2.1Beta Test Events


New Hampshire Staff
The 2.1 Beta Testing period has begun. Find more information and links in the post linked below.

All of our events this season will use the rules in the 2.1 Beta Test Packet.

After attending a Beta Test Event please submit feedback via this form

As a result of testing the new rules any deaths that occur during these events will not be counted towards the characters total.

In order to best test the new rules we will be allowing characters who attend a Beta Test Event to Spirit Forge and/or Races Change for the duration of the event.

Characters should be registered in the regular CMA for the events but made in the Beta Test CMA in order to have access to the new rules. Make test characters using the same amount of build or less than the character registered in the regular CMA. If possible please print off your test character sheets and bring them to the event.

For these events Players may start with 1 LCO Superior Equipment tag of their choice. This item will only have 1 LP and will be expired at the end of the event.

Also at these events Players may start with a number of Crafting Materials of their choice. The materials will come out of the events Treasure Policy allotment. The exact number/value of these materials will be determined prior to the start of the event based on the current TP.
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Updated to add information regarding the allowance to Spirit Forge and Race change for a Beta Test event as well as explaining to use the CMA for registration and the Beta Test CMA for character creation.
Updated to add brief instructions regarding making test characters in the Beta Test CMA as well as printing them.

Also added policy for starter items for the May event.
Updated to list all Cinderfel events as using the 2.1 beta rules as well as to post a link to the post event feedback survey.
Updated to expand to all 2022 events. Moved from Cinderfel OOG forum to Chapter. Language changed to include all events and not just Cinderfel. Starting Crafting Materials and 1 LP Superior Equipment option extended for the duration of the season. Stickied.
I uploaded some 2.1 rules cheat sheets that I hope can be helpful to make it more accessible for more people! (If drafts change, I'll edit and update!)

Updated and attached, 2/12/23!! SEE Y'ALL SOON!!!


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Posting here to point out that the Beta Test period has closed and this policy is no longer in effect.