2.0 Playtest: LCO Effects

Surion Maedhros

Hello All,

Our continuous LCO effects will be modified as follows for the playtest:


As before, please inform us if your character casts or uses Necromancy. Please note that there is a new Necromantic ritual, "Life Leech", that has no verbal and is not detectable when it's activated. All the same, please let us know after the fact if you activate a Necromantic item.


As always, please do not physically tie up other players. Since "Legerdemain" no longer exists, it cannot be used to escape shackles. Note that there is a new ritual, "Escape Act", that may assist Rogues in this matter.

Flurries and Combat Engagement

This rule will remain in effect. Indeed, it's particularly important with a new rules set to allow players time to recognize your attacks.

Gaseous Form

This LCO policy remains in effect with no changes. Gaseous Form has not been changed from ARB 1.3


This LCO policy remains in effect.


A number of times, we've had monsters capable of stealing the face from their prey. In 1.3, our "Missing Face" effect had some complex rules and exceptions to it. Please note that, for the playtest, the effect will be delivered by a 3-count as follows:

"I Steal your face 1... 2... 3..., Silence, Enfeeble (Missing Face)"

If your face is stolen, you are affected by a "Silence", and then an "Enfeeble (Missing Face)". These can be cured separately by Cleanse and Antidote, or collectively by Purify or Dispel, per the 2.0 rules. In a change from the previous version, you may imbibe potions or elixirs after having your face stolen.
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