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  1. Douglas Dexter

    Finalized Compendium of Laws and Codes

    Dear Lagarde, While I wasn't able to do the entire catalog of the laws, I thought that perhaps it would be unwise to allow you to spend your time at a gather without some reference to the laws. I went ahead and drew you the eight crimes you were most likely to commit. I hope my limited artistic...
  2. Douglas Dexter

    A request to the nobility of New Acarthia regarding Dargok

    Hear hear, While I have opted in the past to keep my opinion on Acarthian relationships with Dargok private, this is the second time he has opted to use the disgusting power of necromancy. We have executed scores of others for lesser crimes, and Dargok should not be allowed to continue to...
  3. Douglas Dexter

    Regarding the Public Chivalric Trial of His Excellency Baron Darius Rivervale

    Where is best to send our letters of support, in the public eye of the dreaming or in private letters sent via mail? Percy the Dryad
  4. Douglas Dexter

    Introducing The Compendia Acarthia

    Greetings to the old friends and new of New Acarthia! A great enemy has lurked among our ranks for the last five years, preying on both the freshest and most seasoned adventurers of Acarthia. That enemy is the spread of misinformation, the accidental hoarding of secrets, and the general clutter...
  5. Douglas Dexter

    There was a fire burning in his eyes...

    Thousand Bones, It's evident from the curses thrown that Dargok's forces are utilizing earth casters. But you mention dark magic in the air, I'd just like to confirm that necromancy was being used against the Dwarven forces. ~Percy of the Woods
  6. Douglas Dexter

    September 17 favorite moments!

    Alright! Took a little while to get around to it but here we go: Skragg is one of those characters I didn't really think I would enjoy playing that much for big shouty reasons but has become a regular NPC of mine. Skragg is my favorite NPC played to date. A huge thank you to Izual and everyone...
  7. Douglas Dexter

    July 17 Favorite Moments Thread

    I had a fantastic event! The first time I've gone looking out for mod cards since I started playing two years ago, and I had a blast doing it. I'm extremely excited for next game, though whether I'll be PCing or NPCing is up in the air! Just to get it out of the way...
  8. Douglas Dexter

    New Materials Research

    A brief update, Hobgoblins seem to ferment the Eska fruit for private usage and for the control of Thunderlizards. They protect their stock heavily and seem less than willing to share.
  9. Douglas Dexter

    June 2017 Logistical Needs

    Damn, look at all those legal releases. All the new players! :D
  10. Douglas Dexter

    A Request to Members of the Loremaster's Guild

    Summer Solstice Greetings! To my dismay I cannot attend the Gather this coming weekend. However, through the grapevine I learned that the Loremasters Guild will be discussing the Libraries of the realm. This topic is one of a rather great importance to me, would anyone be willing to send me...
  11. Douglas Dexter

    New Materials Research

    Dearest Thorgrim, I would never be so cruel as to deprive you of a new way to get yourself killed. Speak to me in July and maybe we can pass some fruits off to your vintner friends.
  12. Douglas Dexter

    May favored moments!

    I had an absolute blast of an event, there was so much going on all the time and I felt like I had the perfect mix of combat and roleplay. A huge thank you to the plot team, you've absolutely blown me away this event and the sheer amount of effort that must have gone in is incredible. An equally...
  13. Douglas Dexter

    New Materials Research

    Kendrick, I have and will continue to do research on Eska fruit. Eska fruit seem to be found throughout the Howling Woods, and rumor has it are capable of an extremely potent intoxicating effect. However, I urge Acarthians to hold off consuming or fermenting them for private use just yet. The...
  14. Douglas Dexter

    Increased rewards for NPC shifts

    Hey Everyone! If you're thinking about taking an NPC shift but don't want to go alone, both Taylor (Knox) and I (Percy) take a shift just about every event and we like to go in groups. Contact either one of us before the event and we can let you know when we're taking our shift. NPCing is a...
  15. Douglas Dexter

    Wanted: Small Cottage with Farmland

    A parchment notice outside of the Town Hall. Looking to purchase a small cottage in the surrounding Acarthian area, nothing too fancy. Requires at least one bedroom and a fireplace. Please contact Percy the Dryad for offers. He can be found on his regular Acarthian mail runs from 9 AM to 3 PM...
  16. Douglas Dexter

    Denver Level Cap/Registrar Story into 2017?

    Agreed! The newcomers did a great job at respecting the Spinner's wishes and contained themselves even when taken off guard. They were wonderful to have around and interact with and I hope to see them all again in the future. The Registrar story line was a great way of maintaining the level cap...
  17. Douglas Dexter

    Safety Notes for Oct 2016 Acarthia Event

    Thank you! Didn't even think of this.
  18. Douglas Dexter

    July favorite moments and important things!

    Took a couple days to recover, but here we go! Thank you to the Lost March Plot! I can't thank any of you enough for giving me the opportunity/curse of playing the Oneiromancer. You all did such an incredible job and I sincerely hope I get to NPC for all of you again! As always you all...
  19. Douglas Dexter

    June favorite moments and forms!

    A huge thank you to plot for giving me the opportunity to play the Oneiromancer. The atmosphere you guys managed to create made this event so drastically different from a regular event, you did a fantastic job at doing your own thing and it paid off. Thank you to all of my Eld brothers and...
  20. Douglas Dexter

    May 416 Favorite Moments

    Easily one of my favorite events, and I was incredibly happy to see everyone again. A huge thank you to plot for squeezing two gathers into one, I'm sure you were swamped but it was absolutely fantastic. The "we totally didn't steal a baby" fae. You three were a delight, and the perfect amount...