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  1. Redcloud

    With regrets...

    Will it just be the ball you'll be missing, or the entire tourney?
  2. Redcloud


    Isn't that why you said "little"?
  3. Redcloud

    The Dark Knight (Spoilers)

    Even though they never did anything, does anyone else think that the detonators we actually rigged to blow up the the boat they were actually on, not the other boat like they were told?
  4. Redcloud

    The Dark Knight (Spoilers)

    Within the burton movies, I thought Keaton was the best bruce and Kilmer was the best Batman. The only thing I don't like about Bale's Batman is the overly forced roughness of his batman voice. it sounds like he has a sore throat.
  5. Redcloud

    Muppets? On the world wide web??

    that was both entertaining and annoying at the same time.
  6. Redcloud


    I'm glad to see some people are though....
  7. Redcloud

    The Dark Knight (Spoilers)

    I really had low expectations for Ledger as the Joker, but he changed my mind fast. One word: Pencil.
  8. Redcloud


    Now now.... this isn't about who's better than who. It's about who can we make fun of more, the necromancer for being... well, a necromancer, or the scribe, for his unrelentless badgering of said necromancer. Maybe he hopes he can talk her to death..... personally I vote for the badgers. Heh...
  9. Redcloud

    This is boring...

    Actually we were going to, once upon a time, use the scroll to try and get Flatdog's body off the Plane of Chaos. We were disuaded, and now it's just kinda sittin there waiting to go poof.
  10. Redcloud


    Now if it was a bar of marshmallow that had been wrapped in soft silken cloth, that might be interesting to watch. Take alot more head smashing to reach unconsciousness then.
  11. Redcloud

    This is boring...

    Ya know... I think we may just happen to have a Planar Gate scroll collecting dust somewhere...
  12. Redcloud

    This is boring...

    Too bed we can't just cast a prison on her, perform an extend battle magic rit, then permanence it and just stick her in a closet for the rest of time. If only....
  13. Redcloud

    My thoughts wander...

    Ergo: She must die, just like Riddick suggested. see, it all comes together in a nice lil package. I have a package for her, wrapped in paper skulls and blood-soaked rags.... and it seems to be ticking.... hrmm, must mail it out soon...
  14. Redcloud

    This is boring...

    Um, I dunno if anyone else caught that but, wasn't the skull on.... her head golden? Wasn't it just removed by Zat recently? Me thinks that it was more than just a simple "mark" ritual.
  15. Redcloud


    I completely agree with Tieran, even though the riddle is worded as such to make the correct answer wrong.
  16. Redcloud


    Sorry... I tend to be a bit nit picky over lil things... Here I'll help ya! .............................................TO THE COURT OF NORDENN BY THE ORDER OF LADY KNIGHT GLORIANNA WYNDANCER NORDENN Information has been posted in our Nordenn Manor Hall...
  17. Redcloud


    I understand that, and I wasn't suggesting to destroy the old one, just add to it. Artists can do amazing things with their paintingshops these days.
  18. Redcloud

    Stoney Deepjug

    Stoney, The Black Forest would be happy to help you in the exploration and extermination of the oddities in your subteranian labyrinth. Feel fre to contact any of us with information, opportunities, or necessities. -Redcloud
  19. Redcloud

    What kind of world do you want?

    Update! With the ongoing therapy [ 13hs a week ABA (applied behavioral anaylsis), 1hr a week of OT (occupational thereapy) and 2 hrs a week of speech ] diet change (Gluten & Caesin free), Methyl B-12 shots, and vitamin supplements my kids are almost indistinguishable from a normal 2-yr old! To...
  20. Redcloud


    Glori, Don't you think it's time to update that painting on the door?