the subsequent encounter. I find Brett to be a great oral storyteller so really enjoyed it.
1. Post your favorite moments
Most of my favorite moments from this weekend were self-generated. Messing with Ruki, sneaking around in the darkness during the Sunday night town fight, RP with Scarlett and Xerxes.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I am SICK TO DEATH of politics. It felt like only one or two PCs (you know who you are) actually knew what was going on and had any influence over the outcome.
Also, I never even saw an instamod, and I spent a lot of time just walking around looking for things.

3. What you would like to see more of
Not sure. I had fun this weekend, but almost none of it was plot- or NPC- driven. I made my own.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
".....fresh goblin!"
As the Empress' words faded everyone in the hall froze, staring at their bowls in horror. Craeth grimly took another bite before looking across the table, grinding out "You did this, Siegart. Now either eat it or wear it."
First off, I'd like to extend kudos to Monster Camp for not letting the usual and unusual LARP organizing and staffing problems bleed over to the game. There was a lot going on behind the scenes to make sure the event went off as well as it did, and I thank you. In that vein, I think assigning people to mods was completely fine when we players screwed up the lists. Everybody got to go on something, even if some of them had to get poopy. And the food was yet again great and plentiful!

1. Favourite moments: Evo finally felt like a grown-up ritualist. Despit a minor *cough*backlash*cough* setback, he had his first spellcrafted circle, and led several rituals. Bogar's Make Whole ritual, especially, was emotional and meaningful. I also really enjoyed the little "2 v. 1" lair with its swift and clever resolution. I both loved and hated the politics all weekend.

2. Least favourite moments: I had my own my OOG challenges which resulted in my helping to screw up the organizing and ultimately missing the big Sect fight, but I'm not pointing my finger anywhere beyond myself. The cabin assignments could have been done differently; we weren't given much pre-game notice, and even in the context of being in Calanhelm, we could have been put up on "chateaus" as guests on the Queen's estate; instead we split apart normal sleeping arrangements and crowded a few cabins while leaving a couple nearly empty. Hearing about the digging mod was disappointing; I don't know whether it was character choices or the way it was written, but I'm sad that several people were so bored.

3. More of: mods that can be equally solved by brain or brute force. It's nice when the situation allows multiple solutions, though I know that's not always possible. I'd love to see more security in town, like we had for this event. It was a relief to be able to walk around at night without multiple people dying alone in the dark; the ability to keep the base relatively secure without making people RP guard duty and watching the stables would be awesome. And making someone do guard duty for an hour is 4 times more punishment than putting them in the stocks for 15 minutes.

4. A moment:
I smiled gently at the hobling, "It seems you all were quite successful yesterday evening, even without the 'strike team' swooping in.

Diggs frowned, "I don't think I'd call it a success at all. We were in a fancy mansion, and yet there was no reward at all, not even a gilded candlestick."

I laughed and dug in my pocket. "Let me explain this in clearer terms." I held eye contact. "Your aid in this matter was most greatly appreciated." A shiny gold coin found its way to the hobling's hand.

Diggs grinned, and his eyes lit up. "I will not soon forget this!" I watched him wander away, whistling a jaunty tune as he went.

I muttered to no one in particular: "I'd almost forgotten that I can speak the Hobling language."​
1. Post your favorite moments

I had a couple this month. Mostly self driven. one was realizing how confident I have become at archery and throwing packets. During the ambush on the Sect. I was shooting arrows between the heads of Craeth (sorry for freaking you out with that.) and Tangu and reliably hitting my target. also throwing a cure wounds around an NPC to give Talon a little longer on his bleed-out count. (I knew he would be up long but hopefully I saved a life spell.)

dealing 100% of the damage to an NPC Monday morning. It is something that I don't get to do very often. It was quite satisfying.

The look on Brooks face when I had a poison shield pop on her dominate gas globe. Thanks again Hamish

Joining the Arcain sanctum.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)

Getting shifted off of the lair I signed up for, for no apparent reason. Because of this, when I came back from the lair I got shifted onto I walked right into a town fight which took up almost all the time between the lair and the dark reaches mod that I was going on causing me to have to rush around getting ready and not being properly prepared for the dark reaches and somewhere along the lines I lost my armour tag. luckily I had a spare.

all the politics.

3. What you would like to see more of

Consideration for newer pc's. we had a large group of pc's on their first or second event and it was known to be an RP heavy weekend and the newer characters would have no idea what is going on. Some of them complained about being board. a couple little introduction things could have been planed.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

after finding out that I was eating goblin.
"I never new goblin tasted so good. I'll have to save some next time I kill one."
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1. Post your favorite moments
KILLING THAT BASTARD MANNY! I cannot express how happy that made me to end him once and for all.
Getting picked for the strike force by sarryn since mar is pretty much never picked for the dangerous missions
the rockholm cupcakes were amazingly terrible but I had alot of fun like that to qoute myself "I haven't tasted so much of the sea since that time I was a water elemental"

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I know the political stuff is important but as a person who comes out as much for combat as I do RP it was a little frustrating to go from saturday log to sunday log without swinging my swords. I appreciate how hard it must have been to keep everything organized and going. I'm mostly just venting a personal frustration.

The big battle with our teams and strike force could have been handled better as well while I am very happy that the two large groups had a great and wild fight I am a little dissapointed that due to miscommunications the strike time arrived in time to.....say hi XD. The mod itself was well written and set up but due to communication issues among the PCs and what looked to me like communication and enforcement issues with the plot team/marshals. I am glad that the mod turned out well overall though :)

3. What you would like to see more of
More full town mods where we have to split into multiple teams to tackle different angles to make for the same goal. I know organising a simultaneous thing like that can be a headache but when it goes off right its awesome.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Manny had made his last mistake he had invited me into his circle thinking I was now trapped with him. Thinking back over all my training and work in the last year I couldn't help but smile the bastard was trapped with me. The battle opened with little fan fare the force of my first blow wiped the smirk from his face his easy fight taken from him as I poured on the pressure holding nothing back. The rest of the battle is remembered in flashes the trading of slays and parrys the desperate use of spell strikes to try and stave off his inevitable defeat. then that satisfying moment of finality as I shoved my swords through his chest and ended the fight the red mist over my vision fading as I heard homeguard yelling something about an arrest and saw Jax cutting mannies head off. Ignoring them for a moment I collected my discarded bow and hip quiver. "lets go see the duchess she'll clear this up"
For those who want more combat.... join the tricksters game! Just because the name is "trickster" doesn't mean you can't beat the **** out of your prey.
1. Post your favorite moments
There were several! :)
~Observing my first ritual casting; I really liked how the tone was set, and the cool effects that were brought in.
~Participating in some light sparring
~Getting intoxicated, dancing on the tables and belching with a bunch of colorful characters
~Gabriel standing up for what he morally believes in when we were getting ready for the large scale fight sunday.
~Having the PCs work and plan their attack for said big fight
~Being a full fledged Mentor in the Arcane Sanctum and having assigned my first student.
~The "Help Diggs get a Plat" fund was fun to interact with Diggs. Such a charming fellow.
~The weather was gorgeous this weekend. I hope it works out be more like that over the summer
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
There were some "lulls" during the day. Arlyne is not really into politics.
~I have said it before, but fighting during the night. At the same time, now that there is some better lighting around the area, its not so bad. (but we could use some more lighting) :)
3. What you would like to see more of
I like seeing PCs coordinate and plan big fights; set moar traps and some fishbowls please :)
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
As Arlyne sits by the fire, she hears someone sniffing behind her. Startled, she turns and sees Kumari sitting right beside her. "Hi Arlyne..." She says with smile.
She then rubs up on Arlyne, spreading her scent on her side. Arlyne seems puzzled "Hi Kumari?..." She replied. Just as Arlyne was about to ask what shes doing, Kumari scampers off her voice trailing "Its Spring tiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmme..."
Arlyne then looks back at the fire and blinks. "Spring time?"she thinks. Then she realizes....Its.Spring.Time.
1. Post your favorite moments

Rooting out the Sect members in their meeting house – good combat, no idea how we got through the wards, & strike team? Who needs ‘em!
The ‘Rats’ lair, amusing how initially we had such control and wiped them out completely, then when they returned for a second wave we were torn apart.
I liked the city sound effects in the marketplace, they may have been too loud sometimes, but added atmosphere overall.
I also liked the tavern set up, the walls and covered kitchen entrance really made a difference – this set dressing should be kept for all future inns/meeting halls/castles, etc. in game, i.e. put up the stone effect tarps any time we use the LYC main hall! Maybe add in some small meeting rooms at the back, etc. too – they would probably be used by players.

Once the voting and new queen was selected it felt like the event actually commenced, there were roleplay encounters and action.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)

The first two days were too slow, waaaaaaay too slow, I heard 3, maybe 4 different experienced players comment to new players that this event was the slowest one they had ever been to/seen, they were literally apologizing for the lack of any and all action to the new players by Sunday morning.

The “talk to Wheatley” format for an election was BS. When I was heading to my Lair, I spotted Wheatley, after that no sign of him till after he made his decision. Further, Wheatley is going to make a selection, based on some nice things people say about a noble? Naw, I call BS – it should have been the nobles campaigning and selling themselves for our votes at the events leading up to this one, and then a simple token/written vote in a box, counted in front of everyone – either that or Plot should just tell the players who the NPC is going to be, like with the selection of the Queen.

Everything related to the nobles, voting and the new king/queen should have been over and done with by Saturday dinner time, at the latest.

There were a few minor encounters with traders, but this event, unlike the Parsons breach events, should have had dozens of random encounters with all sorts of people, there should have been almost no let-up in the individual encounters, specifically based on where the event was set – traders, thieves, cutthroats, farmers, minor nobles, feuding family members any and all types of vagrants, adventurers, mercs, etc. etc. to name a few – opportunity was there, adequate random encounters with players were not.

I understand the limitations of NPC camp, but for the place, the volume of people in the city and the endless possibilities, these should have been far better.

The Lair with the collapse of the street leading to a old cemetery was awful, I’ve had a few players tell me lairs are “like that” and they are not graded for the party, you ‘get what you get’, etc. – this is not how it used to be. We walked in, found a crawling undead, someone poked him with a sword and the other gave us a voice radius death. Very poorly written, no-one on the lair had any chance to cloak the death effect – this should have been seen and realized – if it wasn’t known to the ref running the encounter, then ask the players before the encounter! While no player actually died in the end, the encounter wasn’t a ‘run and get help if you need it’ lair, it was an arrive, do almost nothing and the party dies entirely – better writing is needed for this.

3. What you would like to see more of

Some introductory missions and tasks for new and very low level players – they need these to be drawn into the game and story as early as possible – they weren’t included they way they could have been at this event.

The meal plan food was good, keep it up.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

Hmmmm, interesting choice for Queen, I foresee her race presenting some unique challenges in the future.

Review - Chris/Rovinder Kitt
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