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  1. V

    Things to do at April 1st Market

    Hello fellow adventures! Garwon and I have been busy over the winter looking for a new home and have not been able to attend any markets recently. We will be at the April 1st market. Does anyone have a summary of things that need help being done over the market? (OOG: I've been crazy busy...
  2. V

    New Footwear

    It looks like my second pair of boots from the thrift store don't have much left after last event. Does anyone have any suggestions on good boots for larp? I don't mind spending some money to get a good pair but the ones at are a bit out of my price range.
  3. V

    Branches of the Earth Guild

    Hello fellow adventurers! I recently joined the Earth Guild and am looking to learn more about the various branches and how to choose a specific path. Could any other adventurers assist me? I am always happy to learn more! ~Vanya Tel'Morko~ Earth Scholar and Member of the Earth Guild