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    Here to Help New Adventurers

    Thank you Gertrude! I typically try and get as many items that newer adventurers need right away which can include things like silvered weapons, better armor and shields. I will definitely seek you out and thank you.
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    Here to Help New Adventurers

    Durran, I recall, it would be an honor to meet you again and your assistance would be of immeasurable value. Thank you. Killian Flyte
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    Here to Help New Adventurers

    Tribune Plue, Thank you for your offer. I would be happy to meet with you and would be honored to accept any help you would give. The Militia would not have been possible without the support of those more seasoned adventurers being willing to share their wisdom and experience and I am...
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    Here to Help New Adventurers

    Hello there! I am Killian Flyte and I am the captain of the Foxbridge Milita. We are a group dedicated to helping new adventurers with things like gear, weapons, and battle tactics. If you are a new adventurer and find yourself in unfamiliar or dangerous surroundings and we are in the same area...
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    April '19 Favorites!

    There were a lot of them so some of these I will condense together. -The Militia both as an RP element and as a fighting force are always amazing to work with and lead. You all make the game so great. -Having my old friend Gerrick come and remind Killian about how much of a nerd he was when we...
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    Looking for a place to stay

    This is Killian Flyte, Captain of the Militia and Armsman of the Silverblades. The Militia cabins are always open to those that would like to stay. You and your daughter are welcome if you wish.
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    January 2019 Favorite Moments

    - Being made an Armsman was amazing -Seeing Ulric get to become a Squire - My resurrection story from Luke -Amory and Ian taking great joy in my resurrection story reactions - Getting to lead the battles is always a high point for me. -Getting too far out and being bound, pinned, confined...
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    In need of arrows

    I keep a stockpile of arrows for the Militia to use, but if you are in need Squire Tanis I will be able to supply you with some. Killian Flyte
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    [.11] Weapon/Armor Duration (split from Packet Color Thread)

    Of course. I absolutely understand that. I was just wanting to give a positive experience I have had with arrows. Honestly, when I arrived archery in general was pretty low on people's list, partially because of the arrow issue. I saw that and decided to have my character help correct that by...
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    [.11] Weapon/Armor Duration (split from Packet Color Thread)

    I personally really enjoy the economy of arrows. Once again this is a personal opinion as it is something that creates a fun economy in Oregon. I buy around 10-15 quivers per game so that I can give them out to the new adventurers. The blacksmith gets paid, the archers get arrows and I get to...
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    November '18 Event Favorites

    As always, so much happened and so much amazing occurred, here is what I have that sticks out so far: Battle Planning: Always one of my favorite moments and getting to work with different NPC's to craft a battle plan was a lot of fun and very immersive. Being yelled at to just "Eat the...
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    September Favorites!

    1. Commanding the Militia is always a joy and an honor. All of you are amazing. 2. There was so much amazing RP this game. I got a chance to talk with just about everyone it feels like. 3. Trying to figure out how to get Ruby free was a full weekend head scratcher. Getting to work with Ian...
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    Kelb dreaming for help

    There is a rescue plan in action Kelb. Keep yourself safe and they will get you out.
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    [.11] Celestial Adverse Races [POLL]

    I would be more inclined to that answer as it doesn't destroy the history and lore of the biata race.
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    [.11] Celestial Adverse Races [POLL]

    I understand that, however I would say that I am not the only one who feels this way which means that by removing this you would still be making other people's game worse. I would also say that mechanical limitations do not take away from the game. I do not find the game lacking because I can't...
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    [.11] Celestial Adverse Races [POLL]

    I understand that I am not the majority, but I don't think things need to be mechanically the same. I believe the mechanical differences and restrictions create just as much fun as the thematic differences because those mechanical restrictions feed into the thematic ones. I don't need to have...
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    [.11] Celestial Adverse Races [POLL]

    I understand the gypsy curse concept but I mean literally this aversion is the cornerstone of the race. It is what the bulk of the race packet is concerned with and every aspect of society is focused on keeping celestial magic in check and away from them. If you remove the aversion it...
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    [.11] Celestial Adverse Races [POLL]

    I would like to keep the biata restriction in place. I do not care that I cannot use celestial magic. That is the price I paid for the race and I am fine with that. I understand that I am giving up a lot of utility and power by not having access to celestial magic. I understand that this means I...
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    [.11] Magic Strike needs to be General

    So, I haven't posted before but I wanted to throw my two cents in. I agree that playing a biata can be difficult if you don't understand what you are getting into but honestly I knew by the end of my first game how hard it was going to be. I mean the first night we had to figure out wards and...
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    July Event "Danger Zone" Favorite Moments

    Honestly, I have taken more time to think on this game than any other I have attended. There was so much depth and nuance to it that it has taken me some time to figure it all out. So in no particular order here are some of my favorite moments. The militia: This was a hard set of battles and...