Deadlaaaaands! Wooooooo!! I love this chapter! Thanks so much, staff and NPCs, for your tireless work! And fellow PCs, for tolerating and in some cases even interacting with my utterly hateful cheetah! Y'all are great!

Lila and Heresy, I don't quite know why you guys have such faith in this angry, selfish cat... but your patient and persistent RP with her is SUPER FUN and I LOVE IT! Thank you!
Amara, Small Elf, Rali, and other new friends: You tolerated her spite and judgement with a lot of grace. Know that I OOG really appreciate it and IG love the drama! <3 ("Clever kitty!" "*3 BODY* DON'T CALL ME THAT." Yuuuup.)

<3 But you people are starting to get her. MAYBE.
The brief RP moment with Evan's Captain when Nikhujo had some Concerns for the whole "Genie" thing was pretty nifty. She isn't as subtle as she thinks, probably, and she does indeed have some multi-faceted Opinions.
Werewolf battle was tough stuff. Nikhujo has some clever moments of outsmarting their leaders and cutting fellow PCs in half, so that was fun! She was also so anxious and stuck in that small place that she started chirping. Cheetah anxiety so real. Wolves so evil!! Give her back her silver and she will cut your hearts out in an INSTANT! She learned sword JUST for wolves!
STUCK ON A BOAT, TIME TO FREAK OUT. Thanks to Sean for providing real nifty physical description about escaping to the top of the boat. And thanks to Heresy for teaching Nikhujo some yoga stretches to CALM DOWN and find space! Worked oddly well.
Panic with Lila as the ship is going down. Oh dear goodness. "What do we do?!?" "If we die, we die fighting!!" Became almost a theme for overwhelmed time. "How do we deal?!" "WE HUNT THINGS." "I can't cope!" "FOCUS ON THE FIGHT!" By the way, I freaking love you, Erika! You make the floof game so goooooood!
LOST MY BODY CHEMISTRY, TIME TO TRY TO FREAK OUT BUT BE UNABLE. WAT. Really really loved that creativity and challenge. Had really immersed solo-time RP about the Endless Hunt and life after death and "What is this, this is not what I expected, what do I do, I can't even feel or smell anything?!?!?"
In addition to RPing Nikhujo's lessened twitchiness, I loved seeing how the lack of body affected others, e.g. Abbath's stutter leaving! Neat-o, gang!!

And seriously, the way that played out for Nikhujo made for some crazy character growth. Once she was done with the whole "checking people for Chandrekaz" thing, she ended up real bold and vocal, because "no way am I dying here like this, I have GOALS." She yelled at a good lot of people. Sorry OOG to the dwarf fellow and snake-kin dude! She harshed y'all out a looot.
There was some deep existential RP with Heresy during the time she was lacking body chemistry and was thus less twitchy. Stuff got pretty real. That was nifty. <3
BEST PART: Having feelings come back. Being part of the line (at the RIFT!!!) and getting extra amounts of pain... Then BOOM, you suddenly aren't dying and you get your body chemistry/emotions back. Time to get unexpectedly clingy, scratchy, and even offer Lila EXTENDED EYE CONTACT?! Man. Feelings. Such floofy feeeeeelinnnngggs. Near-death experiences do, in fact, make things interesting for such a young character. She MAY be starting to realize that she MAY like that red panda. <3 MAYBE.
Rat King mod! Eeeewwwwww, awesome mechanics of "absorbing" and "rifting" and other such things that equate to COVERED IN RATS. Started off as an "Yeah sure, let's hunt these things for breakfast." Turned into "EW NO, WON'T EAT THAT."
Also! Having a young Gorbe hype moment of killing those weird construct animal cross-over things, feeling like she was on a successful hunt, then taking a bite. EW NO, DON'T EAT THAT EITHER.
OH YEAH, JUMPY MOD! Gotta love physical feats like that. Gotta love creativity and problem solving! Gotta love Gary's OOG hype for THE PLATFORMS! YAY! Lol!!
Final battle, so cooool! Props to everyone for playing it safe and looking out for each other OOG. This community is awesome and it is very important to not fall into ditches or get stabbed by branches, lol. Specifically, mechanically, I loved the opportunity for both front line holding and rogue-ing around fiercely that that fight offered. NPCs are rock stars for making that all happen. I also generally adore fights that go rolling through woods. They are always so intense, and are a welcome change to standard field fights.
Thanks again for everything, my dear nerd friends! <3