Search results

  1. JordarAd

    Scripts and Prose

    Having ventured within the Ruins of Old, I and others came upon pages of singular text that many are interested in translating. At this time, I could only get limited information from Captain Riker regarding the nuances of the script, but as of this writing, I am compiling notes from the three...
  2. JordarAd

    90% attitude, 10% skill...

  3. JordarAd

    90% attitude, 10% skill...

    I've been doing this awhile. In the Spring of '96, I went with some high school friends of mine to a convention in Michigan to meet Kevin Siembieda (Creator of RIFTS and a bunch of other OP RPGs). Once there, we saw a makeshift garbage bag and PVC and a number of people dressed in garb with a...
  4. JordarAd

    Missing pages... and an offer of trade.

    To those who can pass on this information within Malidor's Outpost and any with interest within the arcane- I have misplaced my copies of Eros Noque Wytherwynd's and Archwizard Bellcross's treatises on magic, "Magic di Terrus" and "Libram Celestalis", respectively. These are older texts, so...
  5. JordarAd

    Do you want to learn to make a weapon?

    Due to conflictions, the date has been changed to October 3rd. Same time and place!
  6. JordarAd

    *marked with a print of 8 pointed star within two ouroboros

    My apologies, Your Highness. I have made the necessary corrections.
  7. JordarAd

    Mercantile Travelers

    To those traveling to the Brightstone Mountains Outpost to sell their wares- I and my Kin would seek your wares in all manner of goods and services. Seek me out in a private message, or at the Mage's Guild upon your arrival. Brother Faux
  8. JordarAd

    Do you want to learn to make a weapon?

    Come to our Weapon Crafting Shindig! Wednesday, September 27 at 4 PM - 8 PM 389 E 6230 S Murray, UT
  9. JordarAd

    Lookin' for Maker Folks Across Fortannis!

    I am a calligrapher and artist - I make paintings, drawings, and fine scrolls and books by request. If you're interested in a great gift for nobility, nothing says "feudalism" much like a portrait of your liege lord... I'd be willing to trade for goods, services, or hard coin as well, if...
  10. JordarAd

    Arrows and spell packets.

    As an addendum: I've played in numerous LARPs in which folks have made sure their packets were a unique color or pattern to distinguish them from other players' and NPC's. If you want to make sure you get (the majority of) your packets thrown at an event, pick a color you can easily distinguish...
  11. JordarAd

    New Players...

    For those of you who have never played Alliance LARP before and have local chapter questions, or just want to meet up with someone with a face-to-face to make characters or ask questions, please contact me. Jordan C Brun Alliance LARP Utah New Player Liason
  12. JordarAd


    We're planning on multiple events next year - October will be our only one this year, but with the turnout we've had for new player Orientations and our presence at Cons and Festivals, it's a safe bet we'll be here when you're ready.
  13. JordarAd

    *marked with a print of 8 pointed star within two ouroboros

    Visitors to Malidor's Outpost- Welcome. First, I wish you safe travels and wind at your back. Second, I wish to introduce myself. I have the pleasure to serve Capitain Riker, Assistant to His Highness Prince Malidor, as Liaison to the Mage's Guild of our little settlement. Many of you who find...
  14. JordarAd

    Want/need a portrait?

    Also, I'm very willing to do trade services for Costuming, Armor, and Latex Weaponry. DM me for barter!
  15. JordarAd

    Want/need a portrait?

    Fellow nerds- I'm a visual artist living in SLC, and have been working with a variety of media - both traditional and uncommon - over the last years, experimenting with a variety of fantastical methods. If you need or want a character portrait, I'm offering my services. Please peruse the link...
  16. JordarAd

    Newbie Help

    I'll be happy to make you something for the event - I have some good rates on weapons, and they're durable. You can give me a call at 248-910-7812. -Jordan