Dan Nickname Beshers said:Ezri said:A hand.
I have many brothers
I'll tell you of a few
And then I'll speak about myself
That is the final clue.
The first describes a Worker
Who toils all the day
The third describes a Mother
Who smiles as children play
The second is a Castle
With holes inside the wall
The fifth and six are much a like
They are a Trip and Fall
I am the fourth of six and I'm
The Mixed Up one
Even when I'm put in order
And with that my rhyme is done
I am at a complete loss. I have been siting here working on it for hours. I feel that the mixed up one refers to the fact that he lists his brothers out of order (first third second fifth sixth fourth). If the speeker is not an object, then it must be a person, or a place. I cannot for thelife of me determin what tho.