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  1. S

    Pardon a poor Romani a moment of your time

    Ahh Verdias my friend it has been too long. Sadly it seems the caravans I travel with rarely go mist travelling. However, I am hoping to come and visit your lands about the harvest time and will hope to see you then. As for our leetle turtle trove, we had recovered some treasure from a...
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    Need a Blacksmith

    Ello Jehan, is good to hear from you too. We vill certainly have to set aside some time, perhaps in the evening when things calm down, or we hope they do at least. As far as swords, I have very nice two handed sword, dwarven forged, quite resistant. I just need to get it silver coated as...
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    Pardon a poor Romani a moment of your time

    Freends some ov you may know me, some not but I must ask a moment of your time. Recently some of you journeyed to my homeland ov Wayside and certain events occured, I repeat for you now an announcement I have recently made in the dream realms of my home This may be of pertinent interest...
  4. S

    Pardon a poor Romani a moment of your time

    Excuse me freends from Valdanis It shames me to bring dhis matter here, but a few of my friends from these lands where visiting when some eevents ov not occurred. I do not really suspect any folk from dhese lands where directly involved but my sense of honor dictates I should bring this here too...
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    Things I can not believe

    Okay, so I took a bit ov time geeting to dhis as I 'ad to work out a few dhigns with dhe Duke first. I know somevun took dhe treasure dhat ve got from dhe big turtle. I von't even go into how angry dhis make me, after I try to give lesson on rewards of good deeds. Dher where meeny on dhat...
  6. S

    Need a Blacksmith

    Heyo, If any blacksmeeth, do-ing dhe silver work, I got couple swords day could use a silverin while you at eet. Contact me however you can, and make sure ya finish Jehan's first. Milosh
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    Katie and I will be brining some packets, I don't want to make any promises on exact numbers but expect it to be a lot. Soren
  8. S

    Needingz zum ztuff fur dis market dayz

    I vould like do buyz az manyz endow potions az my friends veel dhey can bringz to market day. I vill pays up to a zilver a pieze fur deese, an vill be villing to buyz bout tventy or morez if my friendz chooze to give me good deals on da price. I vill proobably be hardz to find, vell at leest...
  9. S

    Services This next Market day.

    Ok Ok, let me geta dis straight. You villing to zell out someone life for 2 gold. Zo if I paid you dis gold for life for me, you vould watch anovher's spirit flee dher body to keep dis deal. I Vould hope no vun (one) takes you up on dis bloody bargain, I vind it ard to begrude you zelling...
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    Happy Birthday Jasmine!!

    Happy Birthday fellow October birthdayian -Soren
  11. S

    IG plot letters?

    Paul is the head of plot and can be reached at: or by PM (account: AllianceCHI) I hope he doesn't hate me for giving out his email, I'm pretty sure it's already posted somewhere around here. I'd recommend mailing him primarily though CCing the other plot team members can't...
  12. S

    site address?

    3640 Scout Rd. Kirkland, IL 60146 This is the address that the DeKalb Forest Preserve Website gives, and I put it into google maps and the directions are good. Google takes a slightly different route than the posted directions but from what I know of the area it should be just as good, not...
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    An Urgent Request

    Good Folk of Briarpass, I am Master Greggor Eisenhorn of Thargosia. The people of Thargosia need a real and true representative at the election for high regent. Many of the other Masters of Thargosia and I are aware of recent events in our land and are desperate to ensure that the people...
  14. S

    A word to the Sheriff and Deputies

    Ahhhh..... Heavy lies the crown eh adventurers of Briarpass. It seems a complicated issue has arisen, and I am glad to see some sensible soles step forward. After I spoke with you all last market day I had hoped that I had made more clear the important role you all fill. You are powerful and...