[.11] meditate skills lost to evade or dodges


If I were to swing and miss on a assassinate. I could meditate is back. But if a oog call of evade or dodged was used to show it didn't hit and missed I can't. In looking at it from in game eyes I did miss and could be able to meditate and bring back that skill. Something to ponder on...

Because in the game system it has "resolved". Yes, I know that in a cinematic perspective it doesn't "make sense" because they avoided the attack, but in the "real world" it was one character that used a thing and then the other character used another thing to avoid that effect.
Just don't which one we go with when it comes with in game perspective or oog. One should be set and all revolve around.
The basic intent is that if someone has to use one of their abilities to negate one of your abilities, then you shouldn't be able to Meditate your ability back (and neither can they). In-universe, think of it as them using their superior reflexes to Dodge or Evade the ability at the very last moment, rather than you just missing with your swing.
in-universe, think of it as them using their superior reflexes to Dodge or Evade the ability at the very last moment, rather than you just missing with your swing.
That I can vision and am happy with that understanding.