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  1. JordarAd

    Event, March 16th-18th: Building a Legacy

    When will payment options for Pre-Registering be available on the website?
  2. JordarAd

    Scroll access

    Small photo books which fit 3.5" x 5" photos are big enough for your scroll reps, have plastic-protector pages, and are flippable for easy organization (I tuck my tags under the reps, and hand them to NPCs after combat is over). That, and I got mine at a Thrift store (it actually looks period...
  3. JordarAd

    Shatter/Destroy in your chapter

    I've found that shatters and destroys can be used well and effectively, with minimal detriment to low level PCs IF weapon tags from NPCs are a commodity for players. The problem with using S/D spells comes from the widely-used "monster weapons" in which NPC weapon/armor tags are not given out...
  4. JordarAd

    Magic Culture: Celestial and Earth

    One of my long-standing characters in NERO (who went with the switch to Alliance) completed a theoretical text on the nature of Celestial and Earth magics called "Magis di Terrus". In his book, he theorized that it is the Planar energies of the Primal (Life, Death, Chaos and Order) Planes and...
  5. JordarAd

    Libram Arcanus

    More pages complete!
  6. JordarAd


    Next session will be December 10th at Wheeler Farm:
  7. JordarAd

    Libram Arcanus

    As for diagrams of magic effects, yes, I plan on doing quite a few.
  8. JordarAd

    Libram Arcanus

    Thanks much - please check out my other work at your convenience!
  9. JordarAd

    Libram Arcanus

    Short answer: Yes. My current primary character is a Scribe and artist, and he sees his spellbook as an extension of his “art” - I have a bound book I’ll be adhering the pages to, including any ritual scrolls I accumulate over time.
  10. JordarAd

    Libram Arcanus

    I've been applying what I teach in my Calligraphy classes to create a spell book for my celestial caster - so far, I've only got a few pages done, but I'm using these nifty little glittery paint pens for the "Read Magic" text, and simple translations from Viking Runes to English. You can find...
  11. JordarAd

    The After LARP-ers Comic

    What program are you using to create this? If the text is difficult to read, I suggest creating a larger size format, and using a text layer to type the letters in to get your kerning and layout before hand-drawing the letters on an overlay layer.
  12. JordarAd


    We'll be meeting up at Murray Park Sunday the 19th at noon to practice combat skills and scenarios. You can find out more at the FB page:
  13. JordarAd


    The ONLY time I've seen Polearms used effectively was as they were intended to be used - as an organized line - and they were scary effective. (Of course, they were used by a group of organized and regimented Earth Templars...) Staff is good for blocking and only blocking as it is mandated by...
  14. JordarAd

    Wylderkin Racial Dodge or Racial Slay?

    Play the kin you want to play. Expensive build buys be damned. It’s a role play game, not min/max stat crunching.
  15. JordarAd

    Rituals on thrown weapons clarification

    And if the target is smart, they’ll pick up said weapon and run, then get a “transfer enchantment”...
  16. JordarAd


  17. JordarAd

    Alliance Nationals 2018 in Colorado

    Is the event supposedly taking place in New Acarthia In Game? Or is it considered at another location...
  18. JordarAd

    Charm clarification: Please only Alliance LARP Utah Marshals respond.

    I'm interested in a clarification on this from a Marshal, because Buddy described this as a very slow and deliberate charming of the Travelers when recounting the experience in our post-game talks at Chuck -A-Rama on Sunday. In the rules, I've always found the wording on Charm to be open to RP...
  19. JordarAd

    Scripts and Prose

    Puck- Your motivation is not my concern. I'm just looking for aid. I'll make images of my copies available by request and sent through private falcon. Brother Faux
  20. JordarAd

    Scripts and Prose

    Corso- That, as always, depends on what you define as "payment"... -Faux