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  1. Redcloud

    What kind of world do you want?

    Wow, time flies so fast...... So it's been a lil over year now since the last post, Twins are now 5... kindergarten starts in a few weeks. Mainstream! No more special education, no more therapy. Between the diet changes, the shots and the early diagnosis and intervention/therapy I am happy...
  2. Redcloud

    Legal Question'

    Everyone is entitled to their opinions. If they really didn't want outside comments, this should of been taken private when it got personal.
  3. Redcloud

    Legal Question'

    I know that I truly have nothing to do with the majority of this discussion. However I do have to comment over the oddness that someone takes more offence to being called a whore than being called a necromancer. Redcloud.
  4. Redcloud


    I don't remember any violence when we left Fairdale or Ashbury. I also don't remember any members ever returning... Seeking redemption requires one to have something to be redeemed for. While we may have shortcomings in other areas, the actions with which we we charged never occurred and there...
  5. Redcloud


    For the record, nobody who was convicted at the "trial" during tourney has ever been convicted of necromancy before. Furthermore, in her curtness of tongue, Amaris made our "coercion" of Raven sound much more physical then it actually was. We merely informed him that the Biata Council was to be...
  6. Redcloud

    Doomed to repeat it...

    My friends, my fellow adventurers, townspeople, and even those who may not like me, I have spent many a night doing research, thinking about things that have recently transpired, and reading over materials from a time many lived through yet did not happen... yet. As some of my fellow...
  7. Redcloud

    Tournament Results?

    Would anyone who was present give a breif recap of the tourney for those of us who couldn't be there to participate? I am most eager to hear how it went and who was victorious. -Redcloud
  8. Redcloud

    Wanted: defense attorney

    That's not entirely correct Sparky. We did present a defense, and it seemed to be a pretty solid one. However, the people on trial were still found guilty. -Red
  9. Redcloud

    Sept Tourney

    Yeah, i agree. Last year at the indv. we did packet arch. That's kinda what i've been prepping for, lol. I haven't picked up a real bow in almost 2 yrs... this is gonna be interesting. Good Luck Fellow Archers!
  10. Redcloud

    June 2010 Favorites

    i wasn't trying to point fingers and we did have fun, it just explains things alot better now if it was indeed unscaled. Doing any kinda unscaled mod, or even a scaled one in some cases, is always difficult on sat afternoon after you've been beaten on and been beating things all weekend. We have...
  11. Redcloud

    June 2010 Favorites

    Funny how those "people who you won't mention" were never informed that it was an unscaled mod....
  12. Redcloud

    What kind of world do you want?

    we'll be waling for the cure soon. anyone interested on donating you can do so here: If you wanna join us on the walk you can go to ...
  13. Redcloud

    November NPCs and PCs

    Mike Wasielewski, Dave Balsome, Mike Balsome, Hau Tran and Matt Watkins will be bringing the Black Forest to the Deadlands....
  14. Redcloud

    The those travelling to fairdale this weekend

    Over the past year, since the last halloween, the Black Forest has been dealing with a foul creature who will be of great importance this halloween. I will endeavor to impart all of my knowledge here, as serious illness will keep me from making the journey. On the last Halloween, some of...
  15. Redcloud

    What kind of world do you want?

    The kids love school so damn much, the actuallt fight to get on the bus in the morning. Connor's got himself a girlfriend, Jasmine, and his favorite thing to do is arts and crafts (which he calls arts and craps). Brendan is all about circle time and singing. All in all we couldn't be happier...
  16. Redcloud

    This is the post that never ends (Again)

    Right please... no no, awesome, i mean awesome..
  17. Redcloud

    Grade the September event

    **Sniff sniff** I smell a possibly alliance morning show here... *[silly jingle] HQ in the AM, With Scott and Toddo! [/silly jingle]*
  18. Redcloud

    Tournament Feedback

    --Challenge of Champions: I love the idea of people challenging other people to games of their own creation, skill, strengths. I honestly didn't participate in this even as much as I probably should have, and will definately do so more in the future, though i do think it needs to remain an...
  19. Redcloud

    This is the post that never ends (Again)

    Nope... not over... never over... must live!
  20. Redcloud

    Disney buys Marvel!

    There's a TOn of this stuff all over the web! some sillyer than others ceck out more at