2.0 Weapons...


So I need to make a weapon or two and was curious if there were any rule changes.
Same length? Waylay is still a 'pommel strike' attack? Waylay tips still a thing? (Most latex weapons don't have them.)

Figured it was easier to ask here, unless someone wants to point me in the direction of a 2.0 rulebook that explains such.

Waylay is gone so no need to pad the pommel. otherwise I think all wep specs have stayed the same.

Hope this helps.

Phanuck vonum
Here's a link the Playtest Packet

The only real change to weapons is, "Polearms and Staves have had their lengths adjusted. To allow for a wider variety of commercial latex weapons, Polearm and Staff maximum length is increased to 75” (instead of the current 72” limit)."
Also, shields have not max size anymore (although each chapter can refuse a shield if it's deemed unsafe/ridiculous). I know you use a shield, so I thought you ought to know.

But yeah, the rules are super important to read. There are a lot of major changes besides weapon dimensions.
Gave the rules a quick read over and admittedly because I play between 2 games, I'm just going to have to suffer at being at a 'disadvantage' in terms of having a smaller shield and a typically shorter weapon.

But then, I've always loved a good challenge. ;-)

Thanks ya'll!
Oh for sure. Hell, technically, the shield I have is 3 inches too short for the other game, but I'm a small dude so I just went on a proportionally average scale .

Either way, super excited about the October event!