2018 Master Donation List (5/23/18)

High Need (stuff that will come out of our pocket before the next event)
  • Cake Makeup: Yellow x1, Grey x1, Blue x1, Orange x2, Purple x2, Black x1, and White x2
    (Magic Mirror in Traverse City should carry all of these) (Amazon as well)
  • White Folding Tables, 6' to 8' (x2)
  • Hockey Bag
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When amazon-ing stuff. Where should it get sent?
When amazon-ing stuff. Where should it get sent?

Where you thinking of grabbing the caddy? If not, I can order it tonight (should arrive pre-event).
I am handling both the canopy for the NPCs, and another one for PC "Tavern."
Where you thinking of grabbing the caddy? If not, I can order it tonight (should arrive pre-event).

It was more of a general question. You are go for caddy, Anique.
Ordered :)
Two tents ordered and being shipped!
I'll pick you up a yellow and a grey makeup cake. Need to refill my own supply anyways.

-Jessica P.
Do you still need the tables? I have a few more than 2. Would more help or get in the way?
