Here to Help New Adventurers


Hello there! I am Killian Flyte and I am the captain of the Foxbridge Milita. We are a group dedicated to helping new adventurers with things like gear, weapons, and battle tactics. If you are a new adventurer and find yourself in unfamiliar or dangerous surroundings and we are in the same area you are welcome to come and let us know your needs and we will work to get it for you, no coin required. If you are looking to fight with a group of other newer adventurers in battles to increase your survivability by having solid tactics and communication during the often chaotic fights we are here for you.

(OOG:) Hi there! This is Thomas and I just wanted to let any new players know that I will be at Big West as will several other new adventurers who are part of the Militia. Just seek us out if you are interested in some no strings attached help. Clumping up all the newer adventurers often also helps us pick battles and enemies that we can all fight together and take advantage of our combined strength. Hope to see you all there and I wish you all the best.
Hello Captain Killian,

This is a very thoughtful offer. If there is anything that a moderately seasoned adventurer such as myself could do to help this endeavor, I would love to contribute. I am capable of providing healing support, perhaps some goods and equipment (we shall have to see what makes its way across the mists), and of course, a hand of friendship.

I am a biata who most often wears white and yellow, and carries a sword and shield with adornments of butterfly wings.

Tribune Plue

(OOG: I was the recipient of some awesome support from some more experienced players at the first Big West when I was quite new, and would love to meet some rad new people and pay the favor forward!)
Tribune Plue,

Thank you for your offer. I would be happy to meet with you and would be honored to accept any help you would give. The Militia would not have been possible without the support of those more seasoned adventurers being willing to share their wisdom and experience and I am always excited to learn more and pass that on.

Killian Flyte
Captain Killian,

We have met previously, and just like Tribune Plue mentioned, we have all been new adventures. I am a seasoned swordsmith and frontlines man. I would be happy to provide any assistance that you and yours might need.

I'll be the red hooded Dwarf axeman with a shield.


I recall, it would be an honor to meet you again and your assistance would be of immeasurable value. Thank you.

Killian Flyte
If you are in need of building your weapon and armor stores come to me. I do good work and have some things in stock.

-Gertrude the Gruntuled Dwarf
Thank you Gertrude! I typically try and get as many items that newer adventurers need right away which can include things like silvered weapons, better armor and shields. I will definitely seek you out and thank you.
I would also be willing to aid your militia. I have access to scrolls for any up and coming celestialists. I will find you upon arrival goodman Flyte; I am quite hard to miss as I am a stone elf and will most likely be the only one.

- Daxter
Thank you Daxter. I will make sure that any scrolls I procure from you get to those celestialists.

Killian Flyte
I can assure you that you will not be the only stone elf by a statistically improbable margin.

Lady Vellis Valeriana Tsalarioth
If I do not have any matters to attend to, I am happy to accompany any groups that would like me to serve as a safety measure while they learn the ropes.

Watching the growth of new heroes is always enjoyable.

-Shaman Zeth