2012 National Event Race/Class Breakdown


Alliance Owner
Class Breakdown for Event: 2012 National Event
Adept 8
Fighter 27
Rogue 15
Scholar 28
Scout 7
Templar 15
Total Players 100

Race Breakdown for Event: 2012 National Event
Barbarian 5
Biata 2
Dark_Elf 1
Dryad 4
Dwarf 6
Elf 21
Gypsy 8
High_Ogre 3
High_Orc 4
Hobling 5
Human 12
Mystic_Wood_Elf 16
Sarr 4
Stone_Elf 1
Wylderkin 8
Total Players 100
I'm really surprised there were both more Ogres and Orcs than Biata.
No Artisans, now I'm even more bummed I couldn't make it out there with my Rabbit ^.^
Lurin said:
No Artisans, now I'm even more bummed I couldn't make it out there with my Rabbit ^.^

You missed a fantastic time. Hopefully next time.
Wow 8 kin beat out 16 MWEs for fastest panthergast takedown? Kin rule!
not all 16 MWE or 8 kin were on the pantherghast at once
I know I know...just a little race batting for good clean fun :p

Aaaaaaaand Miles is the only stone elf again XD
There were 5 barbarians? I'm only coming up with Kendra, Darkan, and myself..who were the other two?

he bridges the gap
So Artisan didn't even get to be put on the list with a 0? thats cold ;)
Vry_Young_Pup said:
There need to be more Scouts.

Shhh...do the words "best kept secret" mean ANYTHING to you?
Vry_Young_Pup said:
There need to be more Scouts.

There needs to be more reason for there to be more scouts. All the scout builds are cheaper as a fighter or rogue unless you're buying exactly balanced profs and backstabs. :thumbsup: