2017 Policies

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NEPA Staff
Ashbury Policies & Procedures 2017

Hello and welcome to Alliance Ashbury! Below you may locate any and all information you'll need to enjoy your time at HQ. We ask that you please review everything to be sure you’re up to date on what’s what, who’s who, and how to have a good time. If you know what you’re looking for, check the contents to jump to what you need!

Staff Contacts
Code of Conduct
Plot Submissions
Magic Items

2017 Staff Contacts

If you're interested in contributing to or joining the Ashbury staff, feel free to inquire with the General Manager!

General Manager
Kyle Spriggle (ashburygm@gmail.com)

Assistant GM

Buddy Harris (ashburygm@gmail.com)

Head of Logistics
Cole Angelo (ashburylog@gmail.com)

Head of Plot
Michelle Stagnitta (allianceplot@gmail.com))

Head of Newsletter
Craig Fiske (ashburytimes@gmail.com)

Head of Props
Britney Serois and Meghan House

Head of Food
Bill Gibbs (alliancehqfood@gmail.com)

Head of Rules
Akiva Blickstein

Customer Service:
Amy Straub and Susie Guarino (Hqcustserv@gmail.com)

Josh Berit (Weapons)
Scott Babcock (Weapons)
Collin Babcock (Weapons/Rules/Ritual)
Scott Kondrk (Weapons/Rules/Ritual)
Todd Navas (Weapons/Rules/Ritual)
Bill Gibbs (Weapons/Rules/Ritual)
Robert Kinlen (Weapons/Ritual)
Brian Whitham (Weapons/Ritual)
Chad Winters (Ritual)
Joe Siegel (Weapons)
Drew Resele (Ritual)
Mike Guarino (Rules/Weapons)
Dom Alioto (Rules/Weapons)
Kyle Spriggle ( Ritual/Armor/weapons)

*If you are a marshal and are not listed, please notify the GM.


Alliance HQ offers three types of memberships, a yearly membership, a per event membership and a new player trial membership.

A per event membership costs $10 and lasts for one event only. This membership allows you to PC or NPC for that event only. A per event membership fee may not be used towards a yearly membership. This membership type is designed for those that can only attend one to three events per year.

A yearly membership costs $30 and begins the day of purchase and lasts for one year. Alliance HQ generally holds a minimum of six events a year, so a yearly membership may save “regulars” over 50% off the per event membership.

A new player trial membership costs $10 and lasts for 3 months from the day of purchase. This may only be purchased the first time a player plays Alliance HQ.

Everyone pays membership except Faire Play owners, including HQ staff, other chapter owners, etc. Some HQ Staff members and any visiting chapter owners do not pay for events.

HQ will still allow for the spending of goblin stamps even if your membership is not current as a thank you for your donations to the chapter.

If you are unsure if your membership is up to date, don’t hesitate to inquire with our logistics team at ashburylog@gmail.com. If you would like to purchase or renew your membership, click here.

*Alliance Ashbury is a strictly 16-and-up campaign; players under 18 are required to present a waiver signed by a parent or guardian. Players under 16 are only permitted at the annual Kids’ Event.

Last edited: April 17, 2017



“Blanketing” is a term which refers to covering an event or a month with XP for your character; if you don’t attend an event, you can choose to blanket it and receive XP as though you were there. By blanketing, you increase the amount of XP/build your character will get in a short amount of time.

  • You may blanket one character at a time, one event per weekend.
  • You may choose to monthly “autoblanket” one character homed in HQ.
  • We will no longer autoblanket events.
  • Each monthly blanket costs 30 GS.
  • Each event blanket costs 60 GS.
  • Event blankets for long weekends cost 90 GS.
  • You may only choose to blanket as far back as three months prior to the current date.
  • You may blanket an additional character that is housed in the chapter you are playing in for the event at a cost of 20.00 paid to logistics.


PCs How to:
PCs can Pre-Register for an HQ event by Pre-Paying for the event online here. Please indicate your full name, event date, and what character you intend to play for that event in the Pay Pal notes section, as well as if you are reserving a cabin or private room. This is especially important when pre-paying for multiple people, multiple events, or if you intend to reserve a cabin or private room (see Lodging).

PC Benefits / Rewards:
PCs pay $10.00 less when pre-paying for an event. Pre-registering will also ensure that Logistics will prepare your character card and skills before the event to give the Plot team a heads up: registering in advance gives you a greater chance at being tied into the plot! Pre registering is encouraged via the link the forums.

NPCs How To:
NPCs may pre-register for an event by verifying their memberships are up-to date and following the link on the forums to pre register.
NPCs Benefits / Rewards:
Pre-Registering to NPC allows Plot to know you're available for roles before the event starts. You may receive special or important roles if Plot knows you're going to be an NPC that weekend. NPCs also receive 200 Goblin Stamps if they NPC the entire event as well as 2 Magic Item Picks, per our Magic Item Pick system. Players who choose to NPC for a shift of up to four hours will receive 20 Goblin Stamps per hour and 1 Magic Item Pick.

*Alliance Ashbury is a strictly 16-and-up campaign; players under 18 are required to present a waiver signed by a parent or guardian. Players under 16 are permitted only at the annual Kids’ Event.

(PCs Only)

How To:
1) Pre-register (see above).
2) Verify your membership is up to date (and pre-pay to renew it if it is not).
3) Send a list of all Spells, a maximum 40 rituals of Magic Items (MI#, Description of Rep, Ability/Day), Production, Build Expenditure, Goblin Stamp Expenditure, etc. to Logistics at ashburylog@gmail.com prior to the last Sunday night before an event. If you require nothing, please e-mail logistics and let them know you require nothing. Requests after Sunday are not guaranteed to be fulfilled.

If you pre-logist, thank you! You have not only made things easier for yourself, but for the entire HQ staff as well! In return for this service, we will provide a free 250 GS Gift of the Land to be chosen at logistics when you arrive to pick up your character packet. On top of that, you get a free cookie, too! We love people who pre-logist!

IMPORTANT: If you are coming to HQ from another chapter, you must ensure that Logistics has an updated copy of your character prior to the Wednesday night before an event. If we do not have an updated version of your character card, you may be forced to use an older version for that event.

Hours of Operation


5:00PM – 7:00PM: Prelogistics
If you were unable to pre-logist for your character for the event, you can still do so if you arrive early! By making it early to pre-logist, you will still be rewarded with a 250 GS Gift of the Land and a cookie. This is also a great time to have your weapons checked by our weapons marshals before the rush begins.

7:00PM – 10:00PM: Logistics
We'll try to have as many Logistics Staff as we can muster at that event; if we are short-staffed, please be patient! This is the time to check in for PCs and, if you haven’t do so already, pay for your event. If you already submitted your pre-logist, you may see the General Manager to pick up your character packet without waiting.

10:00PM – 11:00PM: Post-Logistics Skeleton Crew
After 10, all but the Head of Logistics will leave to go into game. Anyone arriving later than 10:00 will need to wait on the Head of Logistics to receive their character card.

11:00PM – 2:00AM: On Call
After 11, the Head of Logistics will leave the desk to enter the game. Players arriving after this time who haven’t submitted a pre-logist will need to wait by NPC camp to notify a staff member that they need to be logisted. It is highly encouraged for everyone to arrive earlier than this.


2:01AM – 10:00AM: Closed

10:00AM – 6:00PM: On Call
Strictly for any players who arrived later than 2:00AM the night before.

6:00PM – 7:00PM: Logistics
This logistics period is for anyone who needs to make changes to their spell lists, get new production items, and/or pick up their craftsman coin. If players go off site to eat, you are expected to drop off spell / skill lists before you leave so you can pick them up when you return. An announcement will be made in game if events change time of logistics period starting. This logistics period will last for one hour.

7:00PM – End: On Call



Before you may NPC at Ashbury, you must ensure that your membership is up to date and you’ve signed a legal waiver at logistics; there is no extra cost to NPC. Once you’ve done this, there will be two sign-in sheets in NPC camp: one will be for full time NPCs (NPCing the entire weekend) and the other will be for part time NPCs (NPCing for only part of the weekend). It is imperative that you sign-in and note where you’re putting your NPC credit to (which character/blank and where) so that you will be properly credited. If you fail to sign in, you will not get credit.


If you’re planning to NPC for us, thank you! You’re doing a huge favor by entertaining your friends and allowing us to put on the game we want! If you’ve never NPCed before, it is highly encouraged to bring black clothes and black shoes. These are less visibly out of period and help the PCs’ immersion in the game. It’s also helpful to bring a white headband with you for whenever you are out of game; this denotes to players in game that you aren’t actually there.

Garb, masks, weapons, and make-up will be provided for you in NPC camp, but if you have materials of your own that you’d like to use for yourself, you’re more than welcome to bring them! If you do bring your own garb/makeup/etc, please make sure to note that they are yours so that no one else mistakes them for belonging to NPC camp.


Food is provided in NPC camp for free – but it is comprised entirely of donations! If you are planning to NPC, it’s a very good idea to bring along something you can donate (especially energy-providing foods and drinks). You’ll be compensated for donations with Goblin Stamps!

Tavern food is also provided to NPCs without cost, including two breakfasts and one dinner, making it also a good idea to donate even five dollars to the Food Committee for their kindness. Every little bit counts!


Part Time:

  • 20 Goblin Stamps per hour NPCed OR
  • 100 Goblin Stamps for a four-hour shift NPCed (maximum).
  • 1 Magic Item Pick.
  • Potentially extra Goblin Stamps for important roles or helping out.
Full Time:

  • 200 Goblin Stamps.
  • 2 Magic Item Picks.
  • 1 Event Blanket on a character.
  • 1 Skill taught to a character for free.
  • Potentially extra Goblin Stamps for important roles or helping out.

Gas for Gobbies

As an added incentive to NPC, we will reimburse gas expenditures for everyone who NPCs! This includes carpools with PCs or other NPCs. All NPCs that bring their gas receipts to the General Manager will receive 3 GS for every $1 spent. All you have to do is remember your receipt!

Faire Play Lodging

For PCs

Private Rooms
We currently have four private rooms which are insulated, have electricity, and include up to four bunks with camp pads. Private rooms may be reserved with your paid pre-registration for $40. If you have 4 people in the room, that is $10 each for the event or $5 each a night, so it is a great deal. One person in your group must pay the entire $40 as we can't keep track of who paid what for which room.

We currently have four player cabins. If you have four players who have pre-registered, you can reserve a cabin at no extra cost. However, please note that cabins are intended to lodge six players, so even if you have four people pre-registered and are reserving a cabin, you may fit in more. Every cabin is insulated, has electricity, and includes four bunks with camp pads.

Common Room
There are several bunk beds and some electricity in the Common Room. Lodging in Common Room is "first come, first served." However, please do not purposefully take up more space than you need.

Lodging in the guilds is in-game and remains at the discretion of the Guildmaster / Guildmistress.

Players may erect camping tents at their convenience at the Faire Play site. However, players who wish to keep their tents in-game (i.e., store their in-game belongings inside) must raise their tents on the tavern-side field closest to the pond, away from the town. Players who wish to keep their tents out-of-game (i.e., aren't storing their in-game belongings inside) must raise their tents on the parking lot-side field closest to the treeline, away from the bridge. This is for the sake of safety, immersion, and consideration of personal property.

For NPCs

Bunk Room
Faire Play has installed a room in NPC camp that includes electricity, air conditioning, a portable heater, and numerous bunks with camp pads; these bunks are all first come, first serve, and depending on the event attendance, may be filled rather quickly. PCs are prohibited from sleeping here.

Staff will also have priority to the staff bunk room.

NPC Camp
If the bunk room is filled, space will be allotted in NPC camp for sleeping. It is highly recommended to bring some kind of pad to sleep on here. PCs are prohibited from sleeping here.

NPCs may raise tents only in the designated out-of-game area on the parking lot-side field, away from the bridge. Tents may no longer be raised in NPC camp due to space constraints.


Faire Play is equipped with three portable toilets as well as two showers and two sinks in a room located beneath the kitchen. Lockers in the shower room are available for a small fee. Towels and toiletries are not included; visitors are expected to provide their own. The bathrooms are public, so we ask that everyone please be courteous to one another by cleaning up after themselves.


While Faire Play is kind enough to allow us nearly unrestricted access to their site, it is not a hotel: everyone is fully expected to clean up after themselves. If cabins and private rooms are found to have trash in them or are insufficiently cleaned, Faire Play reserves the right to charge a cleaning fee. But as long as everybody takes care of their own space and pitches in together, cleanup after events can be a quick and painless job. The General Manager will maintain a checklist for all areas of the site to ensure that everything has been picked up and properly cleaned at the end of every event.

Abuse or theft of Faire Play property may be subject to a fine or ban at the discretion of the Faire Play owners.

If there are any issues or concerns regarding lodging, feel free to voice them with the General Manager (ashburygm@gmail.com).

Plot Submissions

Character Backgrounds

Whether or not your character is new or has been playing for years, we want to make sure we know his or her background so that we may better tailor your LARPing experience. If you have not submitted (or resubmitted) your character’s (or characters’) history since 2012, please do so. We want to know if your character has any living relatives, if they’ve been around Icenia for a long time, or if they were once criminals – anything that might affect the way we write an event! Send it to allianceplot@gmail.comand we’ll make sure it gets used.

In Between Game Actions (IBGAs)

During the season (April - October) players may submit one action in-between events. This may range anywhere between telling us that your character is sticking around one area for a while to making a trek to the far northern mountains. Bear in mind that we permit just one action, however, so traveling to Dwarrenagor and making peace with all the Dwarven clans won’t happen in one writeup.

Please follow this link http://goo.gl/forms/RvS5urRpp6 for submissions.

Please be sure to include your full name and player number so that we can log the writeup appropriately. Feel free to include any skills you think will be relevant to what you are trying to do and if you are choosing to spend any Plot Points on the success of your action.

Group Submissions

If you are doing writeups with another person please make sure to include names (both IG and OOG) for all involved parties. If a large team is splitting up and doing multiple things please send them separately; for example, instead of sending one big writeup from Team A that says "Jim and Bob do X, and Kate and Jane do Y and Tony and Tina do Z" send three separate writeups for X, Y, and Z. If a whole team is all doing the same thing, you may condense it into one submission as long as all names are included.

Please note that the two-week rule will always apply. All submissions must be received no later than two-weeks prior to the next event. If they are received later than this you may not receive a response until after the event.


Once your writeup is received, it will be reviewed by the committee and go into one of four categories:

  1. Action successful, no other response needed
  2. Action successful, information provided
  3. Action not successful, reason/information provided
  4. Action accepted, in-game encounter to follow
Often the writeups we receive are useful for the player (particularly when explaining an absence), but don't really require us to write something. For example, if you do a writeup in which your character goes back to their home to spend time with family, we can tell you that this was successful, but that doesn't necessarily require any additional information. You're welcome to discuss in-game whatever you did with your mom, brother, dog, etc. We could however decide to use that writeup and tie it into an upcoming plotline, in which case that writeup gets moved to category 2.

Largely category 2 will consist of the "information seeking" type writeups. In which case if you find what you are looking for we will provide you that information. It would also include things like "I try to find person X," or something similar in which case you'll be informed whether or not you succeeded. If you attempt to do something and you are not successful you will be given a reason, not just "you find nothing."

Sometimes players attempt to do things in a writeup that really must be done in person. Other times we'll get a writeup and think of a fun encounter, or a way to tie it into a plotline. Whenever we can we'd much rather give people live encounters. We are a LIVE action roleplaying game afterall. If you fall into this category you'll get an email that lets you know that your submission will be followed up with an in-game encounter. However for that to happen you must pre-register and let us know you will be there! Even if you can't pay for the event up front, you should pre-register with Logistics so that they can pull your information. We then get the list from the Logistics Team so we know who is coming.

Gifts of the land

These special perks max out at 1000 gobbie value even if they are partially awarded due to prelogisting.

Magic Items

Due to the rising inflation of magic items, Alliance HQ is adopting a new Magic Item Ritual Cap as of 2015: each individual player may only carry 40 rituals worth of Magic Items into game. This means that when prelogisting or logisting on Friday night of the event, you may choose up to 40 rituals worth of items for your character to “carry in” to use over the course of the weekend. For the sake of clarity, each different spell and every “charge” is a separate ritual (i.e., one 3/day Stone Bolt item counts as three rituals). This ritual cap includes all HQ LCO items unless otherwise specified (i.e., plot artifacts). Master Constructs are considered to be 20-ritual items, as per the scroll. Rituals on a character’s spirit also count toward this cap; any spirit-linked or –locked items should always be included unless in extraordinary circumstances (which may be worked out between plot and logistics).

Any items that are lost, stolen, expended, sold, or otherwise removed from a character’s possession no longer count against that person’s ritual count and he or she may choose to retrieve another item at the next logistics period. Currently held items may also be “switched out” for others at logistics period.

This policy is being instituted with the goal of balancing the game’s power level for better scaling and an overall better time for everyone. While staff will be keeping an eye on magic item use, we ask that players honor this policy and abstain from carrying in items for the purpose of giving them to others. Trade and exchange is perfectly acceptable, but carting items for other people is counterproductive for the intent of this policy. We want to make the game as fair and challenging for everyone as possible.

Any questions or concerns about this policy may be directed to the General Manager (ashburygm@gmail.com)

Exemptions and Limitations

Any items discovered, crafted, or borrowed from NPCs during the course of an event likewise do not count toward the ritual cap for that time period.

The following rituals do not count towards the 40-ritual Magic Item cap:

  • Preserve Duration
  • Permanent Duration
  • Investiture
  • Sacrifice
  • Mark
  • Cloak of Darkness
  • “Roleplay Only” Rituals (as specified by their scrolls)
There are also certain rituals which we are specifically limiting due to their rampant overuse and subversion of the game’s power level. The following rituals are being limited to a maximum of 20:

  • Cloak
  • Bane

Temporary Item Tags

If you’ve received a temporary item tag over the course of an event at HQ, we kindly ask that you please notify the General Manager (ashburygm@gmail.com) as soon as possible to have it made into a permanent item tag. Temporary item tags will not be accepted any later than a month after their listed creation date.

Replacing Tags

If the tag for your Magic Item has become damaged or lost, please notify the General Manager (ashburygm@gmail.com) as soon as possible to have it replaced. You will be asked for the number located on the physical rep for the item. If you do not have the item in question, it will be considered “lost” and you will not be supplied a tag.

Magic Item Picks

Magic Item Picks are a type of “currency” we use at HQ as a way of rewarding players who have put in hours of time with work or assistance (i.e., they are generally not rewarded for donations unless said donations were handcrafted). Magic Item Picks are rewarded for attending Faire Play work weekends, working Alliance booths at conventions, NPCing, or otherwise spending time cleaning or helping the Ashbury staff.

To find out how many Magic Item Picks you have, request your quote from the General Manager (ashburygm@gmail.com). If you would like to use your picks, review the Magic Item Pick List and determine what kind of item you would like to make.

Magic Item Requests

When you’ve decided upon which Magic Item you would like to create, make sure you have enough Goblin Stamps to cover the cost by asking Logistics (ashburylog@gmail.com). Once you’ve confirmed that you are able to afford your chosen item, submit your request at least two weeks before the next Ashbury event. Your submission should be as follows:

Subject: Magic Item Request.

  • Your name and player number.
  • If you are using your own chosen item rep, describe it succinctly (e.g., “Silver necklace w/ green jewel,” “Black longsword w/ bear pommel,” etc.). If you do not have a rep, you will be issued one at random from the GM.
  • Which rituals you would like on it and their duration (e.g. “+2 Damage Aura for 3 Years,” “3/day Cure Light Wounds for 1 Year”).
  • If you are picking scrolls, list which ones.
  • For dual school/general aspect rituals, please choose an aspect (i.e., Earth, Celestial), otherwise it will be chosen for you.


  • All requests are LCO (i.e., they do not travel to other chapters); LCO scrolls render their rituals/items/etc. LCO as well.
  • Catalysts may only be “purchased” for the listed scrolls.
  • Rituals on requested items must be of the same aspect (i.e., Celestial, Earth, or Necromantic).
  • Each requested Magic Item may have a maximum of 5 rituals.
  • Between events a player may request a maximum of any one of the following:
    • 1 Magic Item
    • 2 Scrolls
    • 1 Catalysts
    • 5 Components
    • 1 Scroll/3 Components
All requests must be submitted at least two weeks before an event; later requests are not be guaranteed to be fulfilled. All requested Magic Item tags will be provided at Logistics at the following Ashbury event.


Donations are imperative to the survival of our chapter! We rely entirely on donations for the clothes, makeup, masks, decorations, and food to keep us all sustained and entertained! All donations are appropriately compensated for with Goblin Stamps, which are usable for blanketing characters, production, Gifts of the Land, and various other rewards. If you’re interested in making an entirely cash donation, please see the Ashbury Paypal (http://alliancelarp.com/pay.php); don’t forget to include your name in the notes section and designate that it is indeed a donation. Standard compensation for cash is 5 Goblin Stamps for every $1 donated. For all other donations, speak with the General Manager (ashburygm@gmail.com) or Head of Props, as they tend to change on a case-by-case basis.


Props are absolutely essential to the creation and running of our game, and they’re almost entirely from donations! If you’re interested in accruing some more Goblin Stamps to use at Ashbury, we’re always accepting donations, permitting that they are in good condition (i.e., not heavily used or falling apart). The following list includes a few of the things we always need:

  • Cake makeup (particularly Mehron or Paradise).
  • Baby wipes and/or cold cream.
  • Makeup wedges and Q-tips.
  • Glowsticks
  • Spell, arrow (blue), and/or gas (orange) packets.
  • Wigs and beards of all colors.
  • Elf ears.
  • In-period garb (e.g., tunics, dresses, peasant shirts, etc.) *Especially large sizes!
  • Weapons (Only accepted pending marshal approval).


We also always accept packet donations! We prefer white packets for repping spells (but will accept other colors as well), plain blue packets for arrows, and plain orange packets for alchemy. Due to recent issues regarding unsafe packets, we will be checking every donation we receive for safe sizes and safe materials.

We strongly recommend using approximately 1 tbsp of finch seed per packet on cotton fabric. Any less than that may be too small and any other material may be unsafe for players to use; other bird seed may contain things such as cracked corn or sunflowers, which are potential hazards when thrown.

The following is a list of prohibited packet materials; if your packets are found to contain any of the following, they may be subject to removal or disposal.

  • Peanuts
  • Popcorn kernels
  • Cracked corn
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Hamster/rabbit/other small animal food pellets
  • Friendly plastic (or any other hard pellet)
  • Vinyl, leather, or sequined material
If you would like to donate packets but cannot bring them directly to site, please contact the General Manager (ashburygm@gmail.com) or our Head of Props (alliancehqprops@gmail.com) and we will assist you.


Any and all PCs who choose to donate a minimum of $5 either before the event or at the door on Friday at check in will receive the following Lesser Gift of the Land:

  • Healer's Resolve equal to the first multiple of 5 above their max character body.
  • Must be used all at once. It require one minute of focus where no other game skills can be used (as per armor refit).
  • May only be used on yourself.
  • Expires at the end of the event and may not be held between events.
  • May not be purchased multiple times during the same event.
  • Cannot be purchased with Goblin Stamps, Magic Item Picks, or any other form of reward currency.
Example: Amaranthus the fighter has 63 body. After getting Deathed and Lifed, he is at 1 body. With this Lesser Gift, Amaranthus spends 1 minute kneeling and focusing, healing 65 body and therefore restoring him to his maximum 63 body.

Help feed the people of the land, and the land shall feed you in return.

Faire Play

If you are donating to Faire Play specifically, you must clear any donation with Scott Kondrk first. This includes anything large like furniture, tools, lumber, machines, microwaves, fridges, etc. If you are interested in making such a donation, contactskondrk@faireplay.org.

Rules Marshals

At HQ, we rely on willing volunteers with intimate knowledge of the Alliance Rulebook to ensure that everybody’s playing by the same rules and doing so safely. For each person who serves as a marshal, we offer compensation for their assistance and more for extra effort.

We ask that marshals sign in at Logistics when doing “marshal work,” such as assisting weapons checks, marshaling rituals, and marshaling modules. Undocumented work may go without compensating! We like to reward our marshals for everything they do, so be sure to sign in!

If you are interested in testing to become a marshal, please inquire with our Head of Rules

Weapon Marshal

60 GS/event
Weapon marshals are expected to be able to build a passable weapon, to determine the flaws in impassable weapons, and to evaluate and calculate armor values. Weapon marshals will be expected to assist at Logistics in evaluating players’ weapons.

Ritual Marshal

60 GS/event
Ritual marshals are expected to be able to know the procedures and rules regarding formal magic and rituals. They may be called upon during events to marshal rituals when necessary.

Rules Marshal

80 GS/event
Rules marshals are expected to know not only the letters of the rules but also understand the spirit of the rules when it applies. Rules marshals will be called upon to moderate rules disputes, make appropriate rulings, and marshal modules when necessary. Rules marshals must have the patience, disposition, and interpersonal skills to make rulings and explain them without being adversarial.


It is the official policy of Alliance LARP Ashbury that you must be at least sixteen to play. People younger than 16 may play the annual Ashbury Kids' Event, but may not participate in the primary Ashbury campaign. We have chosen to uphold this policy due to concerns regarding safety and mature content at the game.

We do not utilize paging for players over 16 but under 18. Instead, players between 16 and 18 must bring a liability waiver signed by a parent or guardian.

Largely, our paging policy is for people who have sustained any injuries or conditions that require them to be pages, what we call a "medical page" or "med-page." It is absolutely imperative that everybody read, understand, and follow our rules regarding paging so that we may ensure everybody is safe while they're having a good time. Our med-page specific rules are as follows:

  • Players may only med-page if they have an existing injury or condition, or sustain an injury on site.
  • Players must notify the General Manager and Head of Medical ahead of time that they will be med-paging an event. Please be sure to provide an emergency contact as well.
  • Players may not remove their med-page headband or choose to stop med-paging unless the Head of Medical has given them clearance.
General page rules as suggested by the Alliance Rule Book are as follows:

  • Pages must be pre-approved—no showing up at the door and asking to be a page.
  • Any page who is disruptive, does not obey these rules, or in any other way is deemed to be harmful to the game will be asked to leave. There is no appeal.
  • All pages must wear an orange headband with the word “page” written on it prominently.
  • Pages cannot enter combat in any way, including pouring healing potions in unconscious bodies during a battle. (After a battle or way off on the sidelines is fine.)
  • Pages cannot purchase any combat, weapon, or offensive casting skills. Pages can purchase role-playing skills such as Read and Write, Healing Arts, Craftsman and such. Alchemy can be purchased but no gasses may be thrown. Pages cannot carry weapons at all.
  • Pages can carry in-game items (except weapons) and can be searched.
  • In order to kill a page, a player must stand near the page and call out their effects and weapon damage but cannot hit the page directly in any way. It is assumed that every weapon and packet attack hits the page. The page can call out any protective spells the page has and can yell for help or try to run away (unless prevented by an appropriate effect, of course). A page can be given a Killing Blow.
  • All other rules concerning healing and resurrections apply; and of course, all in-game ramifications do as well.

Our staff takes it very seriously when someone chooses to med-page. For the sake of everyone's safety and good time, we ask that all of our players review these rules and remember them when playing with a med-page or when choosing to med-page. Any players who disregard these rules may be asked to leave the game.


The following are the policies for the Ashbury HQ Newsletter, a monthly in-game newspaper known as the Ashbury Times. Submissions should be sent to ashburytimes@gmail.com a week prior to the next event. Submissions sent later or via alternate means are not guaranteed to be received or used.

Submissions come in three forms:
Gender Pin LCO Policy

Available in npc camp are gender preference pins. These can be worn at your choice on the outside of your clothing to better allow others to help you the pronouns you prefer. These can also be used as a person of one gender playing a character of another. This is not an alliance wide policy. The pins will be available in logistics at no cost for the first pin and a small chart will be available in the lco area.


Articles can cover a variety of topics, including but not limited to in-game current events, personal opinions, and letters to the public. Articles should not exceed one page in length, though exceptions can be made if the need arises. All articles must come from an in-game source- whether that source be your character, an NPC character, or an Ashbury Times reporter. Articles with “metagamed” information (information the character in question could have no way of knowing) will be rejected unless edited to remove said information. Note that all NPC-written articles must be approved by Plot.

Compensation for newsletter varies based on the article source. If the article is written by a PC, then the PC will receive two silver at the next event. If the article is written by an NPC, then the player will receive a minimum of 100 gobbies.


Advertisements and Personals are a tool for PCs to reach out to other characters, whether it be to exchange goods and services or to simply track a person down. Due to the in-game benefits of being allowed to post advertisements free of charge, at this time there is no compensation for Ads or Personals.


Gossip consists of entertaining tidbits about characters or current events, usually consisting of one or two sentences that could have been overheard in a tavern around the duchy. Gossip is meant to be light-hearted and joking in intention, and ideally should be based off of a grain of truth. Note that not all gossip submitted will be immediately used in the newsletter- some may be saved for future newsletters, and some may be discarded for undisclosed reasons. Regardless, any player who submits gossip will be compensated with a minimum of 50 gobbies.

Code of Conduct

While there is a section of the Alliance Rule Book dedicated to the Alliance Code of Conduct which covers a great deal, we at HQ feel that there are a few things of which are players need to keep aware and always remember while playing our game. We want to keep our game safe, comfortable, and as enjoyable as possible for everyone, so please keep the following in mind while playing!


We understand that while playing the game, characters may dislike each other and things may become heated, but the moment one player begins to bully another out of game, it becomes harassment. Likewise, retaliation and degradation are prohibited. I will repeat this: we do not tolerate harassment of any kind. If you feel that you are being attacked for personal reasons, in or out of game, speak with a staff member and we will handle it swiftly and courteously.


We also consider discrimination a form of harassment. Treating another player differently based on their race, religion, ethnicity, gender, orientation, or any lifestyle choice is considered discrimination and therefore harassment. If you feel you are being discriminated against for any reason, please bring the issue to a staff member immediately so that we may address it quickly.

For the sake of sensitivity and inclusivity, the concepts of **** and religion do not exist in Alliance. I will reiterate: **** and religion do not exist in this game. Anyone found to be breaking this policy will be gently but firmly reminded of this; repeat offenders will be asked to leave.

Alliance is intended to be a safe, judgment-free zone for every person regardless of his or her background and we will do everything in our power to keep it that way.

Physical Roleplay

While physical roleplay is a personal preference and handled on a case-by-case basis, we must reiterate that every player must ask permission from the recipient before acting. Physical roleplay may be considered anything from a handshake to a full-body tackle; regardless of how you’re touching that person, it is extremely important to ask them first. Please respect each other’s personal space and preferences when it comes to physical contact. Again, Alliance is a place of safety and comfort. We want to keep it that way.

Physical violence is strictly prohibited. If a player is found to be causing intentional physical harm to another player, he or she will be banned from the chapter without exception.


Another sticky situation is stealing in-game. Thieves certainly do exist, and some may even make a living by stealing from others. However, stealing can very easily become a problem when it comes to people’s personal belongings! Please remember that a marshal must be present for any and all theft from personal spaces (i.e., cabins, private rooms, tents) – this includes the kitchen and the guilds. This is absolutely mandatory. Players found to be in violation of this policy will have the stolen items confiscated.

If you intend to steal a magic item from another player, you must notify a marshal! This is important because we need to get the tag for that item! Likewise, if you intend to steal a plot-important magic item, make sure to let a marshal and a plot member know! It helps us to keep track of what went where. If you’re not sure about whether or not something can be stolen, just check with a marshal!

Theft of personal items out of game is strictly prohibited; anyone found to be stealing personal items will be banned from the chapter.

Out of Game

A recurring issue is the “hand-to-head syndrome.” As soon as the start of game is called, players are expected to stay in-game as their characters for the duration of the event unless in explicitly out-of-game areas (i.e., NPC camp, bathrooms, logistics, Smoker’s Guild). Immersion is incredibly important for the full effect of the game! If you feel that something needs to be said out-of-game to another player, politely excuse yourself from that area and seek a place away from other in-game players to hold that conversation.

Recurring breaking of character ruins the experience for other players! Please be considerate of your fellow players: stay in-game or take the conversation elsewhere!
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