Search results

  1. Redcloud

    <<Notice of Guild Ball and Tourney tacked in Taverns and Guilds across Barran>>

    What type of tourney will this be. Is it a test of team skill or individual proficiency?
  2. Redcloud

    May 2017 Favorites

    This event keep my nerding on point, and there were plenty of potential favorites... here are a few. 1. Seeing old friends return... *Kills random undead* "I search you... *hands me my stuff, looks me in the eyes, smiles and walks away and I'm surprised, but plesantly so* Turns to Mike B...
  3. Redcloud

    Best skills for a beginning scout?

    We've clearly been away from HQ for too long! ;-) But yeah, my 2 cents Sword and Shield, alchemy 3, archery Work on your Profs (Get at least 2,to get your Parry) [now you swing 4s] Work on getting 4 backstabs (4 evades and 2 dodges help survivability alot!) Back to profs (2 more, for a 2nd...
  4. Redcloud

    Tree of Life Jewelers now taking custom orders!

    Well, I have good news and bad news! The good news is, I only have 1 order so far, so I have plenty of time for more.... the bad news, if you don't order soon, I wont be able to acquire the materials necessary to have your order complete by the end of next month! Don't delay, get those requests...
  5. Redcloud

    New Tavern invitation and celebration

    To all who desire to test their skill and compete for glory, The Black Forest hereby invites the adventuring populace to join us at our Manor, "The Blackhallow", during the week of the Sugar Sun Celebration. Aside for the revelry, we challenge you to hunt nightmares on our lands and collect...
  6. Redcloud

    Tree of Life Jewelers now taking custom orders!

    My fellow adventures, Looking for something to liven up the wardrobe, a gift for that special someone, a trinket to enchant, or just a little knick-knack? Well then, we've got what you need. Many of you have seen my wares in the past, many of you have purchased from me as well. I pride myself...
  7. Redcloud

    Spring is here, and we gather...

    Sapharia, Will you be at the first gather ofvthe spring. As the long winter thaws, I think we have much to discuss. If not, let me know and I will handle guild business for the duration. Redcloud
  8. Redcloud

    Alliance HQ is at Dreamation 2017

    Ugh... lol.. I'm leaving for Florida that morning or I would of totally been there... damn you cosmic forces of time and space!
  9. Redcloud

    Jewler and Gem Crafting Guild Members

    Sapharia, I hope all is well. Have no worries, I will make sure everything is handled properly in your absence. Until we next meet. Redcloud
  10. Redcloud

    Jewler and Gem Crafting Guild Members

    I'll be there. May have a rough draft of my thesis too. So far the theory is sound and the fundamentals work, just connecting the dots and testing it left to do. -Redcloud
  11. Redcloud

    Master Thesis

    Anyone who may know.... I have been working on my Master thesis and almost have it ready. I know to whom I must submit it, it's the timing of submission that vexes me. Do I wait until I have enough points for promotion to submit, or can I submit in advance, and get promoted when I reach the...
  12. Redcloud

    Current Guild Points

    Sapharia, Just fyi, since I saw you note yours here. I have already written my master's thesis and an constructing the physical components now. I will be budy in the gulid halls until august, but I hope everything will be ready for testing and submission then. To whom do I submit my thesis...
  13. Redcloud

    Ye were nae always such a strong adventurer...

    'Tis true! 'Tis true! Once upon a time thou weren't event capable of feeding thyself, clothing thyself, cleaning thyself.... How did you survive? The answer is simple! Your Matron, Your Mother, Your Lifegiver... Whatever you may call her, you owe her a great deal. Why not get a great deal of...
  14. Redcloud

    If you are in need of appraisals of gems at the next gather....

    I have just reviewed my inventory and have chosen a few more pieces to bring with me for sale at the next gather as well. Remeber, Matron's Day is only half a fortnight away, why not pick up somethng pretty? Redcloud
  15. Redcloud

    Opener Favorites!!!

    Awesome weekend, great event, here's some faves. -Hanging out with Santet again. Reading bones, trading for brains, singing old songs... Brian, we dont see each other enough, never a dull moment, miss you bro. -write up reward goodness. Plot/Rich, you guys to an awesome job, I never feel...
  16. Redcloud

    Who to see for guild business next gather

    Artos, When you are handing off guild responsibilities to a team mate or guild member, it might be wise to inform them of your choice. I caught Noldrik completely unaware with my request to turn in thing I had gathered. We worked it out eventually, but I think he'd appreciate a heads up next...
  17. Redcloud

    Attention all guild members.

    i'll will be there.
  18. Redcloud

    Betrayer of Hydara, your attention is needed.

    I need a lil more info as to what happened, how it happened and what exactly that title means...
  19. Redcloud

    Current Guild Points

    Sapharia, I spent the last month in service to the guild, scouting the area around Geistbadden looking for new Gem mines/caves/veins. I was told this would be sufficient enough to maintain my active status this month even though I would not be physically present at this months gather. I figured...