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  1. MKing

    August 14-16 Event Pre-Registration

    Would love to come up and bust out a new character, but I have to work on Saturday But you all have a great time! Matt K,
  2. MKing

    Metagaming and things that exist for OOG reasons but are IG-observable

    Well, look at it this way. You know that it's almost time to study (logistics). Well everyone needs to study, including that "BBG" . They are sitting there think that, If I attack just before study time there is a chance that those pesky adventurers might have depleated their spells and are...
  3. MKing

    Some questions

    Ok, so for the armor question, the best way to get 3 pt armor is with real metal armor. Either make it yourself if you can or buy it. The use of other materials to faux metal armor may result in less points, thats how the rules are written. Next, Disarm, are you asking about the Spell or the...
  4. MKing

    July event registration

    If you check out the facebook event, you will see what we have planned for food. Cold salad and hotdogs for dinner and eggs and egg sandwiches for breakfast. If you want to donate food stuffs let me or Melissa know so we can take it into account when we go for food. If you want to donate fruit,(...
  5. MKing

    July event registration

    I'll be sending in my payment within the next week to PC
  6. MKing

    in need of nightshade

    Avalon, I will look to see what I have, once I get back to my hut. ~Fen
  7. MKing

    June 19-21 Pre-Registration

    Not going to able to make this NH event. But I hope to see a good deal of you at the next CT event... Matt K.
  8. MKing


    Hello to one and all, I will be traveling to your lands in a few weeks time and was looking to see if anyone had some quivers that had the strongest vorpal coating on them for sale? Depending on the cost I may be looking for a few. So if you have some for sale, please let me know and a price as...
  9. MKing

    May 22-24 Event Registration

    Ok, so just sent in my mostly completed pre-log and my payment for the opener. ~Matt King
  10. MKing

    April 2015 Event Favorites

    Had a great time this pass weekend!! Fae Plot, Dryad Plot...Bugs. Links to the past leading to now!! Hey, Fen was kind of shot when the Dryads walked in(and so was the player)! Aggressive Rp, returns Aggressive Rp...wasn't going to go with that, but every time I was going to try and defuse...
  11. MKing

    Wayfarer's Guild Report: Insectoid Presence to The East

    I will be in the area soon. To help with what can. -Fen
  12. MKing

    Join My Krewe As We Cross The Planes To Unknown Adventure

    Captain Terranova, I wish to thank you! Never have I been on such a grand adventure! Perhaps we can sail the Black again soon, or next time let us show you a bit of adventure! -Fen
  13. MKing

    Join My Krewe As We Cross The Planes To Unknown Adventure

    Captain Fargo Terranova, I spoke with one of your crew a few days past. I will try my best to join in on this grand adventure. As long as the lands allow. -Fen Rover
  14. MKing

    Infectious diseases?

    In the past I have seen plague plots for lots of different races, i.e. targets that race and only that race, can be fun for that race, but not so much for other players. I have seen plague plots that effect everyone, most notable was the "Rat Plague" in the Crossroads chapter (when it was in NY...
  15. MKing


    CT is doing a workday, Jan 10th. For more info see our Facebook page. Thanks,
  16. MKing

    Fav's from the NOV. Fairday Closer!

    Fist off that's to the Staff for a great event, a big thanks to ALL the NPC's. You all were great, both First time and returning ones!!! Man, it was a weird having more NPC than PC!! Fun clean fights, lots of great Rping. Damn gypsy curses!!! All the butts!!!
  17. MKing

    The High Ogres of Earthmoot Say This

    Ulo Sunspeaker, I will return as quickly as I can. I am north a bit but I will return quickly now to stand with anyone who will fight. Fen Rover
  18. MKing

    Looking to sell and to buy

    Greetings to all, in my travels I have meet some new friends and have gathers a few things. So I wish to see if anyone would like to buy them. Most of what I have is basic gear, or so I have been told. I have quite a few different weapons, swords, axes, polearm and the such, as well as a stock...
  19. MKing

    Eagerly looking to NPC

    Our next event is a Fairday event, it's on Nov 29th. Which at this point is the last one of this year, unless they add another in Dec. You can look on the Caldaria website. Or find us on Facebook. Matt King
  20. MKing

    Favorites from The October Event!

    Having a full Weekend event is top on my list!!! Followed by if not equal to Staff and NPCs. Big thanks to Jesse for getting us a site to play at!! Thanks to Mike D. for writing a wicked cool event. THANK YOU NPCs for running your asses off to entertain us Pcs!! Sit down with Heresy and our...