2016 Opener Favourites!

After a long winter i couldn't be happier to return to the Hollow. I brought my wife Becky for her first full weekend in alliance and she is hooked!
I want to give a shout out to Sean Metzler for adapting the combat in the large field battles so the low levels could engage. I enjoyed the final mod. marching threw the woods trying to circle around. at one point it was scholars holding the front line. The whole event was a blast! Becky and myself look forward to the next event.
NPCs....I am not sure how they're still alive. What a job!! So amazing. Really excited about all the fresh mea...err new players that came. NPCs and PCs alike!!

LOVED the incredible story! Also loved having to figure out ways to live without my magic item.

Final battle through the woods INSANE AND AWESOME!!

I loved that everyone got a fair share of the weekend!!! I can honestly say it was awesome to see healers and low level warriors rewarded for their work.

Being infected. It's always fun to try killing your friends.

Elderberry wine

Seeing everyone.

Chaos noble!


Djinn!!! Time traveling ships!

Redneck goodness with the Sisters Stonefist

Holding the front line on the last battle was SO much fun!! I don't think I've EVER had more fun in battle.

Zayla!!! For a first timer, you TOTALLY rocked healing and fighting.

Late night TacoBell trips terrifying the employees with Melissa. We should have left our beards on.

I hope you all come back again and bring even more friends. Hope to see you all in two weeks!
I traveled through a black hole. I almost broke character because of the burst of excitement that accompanied hearing the captain explain what we were going to push through. "This must be what madness looks like."

The whole Selunari bit, very cool story and so awesome getting to be a part of it IG.

"Put the money in the bag"

Sneaking through vaults

Sitting back amused at everyone trying to figure out how to survive without their items and people checking in with others to see if they were okay. "Aisling?....you're fine."

Euphoria addiction at its finest - jumping in front of and taking slays, eviscerates, and weapon swings with the euphoria carrier.

Being feeble minded. I've been waiting years for that to happen. Lucky for Aisling, Vry fixed her before she could really insult anyone.

Casual torture conversations....

The story. Inter-planar, treasure hunt, adventure times with Captain Terranova and the Carnegie are always full of fun times. At the same time, realizing how overwhelming such a magical adventure is becoming for Aisling. It was a long winter. And even though it was fun, adventure times, there was still enough serious stuff going on to allow for a lot of inner character reflection and growth. Some of the best experiences come from things like that.

Bonding time with Keeley and Phedre are always good times.

Role playing with different PCs and other characters, thank you everyone for a great IG experience!

Combat - that you to everyone I fought. It felt great to swing pipe again and get in some solid fights.

Thanks everyone for a great weekend! Can't wait to see everyone again in two weeks!
Thank you Staff and NPCs!!!
What a fantastic event !!

* awesome first time player PCS and NPCS. It was great meeting you all and you made the game so much fun.

* Cap Terra Nova dangerously whimsical. A great character and fun storyline.

* flurry combat rule .
* dividing the treasure up as a town at the end of the event.
* Ever the new elf PC. I enjoyed interacting with her and watching her wreck face on the battlefield.
* The insanity of a role play vortex which is the Stonefist sisters . I'm sure we annoy some of you but I love getting into this trashy redneck character.
* Taking my first death as Rocksy and the amazing rez by Amarach.
* Final encounter on Sunday all of it ! Loved the challenge and pushing through the woods leading the charge with team chick fighters and Scarn.
* Mecha Fight !!! Soooo good.
Staff and NPCs - thank you all so much for your hard work. This event was some of the most fun I have ever had at an Alliance game. It was the first time in a long time I left an event with only good things to say. While the premise was whimsical, the mechanics that surrounded it showed a lot of thought and consideration which contributed overall to what felt like a seamless, level, and uncomplicated playing field. Thank you all, and I will try my damnedest to make it back up to NH before the season ends.

-No wealth? No monster/mod loot. No monster/mod loot? Everyone gets their fair share at the end! I loved this mechanic. It made sense and was justified by the plot AND it ensured everyone was rewarded for their blood, sweat, and time (and maybe tears).

-No body? NO STUTTER. It was really cool to be able to play a game of "what could have been" with my PC. Her speech impediment is a thing that really impacts how she perceives herself and her interactions with the world, and getting to just TALK to people was such a life changer for her.

-Dat last wave battle, tho'. Really good, clean combat all around. Amazing teamwork on the back line. Super fun and super challenging, but flowed really seamlessly. A total grinder and test of stamina that was worth every sweaty minute.

-Friend or pocket sand? ...Too late; pocket sand!

-Mission Impossible mod on the Plane of Silence: in which Amaranthus is betrayed by his hair. In which Marduk really, really wanted to blow dat horn.

-Saturday night's thoughtful conversations with Vry. I won't lie, y'all... getting to roleplay with Albert was one of the big things compelling me to make the forever drive up to NH, and it was worth it. Vry and Abbath have a really great rapport, and I feel like their conversations let us build on our characters in a really intuitive, self-driven way. I like that we can communicate without words as well as we can with them, and I like that our characters have grown such an organic bromance/respect for each other so quickly. ENJOY YOUR 12 BOXES OF JUJUBES, BRO.

-Pledging sort-of fealty to Amaranthus, for real for real. "Shh. I don't get to talk a lot. Let me finish."

-Pendulum stuff with Stephano and Nikhujo. Thanks for letting me force my barbar superstitions on y'all.

-Convincing The Registrar to let Felipe's spirit free and the Super Happy Fun Paintimes RP. Ow, ow, ow. Ben (it's Ben, right?) was the most Ingmar Bergman-y, quietly intimidating, erudite deathguy ever. 10/10 would get pain'd on again.

-Tiny moments with Lili, up to and including the gift of two precious bumblebee friends. I now have to find a way to integrate them into Abbath's costume. Bumbles for days.

-Derping with Marduk. Abbath doesn't derp much... Except for when she does. Our foes shall fear the advanced battle tactic known as the Father Daughter Dance for all eternity.

EDIT: Captain Terra Nova (is that right?). Evan's ability to go from dangerously whimsical to deadly serious and back again is always fun to watch. Evan is my RP inspiration, y'all. Such a champ.

Lastly, thank you to everyone who went out of their way to engage my friends and I. It's nice to show up in a place with a ton of new faces and get pulled in so hard and so fast. Y'all are a great group of players and I look forward to seeing more of you. Much love.
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Thank you PCs and NPCs alike! All of you absolutely make the trip worth it, every time.

-No loot? A relief, as I forget to search everything all the time.
-No APL? A fluid and living world where I don't have to worry about the magical mod number and can just bring who I want? MADNESS.

-Floof friend! Everything about Lila, from the little roleplay things to the not little stabbing of other things, crisp high fives and moral support.
-Tyrus. No magic items? We're right at home. I take him to see how they kill undead out here in Laerthan and instead we go on a magical journey, become veterans of the Rift war, get stuck in a black hole, become spirits, visit the final graveyard and plane of negative energy, fight rat kings and get booped by Chaos elementals. THEY WONT BELIEVE A WORD WE SAY. Fighting side by side is always a pleasure.
-Human Tobias, get a Legion number, you outrank a lot of people now.
-GO DEATHWAGON! Deathwagon gonna getcha.
-I actually bought a magic item and it was cool.
-The Carnegie and Captain Terranova. I'd join that crew.
-Screaming at a birb 10 times my size. Trying to convince him that I am in fact not crazy, though I have a reputation for being so. Also, trying to convince him that I am not transpossessed or breachspawn. Time traveler from the future though, that I am.
-Murder Court. From Abbath's desperately needed concentration help and hugs while I sobbed and surprise mental bumble to joking around with SIR! 'Did you see me block everything with two swords?' Amaranthus, there was much fun to be had with the blue and black. Plane of Silence, back line of the retreat out of the vault, front line tanks against a Wealth Elemental.
-"They're orbiting me Stephano" as I hastily crawl circles in the same direction.
-Spreading the shark song. Now an interplanar sensation. I'm gonna be huge in the Plane of Chaos.
-"I HATE POVERTY" and "This man does 90% of my thinking for me"
-'Am I being left behind?' , 'Yep'
-Watching Aisling tripping out of her mind. Also tripping out of my mind while remembering all of my 'soldiers training'.
-This list could go on forever as I list all the awesome interactions with all of the characters. It was an absolute pleasure to play with all of you and to experience a space time adventure of epic proportions.

I'll be back for stranger tales and more adventures of insanity and fun!
surprise mental bumble

OH, MAN. I totally forgot about surprise mental bumble. That bumble has a level 50 mental block. That bumble has SEEN SOME STUFF.
Deadlaaaaands! Wooooooo!! I love this chapter! Thanks so much, staff and NPCs, for your tireless work! And fellow PCs, for tolerating and in some cases even interacting with my utterly hateful cheetah! Y'all are great! :) <3

Lila and Heresy, I don't quite know why you guys have such faith in this angry, selfish cat... but your patient and persistent RP with her is SUPER FUN and I LOVE IT! Thank you!
Amara, Small Elf, Rali, and other new friends: You tolerated her spite and judgement with a lot of grace. Know that I OOG really appreciate it and IG love the drama! <3 ("Clever kitty!" "*3 BODY* DON'T CALL ME THAT." Yuuuup.)
Abbath, Scarn, Aisling, Stephano, and even Vry: STOP INCREASING THE LIST OF PEOPLE SHE MAY ALMOST WILLINGLY TALK TO, SHE IS SUPPOSED TO BE UTTERLY HATEFUL. :P <3 But you people are starting to get her. MAYBE.

The brief RP moment with Evan's Captain when Nikhujo had some Concerns for the whole "Genie" thing was pretty nifty. She isn't as subtle as she thinks, probably, and she does indeed have some multi-faceted Opinions.

Werewolf battle was tough stuff. Nikhujo has some clever moments of outsmarting their leaders and cutting fellow PCs in half, so that was fun! She was also so anxious and stuck in that small place that she started chirping. Cheetah anxiety so real. Wolves so evil!! Give her back her silver and she will cut your hearts out in an INSTANT! She learned sword JUST for wolves!

STUCK ON A BOAT, TIME TO FREAK OUT. Thanks to Sean for providing real nifty physical description about escaping to the top of the boat. And thanks to Heresy for teaching Nikhujo some yoga stretches to CALM DOWN and find space! Worked oddly well.

Panic with Lila as the ship is going down. Oh dear goodness. "What do we do?!?" "If we die, we die fighting!!" Became almost a theme for overwhelmed time. "How do we deal?!" "WE HUNT THINGS." "I can't cope!" "FOCUS ON THE FIGHT!" By the way, I freaking love you, Erika! You make the floof game so goooooood!

LOST MY BODY CHEMISTRY, TIME TO TRY TO FREAK OUT BUT BE UNABLE. WAT. Really really loved that creativity and challenge. Had really immersed solo-time RP about the Endless Hunt and life after death and "What is this, this is not what I expected, what do I do, I can't even feel or smell anything?!?!?"

In addition to RPing Nikhujo's lessened twitchiness, I loved seeing how the lack of body affected others, e.g. Abbath's stutter leaving! Neat-o, gang!! :D
And seriously, the way that played out for Nikhujo made for some crazy character growth. Once she was done with the whole "checking people for Chandrekaz" thing, she ended up real bold and vocal, because "no way am I dying here like this, I have GOALS." She yelled at a good lot of people. Sorry OOG to the dwarf fellow and snake-kin dude! She harshed y'all out a looot. :P

There was some deep existential RP with Heresy during the time she was lacking body chemistry and was thus less twitchy. Stuff got pretty real. That was nifty. <3

BEST PART: Having feelings come back. Being part of the line (at the RIFT!!!) and getting extra amounts of pain... Then BOOM, you suddenly aren't dying and you get your body chemistry/emotions back. Time to get unexpectedly clingy, scratchy, and even offer Lila EXTENDED EYE CONTACT?! Man. Feelings. Such floofy feeeeeelinnnngggs. Near-death experiences do, in fact, make things interesting for such a young character. She MAY be starting to realize that she MAY like that red panda. <3 MAYBE.

Rat King mod! Eeeewwwwww, awesome mechanics of "absorbing" and "rifting" and other such things that equate to COVERED IN RATS. Started off as an "Yeah sure, let's hunt these things for breakfast." Turned into "EW NO, WON'T EAT THAT."

Also! Having a young Gorbe hype moment of killing those weird construct animal cross-over things, feeling like she was on a successful hunt, then taking a bite. EW NO, DON'T EAT THAT EITHER.

OH YEAH, JUMPY MOD! Gotta love physical feats like that. Gotta love creativity and problem solving! Gotta love Gary's OOG hype for THE PLATFORMS! YAY! Lol!! :D

Final battle, so cooool! Props to everyone for playing it safe and looking out for each other OOG. This community is awesome and it is very important to not fall into ditches or get stabbed by branches, lol. Specifically, mechanically, I loved the opportunity for both front line holding and rogue-ing around fiercely that that fight offered. NPCs are rock stars for making that all happen. I also generally adore fights that go rolling through woods. They are always so intense, and are a welcome change to standard field fights.

Thanks again for everything, my dear nerd friends! <3
Eighty percent of the things on these lists are things that no one on plot wrote - it's all y'all, playing around in our rad little sandbox.

That's my favorite part of the weekend.
First off Thank You Staff and NPC's. You took a brutal heat weekend and ran non-stop.

SOOO many new people!

A big thank you to the kindness of friends, to pull me in out of a rough patch and get my LARP juices flowing again!

The rescue and birth of L'il One. So much of this was made of Awesome for me and my team mates. Diving into a ward with a cerebral devourer, not once, but twice: Snatching the egg from a Devourer in mid rift. Big old one handed bear paw swipe across Dan's field of vision, palming the egg and running for it. Handing the egg off to Dedalius, who knew exactly what to do. His masterful game of hide and seek, as well his forethought to make sure it was safe before returning. Samara, I think we surpised you with that one!

" Are you my Mommy?" Harumph ah, well, kind of? ALL The RP with Lou! You made her come to life, and got a Dwarf to experience a huge rush of paternal love and partial loss. Guys, I think this is the first time you made Duorn fight to maintain emotional control and still tear up!
The Captain's conversation with Duorn and Deborah, allowing me to feel one of the in game hardest moments I have had while offering encouragement for her future and ours.

Loved the idea of the time/space ship of Adventure. Yeah, I'm staying below deck thank you!

Seeing Duorn mentioned in the Shiny Dreadfuls, and not being entirely comfortable with the description. ( At least IC)

Discussion with Tyrus about Ritual Magic and what is here. First major discussion with a 9T character about the differences between game worlds. Would have loved to talk more!

The loss of trinket magic and resulting feeling of: conserve, stay off frontline. Took a bit to get back to. Mages are squishy in a fight.

The final fight and seeing everyone working very well together on that big trek through the woods.

See you all in a couple of weeks.
fighting in slow-mo with our Poisonous death arms to get the bell was amazing! Cap Terra was just a great character and fun storyline to be part of, flurry combat rule was fun and made it move better in my opinion and dividing the treasure up as a town at the end of the event made things so much smoother on the field

Playing with the Icon of Wealth (Samara), Soo want to go back and finish our game for our memories it was a blast!
thanks npcs and staff for another awesome event!!

i love captain terra nova and the carnagie adventures, so much fun.

some favorites of the weekend, the top being, if you have seen my fb wall, its

the oolakashaun mod. that just was an awesome mod, avalon was doing okay until they really started to see into her heart and it freaked her out, npc's and evan, well played. if not been for kainen, probably
would have drank the black ooze. and cool rp with dustin aka dedalious after the mod.

seeing dan coming, hand on head as devourer while avalon is being mopey in the woods. (i know when is avalon not mopey) and thinking, well ****, but i made him work for it, tried to be a deer in the woods, jumping over logs and in between trees but he did end up getting me. lol.

to bad he never asked me, because while dustin aka dedalious might be a hide and seek champ, even in the daylight, i tottaly knew where he was.
last few times, hes gone hiding, i have been the one to locate him.

the last fight was crazy, so many times i thought we were all going to die, and then of all things

i fall at the end when everyone is gathering to rift out. and i hear, "some one grab avalon", then i hear "some one F--KING GRAB AVALON!!" then tobias makes a diving save for me. i almost got left behind.

cant wait for the next event,

see ya!
The whole weekend was fantastic from mod to roleplay thank you staff and npc for a amazing time

Finding Tyrus traveled the mist always fun when more legion is around :)

Having to dive pretty much into 4 NPC to yank Avalon to safety ( told ya I got your back Rachel)

Dinner it was nice to just have a quiet time with a few friends thank you deb for amazing food

The whole mod with the great rift and siphoning energy wow that was amazing and the repercussions in 9 towers will be awesome

Mech fights and deathwagon

The last mad stroll threw woods and watching every cover everyone else's back :)

I'm sure there many more I have but ATM the event is one long blurred beating but I loved it see u all in a few weeks as Tobias
New players! Yay!
NPCs where did you find energy in the heat? Rock on and thank you.

-I really enjoyed an unexpected wacky wild ride plot. It was an excellent opportunity to embrace the "adventure" aspect of adventuring that is available alongside the horror and killing sometimes and an opportunity to play up an element of lust for life and not just slogging along uphill.

-I also really enjoyed the Deadlands traditions of Having Feelings and thank you so much for delivering them via a confused captive who was more interested in chocolate than planar travel. Hope, guilt, and joy casserole. Also hooray I can write a report on Teshvar.

-Heresy, asking questions as only he can. "You seem less upset. Did something good happen? Are you in loooove?" The most tactful and humorous variant of "you got the stick removed?" I've ever heard.

-Healers Go Nope with Lilly and just going huh. Well. No, it's okay to acknowledge that neither of these tasks are in my wheelhouse and that doesn't make me a bad person.

-I did not expect to see that much money in the entire season. Wow.

-Cacophony. Chaos is super fun.

-I'm really not sorry that Nerium was drinking and told half the town and a genie about how the Moonsong orphanage cat is a cat and cats are butts.

-Oh my, Nine Towers crossover. What could possibly go wrong and make my other character mad in July? Everything, and that's cool.

-Reading "the smut" to some folks who couldn't read, because it's really okay to laugh at life.

See you in June :)
This was my first time at Deadlands and I am super glad to have made the (long, painful, arduous) 8.5 hour drive to get there :)

First, the site is GORGEOUS. I just wanted to elf through the woods all weekend, but the fear of dying kept me elfing on the edges. Maybe next time.

Herding Nephalia around, pretending to care, maybe also kind of caring whenever she got hurt.

Explaining Red Back culture and finding a very strange kindred spirit in Aishling.

Oh man, final wave battle power boost was like a soothing balm to my power-hungry soul. ANYONE WANT HEALING? I NEVER SAY THAT.

Still cackling at how many times I get the "Wait what?" look when folks find out I'm a straight scholar with two swords. Who needs to be build-efficient, anyway?

Awesome, inviting people providing endless in and out of game conversation. I may have been larping for an age, but new people are new people and it was really, really nice to be so openly welcomed and dragged into what was happening.

On that note - I knew what was happening. At a COMPLETELY NEW chapter in a land I knew NOTHING about. Huge kudos to staff because that is not easy to do.

And for the quote of the weekend: "You know that every word out of your mouth sounds like a f*cking lie, right?"
