2019 HQ Magic Item Pick List
Updated policies
At Ashbury, we want to make sure that people who go out of their way to lend a hand to the chapter get properly rewarded for their efforts! That’s why we offer our players the Magic Item Pick List, from which anyone can “buy” Magic Items, scrolls, catalysts, or components. Of course, you need to have enough Goblin Stamps and Magic Item Picks to afford what you want; if you’re unsure about how many stamps or picks you have, check with the General Manager (ashburygm@gmail.com) and Logistics (ashburylog@gmail.com).
For alternatives to the Pick List, please check out our Gifts of the Land program (we will be doing an update to that as well soon), which allows for one-time purchases of weekend-long skill/spell packages.
While browsing the list and choosing what you wish to make, please keep in mind our new Magic Item Policy for 2019, which you may find here. Also while we did our best with the 2.0 change over of our list and policies there may still be a few issues that we need to iron out.
Once you’ve confirmed that you are able to afford your chosen item, submit your request to the General Manager (ashburygm@gmail.com) at least two weeks before the next Ashbury event. Your submission should be as follows:
Subject: Magic Item Request.
Your name and character ID# from the CMA.
If you are using your own chosen item rep, describe it succinctly (e.g., “Silver necklace w/ green jewel,” “Black longsword w/ bear pommel,” etc.). If you do not have a rep, you will be issued one at random from the GM.
Which rituals you would like on it
If you are picking scrolls, list which ones.
For dual school/general aspect rituals, please choose an aspect (i.e., Earth, Celestial, or Necromantic), otherwise it will be chosen for you.
All requested items should be picked up at Logistics at the next Ashbury event unless noted otherwise.
Earning Picks
Magic Item Picks are rewarded for the amount of time a player has given to the chapter, for example:
Crafting (garb, props, weapons, etc.)
Work Weekends
If you’re interested in giving your time to help Ashbury, let us know! We’re always looking for more helping hands!
All requests are LCO (i.e., they do not travel to other chapters); LCO scrolls render their rituals/items/etc. LCO as well. This also means that they will count towards the 40-ritual Magic Item Cap.
LCO rituals must be cast upon an item rather than the person's spirit if possible.
LCO rituals may not be used to extend the duration of ritual effects from another chapter.
Catalysts may only be purchased for the listed scrolls.
Rituals on requested items must be of the same aspect (i.e., Celestial, Earth, or Necromantic).
Each requested Magic Item may have a maximum of 10 rituals.
Between events a player may request a maximum of any one of the following:
1 Magic Item
2 Scrolls
1 Catalyst
5 Components
1 Scroll/3 Components
Questions? Comments? Send them to ashburygm@gmail.com!
Updated policies
At Ashbury, we want to make sure that people who go out of their way to lend a hand to the chapter get properly rewarded for their efforts! That’s why we offer our players the Magic Item Pick List, from which anyone can “buy” Magic Items, scrolls, catalysts, or components. Of course, you need to have enough Goblin Stamps and Magic Item Picks to afford what you want; if you’re unsure about how many stamps or picks you have, check with the General Manager (ashburygm@gmail.com) and Logistics (ashburylog@gmail.com).
For alternatives to the Pick List, please check out our Gifts of the Land program (we will be doing an update to that as well soon), which allows for one-time purchases of weekend-long skill/spell packages.
While browsing the list and choosing what you wish to make, please keep in mind our new Magic Item Policy for 2019, which you may find here. Also while we did our best with the 2.0 change over of our list and policies there may still be a few issues that we need to iron out.
Once you’ve confirmed that you are able to afford your chosen item, submit your request to the General Manager (ashburygm@gmail.com) at least two weeks before the next Ashbury event. Your submission should be as follows:
Subject: Magic Item Request.
Your name and character ID# from the CMA.
If you are using your own chosen item rep, describe it succinctly (e.g., “Silver necklace w/ green jewel,” “Black longsword w/ bear pommel,” etc.). If you do not have a rep, you will be issued one at random from the GM.
Which rituals you would like on it
If you are picking scrolls, list which ones.
For dual school/general aspect rituals, please choose an aspect (i.e., Earth, Celestial, or Necromantic), otherwise it will be chosen for you.
All requested items should be picked up at Logistics at the next Ashbury event unless noted otherwise.
Earning Picks
Magic Item Picks are rewarded for the amount of time a player has given to the chapter, for example:
Crafting (garb, props, weapons, etc.)
Work Weekends
If you’re interested in giving your time to help Ashbury, let us know! We’re always looking for more helping hands!
All requests are LCO (i.e., they do not travel to other chapters); LCO scrolls render their rituals/items/etc. LCO as well. This also means that they will count towards the 40-ritual Magic Item Cap.
LCO rituals must be cast upon an item rather than the person's spirit if possible.
LCO rituals may not be used to extend the duration of ritual effects from another chapter.
Catalysts may only be purchased for the listed scrolls.
Rituals on requested items must be of the same aspect (i.e., Celestial, Earth, or Necromantic).
Each requested Magic Item may have a maximum of 10 rituals.
Between events a player may request a maximum of any one of the following:
1 Magic Item
2 Scrolls
1 Catalyst
5 Components
1 Scroll/3 Components
Questions? Comments? Send them to ashburygm@gmail.com!