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  1. C

    Making Custom Chibis

    Hello everyone, I'm here to see if anyone would have any interest in more personalized chibis of their characters down at the bottom in the signature. I know that the ones we've been using are the sort of one pose and one face types, and they have fairly limited amounts of item appearances...
  2. C

    Looking for more floor to sleep on.

    Hewwo. Uhm, I gorra back a wittel wate, so I fink I missed all da wesuvationating. So, I wharra wonduhwin iffa someone be willin' ta house me an' my beauty Warmheart. Pwease weespond! Pee- Ess- I canna offuh some payment. -Warpfang!
  3. C

    Happy Halloween!

    Happy Halloween to all of you! Though we may get to dress up every time we want to get together for LARPing, this holiday is the only time we have a reason to show ourselves off in public! Ezrad handed out candy yesterday during Camp Hill's ToTing, wearing his blue cap, distinct studded cloth...
  4. C

    National Event Favorites~!

    Alright! This event was long, so there must be quite a few things you enjoyed about it! Post up your favorite moments to share with those who were there, and especially those who weren't! (After all, how else will they hear about it?) I'm at work now, but I'll be posting mine fairly shortly.
  5. C

    Favorites for August 22nd Event

    (I'll start it off.) The favorites for your event! Tell it loudly and proudly, as one of the few people who were there! There were many things to happen, even with so little attendance, it turned out awesome. Let those that missed it become orc-green with envy, (no offense to orcs.) :P...
  6. C

    Carpooling around Central PA? (For National)

    Hello! I'm Trevor, and I've got a PT Cruiser, (which is a hatchback with good gas milage for its class,) a minimal amount of PC gear, and am the only one that I know of which is going up in my car at the moment. I'm looking for either someone who is willing to come up and ride up with me to...
  7. C

    From Ezrad

    Friends and other adventurers, at least those that know me, I have been giving my life as an adventurer much thought. I have come to the conclusion that it is, put lightly, not for me. I'm going to rest away my armor and hang up my shield, then settle in Dockside where I hope to make it well...
  8. C

    Video! (Finally...)

    Alright, after some tinkering, I got my camera to work. It wasn't replaying the tape correctly, but don't worry! I got it now. I've uploaded four videos to my page. They're under my videos, and set to public. Just head over to my page, and check 'em out! Trevor's MySpace!
  9. C

    Kitchens of Fairedale

    Hello, my name is Edgar. I vas vondering vhat kind of kitchen is run in Fairedale. Zhere is a possibility that I may be vinging in that direction, and I vanted to co-ordinate myself so zhat I do not get there, and end up bat-ting people on zhe face. After all, cooking is my specialty, so if...
  10. C

    Story Progress

    I've been working on a fantasy-age story weaved together in a movement from the eyes of a humanoid rat species. Check it out at my deviant art page. It starts with the Prelude to Chaos, and slowly continues. So far it's at 6 parts, and is just about at a point where things are going to start...
  11. C

    Final Wave Battle on Video

    Thanks to some help, I got the final wave battle on video. So, once it's neatly edited and written to my HD, I'll find a convenient place to put it, and link it up to here. -Trevor