Search results

  1. Willem Rivet

    Certainties of the Past- The History of the Montagues

    Landgrave Forsythe, Thank you for offering up this discourse in a manner that can be responded to. House Montague sees your valid concerns, and wishes to shed some illumination on some points brought forward. Hopefully, this will alleviate some stress from the Rathfallian populace to which your...
  2. Willem Rivet

    Proclamations from Whitecrown

    Goodman Sable, ...No. Imperfect a system as it may be, the gangs serve the function of keeping a sense of order in a disordered place. Moreover, the replacement would be to move Whitecrown Guards into the Launch, and that has gone disastrously, especially recently. As you have taken an...
  3. Willem Rivet

    Proclamations from Whitecrown

    It is possible, even probable, that those who benefit most from the abuse of power will see Prince Tristan as a means to retain said power. He has made it clear that those who serve him serve themselves by doing so. I will not serve Yvaine or the populace by compromising our goals in order to...
  4. Willem Rivet

    Proclamations from Whitecrown

    Goodman Sable, For the sake of transparency, I am not actually entertaining this course of action, but will discuss it with you in hopes of illuminating why that would never happen. The gangs of Pauper's Launch, historically, act much in the way that minor nobility, guilds or any other social...
  5. Willem Rivet

    Proclamations from Whitecrown

    Goodman Sable, That would solve a few issues, but generate many more. For instance: How would we select the few who would get to relocate? Out of whose pocket does the food required for those refugees come? For the many that would desire to live in Whitecrown, how do we explain our desire...
  6. Willem Rivet

    Proclamations from Whitecrown

    Lost One Hartsboon, The Bound Shard tax will appraised through the lens of necessity, and affect all uses of the ritual within the confines of Rathfall and its colonies. The size of the tax is deliberately left vague, so as to allow the committee leeway in assessing how much each ritual should...
  7. Willem Rivet

    Proclamations from Whitecrown

    Lady Asher, I am referring to components, casting services and available focus. While some projects unnecessarily will use upwards of twenty Bound Shards, the people of Pauper's Launch struggle for clean water. Hopefully, if the nobility insist on splurging on Bound Shards, the tax will bring...
  8. Willem Rivet

    Proclamations from Whitecrown

    Greetings, all. While a written version of this announcement is being prepared, I wished to announce upcoming laws being enforced in Rathfall. Hopefully, with the adventuring community's support, these measures will receive more favorable notice from the nobility, though as they do either...
  9. Willem Rivet

    'Where Dragons Rule' IBGA

    Daww, just missed it. Oh well.
  10. Willem Rivet

    The Empty Throne Favorites

    My favorites: Berating (Ana) Adonis Greencloak as Daniel was absolutely the highlight of my weekend. I understand we do a lot of pontificating as Plot with Earth's Chosen, but really the entire tavern piling on to the conversation was so cathartic for me. When I went back to NPC camp I gave Ana...
  11. Willem Rivet

    The Dragon's Hoard approaches...for sales!

    Hello adventurers. The Dragon's Hoard, which is unfortunately unaffiliated with any local dragons, has heard the call for aid in this "Conflux City." While I will be present as a merchant, I will also be participating in the fray. As my Artisan loadout is highly mutable, what sort of aid do the...
  12. Willem Rivet

    In Search of Spirit Forge and Catalyst

    Ser Roff is in possession of these wares, though there is another actively looking for these same materials. Best of luck! -Willem Rivet
  13. Willem Rivet

    Bookworm goods for sale

    How much will you be charging for your Cure 5 Panaceas? -Willem Rivet
  14. Willem Rivet

    A call to the Adventurers/Unbounded regarding Fake Malatite

    *The mindset of this Human seems at once unfocused and intense.* Hi! So...some people know me. I'm a Mystweaver. Some people helped me before...I hope they remember me. Anyway- something happened. People are selling fake Malatite. It looks like the majority is real, but I found five pieces so...
  15. Willem Rivet

    Help Us Hit You!

    Are we looking for an amount of total packets, or will all packets within a time period count? I despise making packets, and it will be hard to raise the motivation if there is a possibility that the window closes, but I still put out the effort. -JT
  16. Willem Rivet

    Security Bill - Addendum

    Sometimes the line between an unwise Noble and an evil Noble is nonexistent. This move may not impact the nobles currently on the register, but it is putting a lot of responsibility in the hands of any future noble of the land. I am but a neighbor, but I see this move and am highly cautious of...
  17. Willem Rivet

    merchants area this weekend

    Hey! It'll be good to see you again! You have any coifs or other headgear right now? Them and gloves would probably go over well. Dunno why, but most people forget gloves. Also, do you do aluminum rings at all or just steel? -JT
  18. Willem Rivet

    Hype pictures for the Castle event '23. These will all be for sale for coin/barter/GS/CM at the Dragon's Hoard

    Trumpets are 6 gold, the Aluminum are 4 gold, the Heavy Pewter are 5 gold, the copper and silver barrel mugs are 4 gold. They are still available. I'd have to check on amount in stock of each, but I have at least one of each. I think I have 9+ of the trumpets left. The pewter is Wilson Armetale...
  19. Willem Rivet

    PC Crafting Materials Survey

    I see the same thing, but the argument becomes murkier the further you follow it. In any event, it has been asked that I close this line of inquiry.
  20. Willem Rivet

    PC Crafting Materials survey

    Then thank you all for your time.