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  1. MKing

    Concerns about the new Selunari

    I would ask this, does the helmet at anytime while IC ever come off? If you answer is yes...then you must have the gem on your forehead. -Matt
  2. MKing

    Concerns about the new Selunari

    I would go with having the main one in place and then add 1 or 2 more in areas that are not covered. - Matt
  3. MKing

    Great Event!!

    So what to thank everyone who came out this weekend. Sorry I didn't get a chance to say good bye to a lot of you, but I needed to get back to CT for something else this afternoon. But big thanks to Plot for a great story and fun times!! THANK YOU TO THE NPC'S A FEW BUT MIGHTY!!! With out you...
  4. MKing

    March event sleeping areas

    There are cabins with bunks, they are first come first serve. You can tent as well.
  5. MKing

    looking to come up!

    Game on is on Friday night, but if you can't make it till Saturday morning that's ok. Just drop a line to logistics and let them know. ~Matt K.
  6. MKing

    Best Airport?

    Just to add a little bit to this, the site is in Mass.. Just over the border from CT.
  7. MKing

    Coming Up for February

    Snacks and something to drink, if you want something other than water. Also a willingness to have fun!! See ya then, Matt K.
  8. MKing

    Snow cancellation

    The next Fairday will be Feb 20th, I believe. ~Matt
  9. MKing

    Jan 23rd Fairday!

    So, less than a week away from our next Fairday!! Just a reminder that you can Pre-log. here: Also, just trying to get a full head count. Please post here, , if you will be coming and if you are...
  10. MKing

    oct faves

    Really bummed that I couldn't make the event. Head cold that decided that it liked my chest better, does not make for a fun event. I'll see some of you at the Fair days, and the rest once the full weekends start up again. ~Matt K.
  11. MKing

    shadows and dragons

    Squire Heresy, Avalon, I will also be at this next upcoming gather, but I will not be arriving till later in night. I would like to talk to you both about what happened, so that I have a better understanding of some of the more important events that have happened before I awoke. May the trees...
  12. MKing

    Tavern food service returns! Also sat dinner vote

    It would be a good idea to let her know if you have any allergies or other dietary restrictions! ~Matt K.
  13. MKing

    October 9-11 Long Weekend Event and Season Closer Pre-Registration List

    Pre-log done, will do my payment tomorrow!! ~Matt
  14. MKing

    October 9-11 Long Weekend Event and Season Closer Pre-Registration List

    Well, I would like to come, but it will all depend on if there is any slots left on Thursday when I can pay.☺ So we'll see what happens. ~Matt K.
  15. MKing

    September 11-13 Event Pre-Registration

    pre-log done and sent!! Now time to put together a costume and reps!!! Matt K.
  16. MKing

    Market Value, its Math, and My thoughts... open discussion

    yeah, I get that its the 100%. What I was trying to let you know that, in chapters that have been around for awhile, this is the going rate for Production items. Yes, the price can bounce around sometimes. Depending on what might be needed at the time, supply and demand. But again, this is your...
  17. MKing

    Market Value, its Math, and My thoughts... open discussion

    From an outside perspective, when dealing with production. The "market value" is equal to level in silver. Meaning that for every 5 production points equals one level, when dealing with armor, weapons and alchemy. Scrolls and potions use the level of the spell(which does = 5pp per level). This...
  18. MKing

    September 11-13 Event Pre-Registration

    Ok, payment sent. Just need to get an updataed character card so I can send in my pre-logistic. Matt K.
  19. MKing

    September 11-13 Event Pre-Registration

    Going to try and make the event. If I do I need to figure out which character to play. ~Matt K.