Search results

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    Escort for those in need

    To the populace of Dragonreach, My caravan of Selunari will be spreading out in an attempt to get as many to the waystones as possible. We have wagons and accomplished riders who will bring you and your families to the closest waystones so you may seek shelter. If you see our banners know we...
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    The time for farewells

    It is the time of year where the dead are remembered and the land of spirits is close. If you have a loved one that you wish to fare well too I have a caster ready to help. Contact me if you are in need. Nikkolai Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    I know it is a rumor but if anyone has a problem with the Selunari of Wayside seek me out and we shall address your grievance. Nikkolai Leader of the Ghost Ravens Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Seeking Truth

    Eric Marsters, Lady Fallingstar, Sir Siril please contact me privately I have urgent news. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Fire in the vault!

    *Through the entire vault a wave of hatred spreads like an inferno, pain and screaming can be heard as the inferno burns hot then fades* Nikkolai Ravania
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    Those who dance

    To all those in Wayside and beyond, I am searching for any who are interested in dancing to drums and possible other instruments. I am looking to put together a special event, please contact me by message. Nikkolai
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    A call to the blood

    To all Rom of the true blood I send this message. There is unrest in Wayside, our people have been threatened and attacked. I am calling to try to gather an Enclave two months from now. We must discuss the coming problems as well as other family business. Yours in blood Nikolai Ravania