Services This next Market day.


As many already know I will be back in Wayside this next marketday, having finally finished my week long trip through the mists that took about a month to complete, as always I am offering my various to services to those who might be in need, or have a desire to bolster their abilities. Please note I only offer reservations on a fraction of my spell list as to ensure that I am capable to fully participate in other endeavors throughout the day.

Also if you would like to have a bit of extra healing/assistance on any of your plans for this upcoming market day, or would like to retain services for auctioneering or loot division I am also accepting such current requests.

Spells available/prices, any spells purchased will be used only under your direction (either standing orders such as 'If I fall/need it' or explicit request)

Life Spells - 2, 2 Gold a piece
Purify - 2, - 4 Silvers
Cure Critical wounds - 2, 2 Silvers
Bless - 6 - 1 silver a piece, or all six for 5 silvers.
Circle of Power - 1 - 1 Gold piece

As always I am generally willing to come along and offer my healing or expertise if I am available through out the market day..

Other Services

Scroll Identification - I will be offering this service free to any who wish it, and will keep the existence of any non-necromantic scroll in confidence should you wish it. While I may make an offer to purchase such a scroll if it's something I can use in my business there is absolutely no obligation or expectation for anyone using this service to sell. Please note I cannot identify celestial scrolls beyond being able to tell they are in fact celestial in nature.

Auctioning/Loot Distribution - 2 Silvers or Free if I am involved in the matter (such as having been present or employeed when it was collected) This includes record keeping of those in attendance and of all items turned in, this does not included identification services unless they are potions or ritual scrolls of a general or earth nature.

Ritual Casting - My studies in this area have progressed quite well and I am able to assist in many rituals of a weak or moderate level of power. I am also willing to assist in larger endeavors, but please let me know ahead of time so I can properly prepare.

Spell Crafting - I will again be offering Earthblades for the cost of Two components, or a single component and a gold piece (I will provide the spell and service, and one of the components is consumed in the casting remember). Currently I only have two of the components to invoke this magic so my ability to provide it may be limited, should the needed components not be available. (Fangtooth, Truesilver, and Pyrotis may be used)

Contracted Services

Retainer - Varies on length and coverage, the most popular option is a simple retainer for services should you be accused of any crime, currently offered for 5 gold for a period lasting through the end of this year or 15 gold for services through the end of next year. Retainment for other services such as delivering summons, research/answering questions, or even prosecuting are available, please speak with me about such. Also note that basic legal advice is included in the standard above retainer.

Land Purchasing/Contract Work - Is available and runs as little as 5 silvers to as much as 2 gold depending on the length of the contract, and the issues involved. All such contracts will be properly marked with wax and will be upholdable within the realm of Wayside.

If there is any other service I can provide, please let me know privately and we can discuss if the matter is indeed something I can provide for, and a fair wage for doing so.

Barrister Enan Bluewater
Ok Ok, let me geta dis straight.

You villing to zell out someone life for 2 gold.

Zo if I paid you dis gold for life for me, you vould watch anovher's spirit flee dher body to keep dis deal.

I Vould hope no vun (one) takes you up on dis bloody bargain, I vind it ard to begrude you zelling some of your skeels if dat is da kind ov man you vish to be, but dere must be zome limit.

Zince I ave only met you briefly and you zeemed a good man, I vill azzume dat if these remain unbought you vill use dem as dey are needed.

With dis in mind should anyvun attempt to purchase dees lifves I vill pay more gold den dey offer to buy dem back for use as needed, I zuspect my purse is capable ov overcoming vatever zome blackguard who would purchase such a dhing may offer. No adventurer I ave ever ztood vith 'as a life worth lezz den all de coin I can vind, so I'll pay vatever it takes.

If zis von't vork for you, or if you do not truzt my offer, zend me a pigeon and I vill make further arrangements.

I am not too keen on dis selling of other curative magicz but I am trying to let you handle your own biznezz on dat, if dhey are still alive I can at leezst figure a vay to heel dem myself.

-Milosh Gregorri Ivanovich Domari
Milosh, I dhink dhat be dha wrong way tah 'andle dhis. dhough I dhink ya be a hono'ble man fo say'n such. I mo' of dha min' dhat if sumone go an' buy ona dheeze, dhen i gunna make sure dhey need it. An' if ya dhink i cant see dhat threat t'rough, try meh.

Mean no dis'spect tah ya try'n an makin a livin Enan, but fo dha mos' part I side wit' Milosh on dhis.
