Search results

  1. jtsquish

    Mist Touched Empowered Warrior for auction

    Well met everyone. Some time ago I had acquired a ritual scroll of Empowered Warrior that is Mist Touched. I seldom adventure any longer and when I do I think the coin would do me better than holding a scroll that would be better used in a more active adventurer's hands. With a large gather...
  2. jtsquish

    Spell parry and retribution interaction

    I spent some time trying to find if this had been asked already, so apologies if it has been. I've been out of the loop for several years. Can you use a retribution to bane something you've spell parried?
  3. jtsquish

    Role play items

    I couldn't find the cost for roleplay items in the new books (i.e. horses, houses, boats, etc). Are they using the same cost as 1.3? Did I miss it somewhere?
  4. jtsquish

    Oathsworn and swinging magic

    I might have missed it in trying to read through the new rules, but how can an oathsworn swing for the magic carrier without going against their distrust for celestial magic now that the general aspected damage aura is gone?
  5. jtsquish

    Auction for baked goods

    Once again I want to auction off a baked good of your choice! I will bake the winner of the auction one baked good of their choice and have it for them next gather. If you wish to place a bid you can do so here or contact me privately. The auction will close in 5 days on Wednesday the 13th at...
  6. jtsquish

    Kjeld's baked goods auction

    Once again I want to auction off a baked good of your choice! I will bake the winner of the auction one baked good of their choice and have it for them next gather. If you wish to place a bid you can do so here or contact me privately. The auction will close in 2 weeks at midnight, Sunday the 12th!
  7. jtsquish

    Lending out the loaner wand.

    As many of you know I have a wand of some power in my stores that I was told by it's owner to lend out at gathers. Who will be at the next gather that I should pass this wand off to? Please let me know well before the gather so I can arrange it's delivery to be borrowed. I have trouble with it's...
  8. jtsquish

    Kjeld's baked goods auction

    Once again I want to auction off a baked good of your choice! I will bake the winner of the auction one baked good of their choice and have it for them next gather. If you wish to place a bid you can do so here or contact me privately. The auction will close this Monday at midnight!
  9. jtsquish

    Big West '19?

    Hey, just wanted to see if there was any news on if/when/where Regionals is next year?
  10. jtsquish

    Riposte damage with a monster Slayer

    I'm sorry if this has already been asked, but I could not find an answer in my search. I swing 20 normally and 25 when a monster slayer procs, if I swing at a monster that I have the appropriate monster slayer for and it ripostes the blow, how much damage would I take? Would it be 25 because...
  11. jtsquish

    Kjeld's baked goods auction

    Once again I want to auction off a baked good of your choice! I will bake the winner of the auction one baked good of their choice and have it for them next gather. If you wish to place a bid you can do so here or contact me privately. The auction will close this Sunday at midnight.
  12. jtsquish

    Kjeld's baked goods

    Once again I want to auction off a baked good of your choice! I will bake the winner of the auction one baked good of their choice and have it for them next gather. If you wish to place a bid you can do so here or contact me privately. The auction will close this Friday at midnight.
  13. jtsquish

    2018 Nationals?

    I was wondering when we might have some info?
  14. jtsquish

    Kjeld's baked goods

    It has been some time since I last brought any baked goods, but I hope to change that this next gather. I also want to open up a proposal for an auction. I want to auction off a baked good of your choice! I will bake the winner of the auction one baked good of their choice and have it for them...
  15. jtsquish

    Requesting a limited circle of power

    I am looking for someone with a Create Limited Circle of Power ritual scroll that would be available to spellcraft it and invest two people into it. I will be happy to provide the components and compensate you for your time and effort. Kjeld son of Bjarn niðr Jardhilgr Roedha Keeper of Numbers...
  16. jtsquish

    I am in need of an Earth ritual caster.

    At the next event I will be making an item and I need a ritual caster that can provide the service. I will be happy to compensate you in the method you desire. Contact me privately if you wish to discuss the details.
  17. jtsquish

    I am in need of components.

    I am in need of 9 components. Any combination of Fangtooth, Cariosus, and/or Jetsam will do. I'll be happy to compensate you with your desired payment. I would need them this next gather in Caius.
  18. jtsquish

    The howl of the Vestr Valdyr

    [I am sending this message throughout the different lands for those who don't visit the Dreamscapes outside their own.] *a figure that the dream has trouble deciding whether he is wolf or man speaks up in a foreign tongue, but in the dream his words have meaning* For those of you that don't...
  19. jtsquish

    The howl of the Vestr Valdyr

    [I am sending this message throughout the different lands for those who don't visit the Dreamscapes outside their own.] *a figure that the dream has trouble deciding whether he is wolf or man speaks up in a foreign tongue, but in the dream his words have meaning* For those of you that don't...
  20. jtsquish

    The howl of the Vestr Valdyr

    [I am sending this message throughout the different lands for those who don't visit the Dreamscapes outside their own.] *a figure that the dream has trouble deciding whether he is wolf or man speaks up in a foreign tongue, but in the dream his words have meaning* For those of you that don't...