2023 Symposium Vote List (Multi-Item Thread)

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Jack Y.

Assistant General Manager

2023 Symposium Vote Summaries​


The following chapters were in attendance and have their votes marked as abbreviations:​

  • Atlanta (ATL)
  • California-Arizona (CAAZ)
  • Chicago (CHI)
  • Crossroads (XR)
  • Gettysburg (AGB)
  • Las Vegas (LV)
  • Minnesota (MN)
  • New Hampshire (NH)
  • Northeast PA (NEPA)
  • Roanoke (VA)
  • Wisconsin (WI)

Sellback of Arrows [2.1]​

Pass 11/0 Policy

This vote allows players to sell back arrows and bolts to Logistics for appropriate crafting material value.

Arrows and Bolts from 2.0 and prior may now be converted into Smithing Crafting Materials (Ore or Leather). Conversions are done in batches of full quivers, rounded up. A quiver of Normal arrows/bolts are converted into 1 Ore/Leather, and a quiver of Silvered arrows/bolts are converted into 3 Ore/Leather. This turn-in option is available once per player per chapter.

Vote: Sellback of Arrows (Policy Proposal by ATL) [PASS]

The following chapters voted for this policy: ATL, CAAZ, CHI, XR, AGB, LV, MN, NH, NEPA, VA, WI [Unanimous]

The following chapters voted against this policy: None

The following chapters abstained: None

Synopsis of conversations: Conversation centered around pricing for sell-back, if silvered arrows/bolts would recoup their silvering cost, and what would be done with partial quivers.

Workplace of Convenience Conversion Alternative [2.1]​

Pass 11/0 Policy

Motion to allow previous Workplace of Convenience Magic Items and scrolls to be added to the process of point conversion from 2.0.

Vote: Workplace of Convenience Conversion Alternative (Policy Proposal by CHI, seconded by NEPA and WI) [PASS]

The following chapters voted for this policy: ATL, CAAZ, CHI, XR, AGB, LV, MN, NH, NEPA, VA, WI [Unanimous]

The following chapters voted against this policy: None

The following chapters abstained: None

Synopsis of conversations: Conversation focused on the functional differences between Workplace of Convenience and Toolkit of Convenience, especially with respect to Toolkits of Convenience being based on charges and the Toolkit of Convenience being far less impactful than Workplace. Customer service considerations were expressed by members regarding the only option for Workplace of Convenience items and scrolls being conversion to Toolkits of Convenience, especially after the previous ritual had been a goal for crafters.

Render Indestructible Improved Conversion Alternative [2.1]​

Pass 10/1/0 Policy

Motion to allow previous Render Indestructible Improved rituals on magic items and scrolls to be added to the process of point conversion from 2.0. Only the Render Indestructible Improved ritual on an item would be able to be converted for points.

Vote: Render Indestructible Improved Conversion Alternative (Policy Proposal by Presidents, seconded by MN) [PASS]

The following chapters voted for this policy: AGB, NEPA, XR, CHI, MN, WI, VA, NH, LV, CAAZ

The following chapters voted against this policy: ATL

The following chapters abstained: None

Synopsis of conversations: Conversation regarding targets not necessarily having been game items, especially with the automatically permanent nature of render indestructible improved. Concerns were raised about what the conversion points could potentially net players, but the benefits outweighed the concerns.

Direct Metamorphosis to ARC, Separate from 2.1 [2.1]​

Fail 7/4/0 Rules

This vote would remove the mechanic of Metamorphosis that was proposed and implemented for data gathering in Crossroads and Wisconsin from 2.1 ruleset. It would also direct ARC to discuss and put forward a revised rule if they feel it is necessary.

Vote: Direct Metamorphosis to ARC, Separate from 2.1 (Rules proposal by LV, seconded by AGB) [FAIL]

The following chapters voted for this rule change: AGB, NEPA, ATL, WI, VA, LV, CAAZ

The following chapters voted against this rule change: CHI, MN, XR, NH

The following chapters abstained: None

Synopsis of conversations: Conversations touched upon the fact that ARC had given comment before but did not support the mechanic, though the makeup of the committee had since changed. Lack of data points due to few resurrections and permanent death opportunities had been raised, as well as a reluctance to push decisions on the new mechanic further down the road since it had been hanging since previous Symposium. The need to make a decision and understanding that members may not come to a consensus within symposium were raised as concerns. Although the mechanic is part of the rules, conversation turned to whether metamorphosis was more of a rule consideration or a business decision for chapter ownership to offer further alternatives to permanent character death and the end of long-term storylines.

With the failure of vote to direct Metamorphosis mechanic to ARC, Metamorphosis has gone into effect after Symposium and is added to the 2.1 rulebook.

Greater Metamorphosis Ritual [2.1]​

Pass 7/3/1 Rules

This vote lays groundwork for a new ritual entitled Greater Metamorphosis. Description, component costs, difficulty, and other details directed to Alliance Rules Committee and Design Committee.

Greater Metamorphosis

Target: Spirit

Duration: Times Ever

Base Difficulty: Replaces the XP reset to 25 XP of Metamorphosis with 25% of XP or 25XP, whichever is greater.

Scaling difficulty would allow for up to 40% of XP to be recovered, with an optional catalyst.

Vote: Greater Metamorphosis Ritual (Rules proposal by MN, seconded by AGB) [PASS]

The following chapters voted for this rule change: AGB, NEPA, XR, CHI, MN, WI, NH

The following chapters voted against this rule change: ATL, CAAZ, LV

The following chapters abstained: VA

Synopsis of conversations: Conversation regarding Metamorphosis turned to questions of if it would function better as a mechanic with a percentage of experience points of a permanently dead character, and what percentages would be amenable. The idea of having a ritual that would amend the XP rebate for metamorphosis was raised, with support for the proposal touching on player and chapter agency, with the ritual being something players could seek out, and game runners could choose to put out into their game. A strong preference was shown for catalyst being optional and scaling difficulty and cost providing scaling XP rebate percentages. Conversation against the proposal included concerns that there are already many effects that can delay permanent death and the addition of more rituals would cheapen them.

Amend Metamorphosis - Death Count [2.1]​

Pass 6/2/3 Rules

This vote amends the original language of Metamorphosis to reduce deaths to two total deaths instead of half death count of a permanently dead character.

Vote: Amend Metamorphosis - Death Count (Rules proposal by Presidents, seconded by VA) [PASS]

The following chapters voted for this rule change: AGB, NEPA, XR, WI, VA, NH

The following chapters voted against this rule change: CHI, MN

The following chapters abstained: CAAZ, LV, ATL

Synopsis of conversations: Conversation was light around the topic, mainly consisting of clarification that the two deaths would prevent the “free” deaths with no possibility of pulling a black stone from the bag of chance.

Amend Metamorphosis - Limit Uses [2.1]​

Pass 8/3/0 Rules

This vote amends the original language of Metamorphosis to limit it to one time ever per character.

Vote: Amend Metamorphosis - Limit Uses (Rules proposal by Presidents, seconded by VA) [PASS]

The following chapters voted for this rule change: AGB, NEPA, XR, WI, VA, NH

The following chapters voted against this rule change: CHI, MN

The following chapters abstained: CAAZ, LV, ATL

Synopsis of conversations: Concern was raised that no other death option is limited in its use, clarified by the fact that none of the other options allow the same character to continually return.

First Event Rewrite Extension​

Pass 11/0 Policy

The “First Event Rewrite” option for new players has been expanded beyond just the first event. Historically, some liberty has been given to new players to figure out the rules and gameplay. Starting now, before the next event a player PCs after their first six PC’d logistics periods, they are able to freely change that character’s race and re-spend their accrued XP. Just like before, this is not a new character; none of their in-game experience or knowledge is changed, and their name must stay the same.

Vote: First Event Rewrite Extension (Policy Proposal by ATL) [PASS]

The following chapters voted for this policy: ATL, CAAZ, CHI, XR, AGB, LV, MN, NH, NEPA, VA, WI [Unanimous]

The following chapters voted against this policy: None

The following chapters abstained: None

Synopsis of conversations: There were questions about how many logistics periods should be allowed, and how this change would work within the Character Management Application to allow players self-service rewrites. Conversation focused on rewrites as a recruitment and retention tool to allow players more agency as they learn their personal playstyle and limitations regarding costuming and makeup requirements.

Legacy Chapter Support in CMA​

Pass 7/1/3 Policy

This vote moves to append an asterisk to the front of each closed chapter to allow them to exist individually in lieu of being merged into one legacy chapter.

If and when a new chapter opens in the region, the previous chapter moves to Legacy status as outlined in the bylaws. If an owner wishes to take on goblin stamp obligations, they may at their discretion, and those goblin stamps would not be transferred to the legacy chapter.

Vote: Legacy Chapter Support in CMA (Policy Proposal by WI, Seconded by NEPA) [PASS]

The following chapters voted for this policy: AGB, NEPA, CHI, MN, WI, VA, NH

The following chapters voted against this policy: ATL

The following chapters abstained: XR, CAAZ, LV

Synopsis of conversations: Conversation detailed discussion about how closed chapters being consolidated into a combined legacy chapter may punish players who have multiple characters and cannot all receive blankets from prior contributions. A counterpoint offered was that the legacy chapter system was made to continue benefiting players while not burdening a future chapter with the goblin stamp debt, so new growth can occur in the region where a chapter has closed. Allowing chapters to choose to take on the goblin stamp obligations of prior chapters in their area balances player and organizational advocacy. Questions were raised about how the CMA would support legacy chapters, answered by technical team.

LCO Policy Standardization​

Pass 7/2/2 Policy

Standardize an LCO policy for all chapters mirroring National Chapter Player Policies Section 7.4.1. of Alliance Bylaws.

Vote: LCO Policy Standardization (Policy Proposal by ATL, Seconded by MN) [PASS]

The following chapters voted for this policy: AGB, NEPA, ATL, XR, MN, WI, VA

The following chapters voted against this policy: CHI, LV

The following chapters abstained: NH, CAAZ

Synopsis of conversations: Conversation included the need for and viability of LCO (Local Chapter Only) magic items, since chapters with less restrictive policies make their presence functionally indistinguishable from Restricted items. Agreement was sought on what effects would not be able to be purchased as LCO effects. Regional acceptance of LCO items creates a difficult situation if travelers from outside the region wish to bring their own LCO items, to which it was expressed that it is already codified in the bylaws that if an effect is accepted from one chapter, it must be accepted from all. Talk regarding host chapters being able to accept or reject magic items on the basis of unique flaws were also mentioned before agreement was reached regarding using the same LCO policy as for the National event on a national scale until Design has a chance to research and present amenable alternatives.

Simplification of Votes - See Veto Below​

Pass 8/2/1 Bylaws

Standardize and simplify voting thresholds. All votes, regardless of source or reason, would need 2/3 majority Aye to pass, except President veto.

Vote: Simplification of Votes (Bylaws Proposal by ATL, Seconded by WI) [PASS]

The following chapters voted for this policy: NEPA, ATL, CHI, XR, MN, WI, VA, LV

The following chapters voted against this policy: NH, AGB

The following chapters abstained: CAAZ

Synopsis of conversations: Concerns were raised regarding the impact on committees (especially Design and Rules) of changing the thresholds for vote to a supermajority aye for all votes. Clarification was requested regarding how the vote would impact rules votes. Conversation for the vote centered around making the bylaws more consistent and easier to understand.

Presidential Veto: Simplification of Votes​

Uphold 4/7/0 Presidential Veto

The Presidents of Alliance have utilized their veto on the vote to simplify votes as raised during 2023 Symposium. The Veto effectively cancels the vote in its entirety if upheld by the Members (Chapter Owners). This veto will cancel the changes to the Bylaws with respect to voting.

Vote: Presidential Veto of Simplification of Votes (Presidential Veto) [UPHELD]

The following chapters voted for this policy: NEPA, NH, AGB, WI

The following chapters voted against this policy: XR, ATL, MN, LV, CAAZ, VA, CHI

The following chapters abstained: None

Synopsis of conversations: Conversation for was raised regarding how the change in voting would impact Rules votes in particular. Further concerns were raised regarding lack of participation and engagement in concept development and voting for non-Symposium votes.
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