Search results

  1. Ithica

    September event pre-registration (Ashbury Sept 16-18)

    Dylan Conklin and Matt Dio prereg ( on the 9 towers prereg) is for Alliance HQ Sept 16th event. I am bringing 4-6 new players with me that weekend. Please move him over. I told the rest to make a note when they pre-reg. Once they have another sign up, put us down for a Cabin plz. -Toddy
  2. Ithica

    Perm Catalyst for Trade

    I stand corrected, I also have a Perm Scroll from Caldaria I would be happy to trade for a Perm Scroll from Icenia.
  3. Ithica

    Calling all boffer-smiths...

    I can bring a few extras of mine I own, They are long or short swords. I can lend you one if you do not find one to use. -Toddy
  4. Ithica

    Perm Catalyst for Trade

    Greetings, I Have a Perm Catalyst from Icenia, I am seeking a Perm Catalyst from Caldaria. And please friends, I need nothing, nor am interested in anything else, so no offers of anything else. Commander Ithica, Warlord, Immortals.
  5. Ithica

    Perm Catalyst for Trade

    Greetings, I Have a Perm Catalyst from Icenia, I am seeking a Perm Catalyst from Caldaria. And please friends, I need nothing, nor am interested in anything else, so all other offers I humbly decline. Commander Ithica, Warlord, Immortals.
  6. Ithica

    September Event. What you need?

    Hey Folks I am very excited to be attending the next event. That being said, If anyone needs any Armor, Leather supplies, Ring Belts, Kidney belts, Bracers, Frogs, Leather bound cotton paper journals, or NEW 5 pocket pouches/bags (yes 5 pocket, they are great). Let me know. FaceBook...
  7. Ithica

    Stormbreak - A midsummer night's update

    What r the chances... Bring the unspent up a bit, and I am in! I Have a blank PC that would fit in nicely, but has more than 124 build (all unspent) -Toddy
  8. Ithica

    New Breastplates

    Warlords Crusade Armory, formerly known as Warlords Crusade Leather Armory. (Blacksmith work as well as Scale-mail incorporated into some of my Leather Armor) Crafted a few new breastplates/armor pieces. Also, for next month or So I will be taking custom orders. In most cases the lead time will...
  9. Ithica

    IG: A voice echoes across the mists

    Well seems like something of great power to draw me from my Mountain fortress, I have not sensed such a sinister adversary or challenge, since my dance with Death itself at its gates. Squire Alto Mistress Keely Lady Phedre Baroness Ezri Let me know what I can do to help, call and I will...
  10. Ithica

    A mass dreaming

    Your Grace, just Curious, what exactly are his crimes, this time around? What new crimes since his oblit sentence is he being charged with? Are they confirmed? I have not been present since his trial and execution, and by all means I am not defending him in anyway, just seeking information. Ithica
  11. Ithica

    event clarification pls

    Id run small mods for 12 days straight to get every person, class, race, proffesion in on some sort of mod!
  12. Ithica

    Leather Order

    Change of plans. I will be bringing some Pouches, bracers, belts/ringbelts, and leather spell books/journals with cotton paper inside. Seek me out if anyone wants to peruse.
  13. Ithica

    Leather Order

    Hey all, Finally making it to a game after some time. If anyone needs any Leather Goods let me know, Pouches, weapon frogs, pauldrons, bracers, ring belts... Ill bring a couple tof things, but if anyone wants anything specific, style or color wise LMK. (I dont dye white FYI) -Toddy Easier...
  14. Ithica

    component request

    Avalon Seek me out, I will be in attendance, but uncertain for how long. I have what you are looking for. I will take Alchemy Globes in trade. General Ithica of Immortal Legionnaires
  15. Ithica

    Sir Marcusagrim Anvilstrike

    Sir Grim, I have a matter to be discussed with you, face to face. I will be in attendance at the up coming gathering, and will make myself readily available upon your conveyance. General Ithica of Immortal Legionnaires Warlord of Tusnia
  16. Ithica

    ABC the quest.

    Okay made it through the first episode, glad I did. Was pretty cool, looking forward to next weeks episode.
  17. Ithica

    Review my Project!

    Your coins look great man, good job.
  18. Ithica

    ABC the quest.

    anyone watching this? I am not sure I'll make it through this first episode, let alone the season. Great idea from ABC, creative. Not sure my cup of tea to watch. -Toddy
  19. Ithica

    Need A Team.

    I regret I will not be attending after all. Squire Agurzil, thank you very much for your consideration and forgive me that I may not aid you or your team. Please know it has nothing to do with what Court or Noble you are affiliated with, as some might think otherwise, It would of been a...
  20. Ithica

    July 2014, Encroachment: stuff you want to share

    I forgot to add in how much enjoy playing this game with Bill AKA Sir Amaranthas.I know we give him a lot of Sh$T all in fun at times. But with the exception of a few people, Bill/Amaranthas is the oldest PC that has traveled all over with Ithica. 11 years. He as Amaranthas rightly deserves all...