Search results

  1. PYKE

    I am in need of help

    My illness has almost over taken me. Blood pours from my eyes and the only relief I see is a tasty berry. A tasty berry for some fearse woodland creature. I may not be able to fight them on my own or even at all. I only seek the berries. If you can help please meet me Friday night as it is...
  2. PYKE

    [IBGA] Crafty Folks

    I think I would like to work with you. As alchemist I have done some cool things. I personally made the recipe for life gasses in wayside earlier this year. Pyke
  3. PYKE

    June Event Feedback

    This event was very exhausting for me. Work had been pushing me and getting things ready last minute. But I learned for next time. Want to know input on tavern lights. Do they work or not. I will get more steaks for the tavern and monster camp. Was glad to see things get accomplished and ready...
  4. PYKE

    the remains of hoblings found

    5 hoblings have been found in the capital city. All have been murdered and one has had its back carved with a tree with a slash through it. A request from ulth city to the adventures to find the person responsible for this has been sent. A production shop with social tools will be granted to...
  5. PYKE

    Pre-Registration: July 14th 1-day Event

    I'm coming but need to know workshop placement for production before I can send it fully in. Jared s.
  6. PYKE

    Tell me more of this..."secondary campaign"

    That's fine. I want to try to outdo the healer guild cabin.
  7. PYKE

    Tell me more of this..."secondary campaign"

    I have bought a yurt tent and would like to set it up so to have a spot by itself so not to take room from other who want to sleep in the mixed cabins unless there is room to take up. I dobt mind doing either just don't want to take away people's area to sleep. If the other plot team is fine...
  8. PYKE

    Tell me more of this..."secondary campaign"

    I do have a question on buildings for the August event. I have been building up and creating things to make a alchemy shop. Will our physreps buildings still be able to be used for the weekend. I really would like to show off all the new things I have been doing. Jared
  9. PYKE

    June 29th Preregistration: A Wishful Wistful Summer's Night

    Have traverse this weekend as well but will work on making the next Jared
  10. PYKE

    searching for gas traps

    As I am spending extra money on top of the trap with gasses I was merely asking to not be up charged alot. I was hoping for abundance of traps but seems no one even has any in the coffers. I may just forgo the entire thought process of traps if I can't get an abundance. I help out and give...
  11. PYKE


    I personally just bought some locks like we're put out on the boxes last event so it would be easier to pick and in game style. I have some ideas for them but I also have a idea for a alchemist guild. I just got a yurt to be able to house things in. Jared
  12. PYKE

    searching for gas traps

    Dear dragonreach, I have been tasked to help with the myconid problem and seek to find as many gas traps as I can get. I seek to be prepared for a battle and having gas traps will certainly help. I ask the guilds to look into their coffers and see what they have and those traveling from other...
  13. PYKE

    Memorial Day Favorites

    My character came with little in mind to accomplish and didn't feel pressed for time to do anything. There was always something I could do and go out on which led to me being entertained and welcomed. First event in a while where I was not beaten down for crimes I supposedly did. Plus for me...
  14. PYKE

    A thank you

    I want to thank all the adventures this last market day. I feel the community of wayside was very strong and showed no discrimination to any adventure small or big. I know many things are in our way for peace and will be no small feat to accomplish but if we all stay together we all can make...
  15. PYKE

    Pre-Registration: June 8th-10th Weekend Event

    I will be out west for this event. But seeing I paid for the year do I still get production and craftsman coin? And have it held for me?
  16. PYKE

    Town Meeting

    Did I just hear you correctly that you said a round for the house on you while we discuss our lovely vacation Pyke
  17. PYKE

    IBGAs April Edition

    You would be surprised lol.
  18. PYKE

    IBGAs April Edition

    Still haven't got one. If it's still in the process no worries just don't want to be forgotten Jared s
  19. PYKE

    The Outer Planes

    That looks great. Thank you for your hard work. Pyke
  20. PYKE

    May 18th-20th event feedback