2019 Alliance LARP Utah Memberships


Hello Alliance Larp Utah! It is Membership Time again!

The annual membership fee for 2019 is $30 if you pay on or before 12/31/18, or $35 if you pay on 1/1/19 or later. This helps us cover the cost of our insurance for the year, pay for coin ordered, and to make sure all of our national database and logistical needs are taken care of.

Every Alliance Utah player must pay membership in order to play. If you are not from Alliance Utah and are a traveling player with membership in another chapter, you will be exempt from paying the membership fee in Utah.

You may pay your membership fee by sending your payment through...

PayPal at:

Or Venmo at:

Please include your full name in the PayPal and Venmo notes with the payment.

This year we are doing something a bit different with goblin stamps in that you MUST have a membership in order to make use of your monthly blankets. If you do not have a membership, you cannot get monthly blankets in our chapter. Note: you may still purchase back blankets for events not attended as per normal, as well as receive benefits of our Out of Chapter Season Pass.

A membership IS REQUIRED in order to purchase monthly blankets for all players, including chapter staff. Again, this is to protect you in case anything happens at an event and insurance is needed.

The 2019 Membership will last from January 1st, 2019 until December 31st, 2019.

(Again) we require a paid membership in the Utah Chapter in order to receive monthly blankets on your character. On January 1st, 2019 if you have not paid your 2019 membership, you will be removed from Utah's Monthly Blanket list.


The following list of people have paid their membership fee:

Paul Iverson
Katie Lewis-Kooring
Jeff Goulding
Liz Christensen
Parker Christensen
Marlene Schmidt