2013 Schedule


I am pleased to announce the South Michigan 2013 schedule! This year we have a total of seven events and we are utilizing two different camps. The plot team has a ton of great stuff planned for 2013 and we can't wait to have everyone out to play!

Feb 15-17 (Kiwanis)
March 22-24 (Kiwanis)
April 12-14 (Chelsea)
June 14-16 (Chelsea)
Aug 9-11 (Kiwanis)
October 25-27 (Chelsea)
Nov 15-17 (Kiwanis)

Camp Kiwanis
676 West Dansville Rd.
Mason, MI 48854

MUCC Cedar Lake Outdoor Center
2500 Pierce Rd
Chelsea, MI 48118

To get to the MUCC camp you take 94 (east or west) to exit 157 (Pierce Road) head north (straight) on Pierce. Drive past Cavanaugh Lake road. The Camp will be less than a mile past Cavanaugh Lake on left. Cedar Lake Camp. It is about 20 mins west of Ann Arbor.
Thank you for putting up this schedule so early. I will try to have ours set in the next month or so. Just have to get camp dates set with the directors. :)
thinking of comeing down when is game on ?
is there buildings to sleep in?
how does food work?
People start showing up to the camp around 7-7:30 and game on is usually around 11:00. We have lots of cabins to sleep in with bunk beds. Food is $10-$15 for the weekend depending on who is cooking and will include a basic dinner on Friday (like chili) and breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday.
thank you