21 Days


Chicago Staff
Good afternoon,

In 21 days the people of Gaden will make a final push against the Corrupt tactician known as The Shade. We have a plan, we have resources, and we are confident we will triumph.

That being said, there has been and will be much loss in the next 21 days. The Shade has begun to warp the dreamscape to prevent mass communication. I suspect in 7 days time the dreaming will be gone until a fix is solved.

I reach out to Terna because more mages and warriors would be a great asset to fight alongside the Adventurers of Gaden. For those that have pledged to come, I thank you. For those that wish to assist, we welcome you with open arms.

What you did recently was remarkable, so as what some of you did with The Harroc last year, I'm grateful then, and shall be grateful again.

Should you venture to Gaden, your lodging at my estate will be provided, as plenty of beds are available within the Guild House. We will march to our destination on the 2nd day of the 12th month of Gaden 1516, 316 Wayside calendar.

Thank you comrades,

Lord Asher Oakheart of The Shelteted Lands