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  1. PYKE

    info dump

    Been gone for 2 years and want to know anything I will have to be looking out for. I have my own personal quest but that is just that personal. What has the most been doing and what new things are there. Pyke
  2. PYKE


    Yes I will. Pyke
  3. PYKE


    This may or may not be connected but the undead town that I have been telling people about may or may not be the base for the Illithid. The master has a clear line to the barroness of Merrow and she has a direct line to the king. For those that want info this is what I have found. I do know what...
  4. PYKE

    I have tried to keep tabs but can you help

    Thank you sir Carstark. Anything that you need as well I will tend to as I have many things to work on as my home may have to stay ardic and not the hardwoods. Pyke
  5. PYKE

    I have tried to keep tabs but can you help

    I feel a strong urgency to mend my relationship with the malakari stone elves. I know Im a wanted fugitive and need to tell my story. This may be dangerous for me but with help I think i can mend it. I have word coming to ardic that will give me a place and time to meet. I have been ambushed...
  6. PYKE

    [.11] meditate skills lost to evade or dodges

    That I can vision and am happy with that understanding.
  7. PYKE

    [.11] meditate skills lost to evade or dodges

    Just don't which one we go with when it comes with in game perspective or oog. One should be set and all revolve around.
  8. PYKE

    [.11] meditate skills lost to evade or dodges

    If I were to swing and miss on a assassinate. I could meditate is back. But if a oog call of evade or dodged was used to show it didn't hit and missed I can't. In looking at it from in game eyes I did miss and could be able to meditate and bring back that skill. Something to ponder on... Jared
  9. PYKE

    Dragonfall Event Feedback - What are your thoughts about the 2.0 Rules

    Also I love the meditate idea. Not worried about using my take outs because if they defend them there gone but now can bring them back. With magic items I was down to one minute of roleplay. I find that very satisfying Jared
  10. PYKE

    [.11] Jack of All Trades

    Yes alot of build but as a 25 level alchemist the coin helps. Plus I love the roleplay I get with them
  11. PYKE

    Dragonfall Event Feedback - What what your favorite Experience/Costume/Interaction?

    Alot of different things happen this event that I enjoyed. 1. The Labyrinth was an awesome idea to test out things with a in-game feel of no pressure of death. But even without that the way it was done was great and was able to use my craftsmans. 2. Helping with the feast was fun for me as I...
  12. PYKE

    Dragonfall Event Feedback - What are your thoughts about the 2.0 Rules

    From the rouges side of the play field, I am ecstatic about how I made pyke. I felt i was very useful and in fighting along with craftsmans. I built himto be a take out fighter not constant hard hitting from the back and at the end of each logistics I still had skills left. I was on a constant...
  13. PYKE

    [.11] Being a fighter

    After a play test event as a rouge I started looking at maybe making a fighter as I didn't see many play. I made a charter build for a fighter and saw the sad reality that fighters are horrible to play now. As a rouge I had built it as a take out hitter with evades and dodges. Using alot of...
  14. PYKE

    [.11] Jack of All Trades

    On another subject of this. The wording of "For every 10 Craftsman (Other) skills the wielder possesses, they count as having one additional level of Enhanced Meditate." Do you have to have one rank in Enhanced Meditate for it to work. Example I have 30 levels of craftsman I have Jack of all...
  15. PYKE

    XP For Event

    I also had the Chicago event blanketed and put on the old character already. But you will have to add that to the other one too.
  16. PYKE

    [.11] Appears to heal me

    This is designed for when a action happens not an overall viewing. I understand we can't see how our body looks at 1 hit point but when there is a action or healing or does something outside of the norm there needs to be a call from the person affected
  17. PYKE

    So amazing

    Thank you all for understanding and letting me take a vacation event. I needed it can't wait to see everyone again Jared
  18. PYKE

    [.11] Appears to heal me

    Anything that physically changes when someone is hit like healing or reduced needs to be in the person being affected stating a oog affect. As a imaginary affect I can't visually see if someone is healed. As if this was real you look at someone with a gash to their torso and swings and all a...
  19. PYKE

    [.11] Surprise attack examples?

    I agree. I just see this ability never being taken by more than 1% of the rouges as the cost are so high and the usefulness of it is extremely limited. would like to see all skills be useful and wanting to be used but this one shows almost no use at all in actual gameplay. I plan on testing it...
  20. PYKE

    [.11] Surprise attack examples?

    I see some of your point. I notice if something rifts or comes from the ground its too far away for an attack. rarely is it that they come close enough to hit and if they do why not just killing blow it as it comes in.