2020 Schedule and Season Two Post

Ryan S

Hey Everybody!

Leadership of Minnesota Alliance is happy to announce that we are in the process of scheduling a second season! We only have one site locked in for this year, but are in the process of securing six other sites. We're also going to be putting out a survey to get your feelings on whether or not to have a May game with the National Event Game being in the same month. I'll keep this post updated as we get the spaces solidified, and let you all know which sites have been added. We're looking forward to seeing you all this year, and continuing the stories of Erabella's Heroes.

2020 Schedule:

May Weekend 15th-17th at Lockeslea - Cancelled
June Weekend 19th-21 at Gamehaven - Cancelled
July Weekend 17th-19th at Fred C Andersen - Cancelled
August Weeekend 14th-16th at Fred C Andersen - Cancelled
September Weekend 4th-6th at Lockslea - Cancelled
October Weekend 23rd-25th at Miller Castle - Cancelled

COVID-19 Update:

Due to the current state of affairs, our sites have cancelled events through July. We will continue to keep you updated as things progress.

Game Location Addresses:

Lockslea: Camp Locksleak (6900 E River Rd, Fridley, MN 55432)
Fred C Anderson: Swanson Lodge (189 Andersen Scout Camp Road, Houlton, WI 54082)
Parker Scout Reservation: Miller Castle (21930 Paradise Dr N, Nisswa, MN 56468)
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I won't be able to determine what events I can go to until I can match dates to my schedule. At my current work, I should be off for the castle weekend. Yay! I am trying to arrange time off for the national event, but I don't know if I'll get it yet. Anyway, this means I can't vote with the way the voting set up is, since I can't make any of those choices.
Huzzah! Excellent news!
August unfortunately overlaps with Chicago, so I'm not sure which one I'll be at. Depends on which plot pulls Auryn the most I guess.
Will we see pricing for single events and season passes soon? Thanks for the hard work everyone, very excited to see you all in May!!
two things i just noticed, first you seem to have removed the one-day event for april and i would like to know, is the gamehaven place the one located in rochester?

David Raatz
two things i just noticed, first you seem to have removed the one-day event for april and i would like to know, is the gamehaven place the one located in rochester?

David Raatz
Yes gameHaven is the Rochester one.
April's event didn't work out, none of our locations were able to host us that month. So we decided to strike it for the season.
Will we see pricing for single events and season passes soon? Thanks for the hard work everyone, very excited to see you all in May!!
I'm also very curious about this. Trying to budget for the year and this would be very helpful information.
I'm also very curious about this. Trying to budget for the year and this would be very helpful information.

We don't have any plans currently to change the prices for single events. We are holding off on posting the season passes until after the raffle closes.