24th-26th Faves

Ithica said:
Kelly (Aara), i forgot the new pc's name. But 2 games in a row now. Her character just says the most innocent and purest things at the most ridiculousness of times. It is hard not to break character.

Toddy, that is Aara ;)
Ithica said:
oh thats right.... sowry!
It's ok - easy mistake to make, she's... different ;)
You guys.
There are no words capable of adequately describing how much I appreciate the roleplaying efforts of the PCs I dealt with this weekend. I'm totally that kid who puts 110 percent into every role they play, and it meant so much to see that same effort returned by so many of you. It really made my first time NPCing one of the best and most memorable events I've been at so far.

So, specifics!

Eric Stehle. Eric motherloving Stehle. You are such a trooper for dealing with all the silliness that is mister Conrad Starch. You kept character flawlessly in dealing with me and it was, from the character's perspective, so exciting to see that legendary Baron Ivan kindness and generosity first-hand. I didn't get my blood, though, so you might have to watch your back...

That leads me to Toddy. Both as Conrad and as the informant re: Sir Bryce, you really showed me what you're capable of. And you, sir, are capable of a lot. Thank you for the sheer intensity you bring to your character and the situations in which he finds himself.

Emily. EMILY. My NPC buddy in all things ridiculous. Thank you for making our off-the-cuff crazy person fishbowl as much fun as it was. And thank you to ALL the PCs I dealt with during that, even in passing - Rowan, Shiobhan (I will never spell that right), Luka, Grim, Telokh (I think?) - and all of you I know I'm forgetting. That was hands-down some of the most fun I've ever had. Special thanks to Maria Engler for being such a trooper holding up my sweaty little body for however long that was.

Beard-off. Justin, you are a god among men.

Pinkus/Old Red Eye. Even if we made Bill a grumper, it seemed like you guys were having a lot of fun. :] Day-after honor combat with Luka was very fun, too. For the whole thirty seconds it lasted.

Epic duel with Mike Engler! "x silver!" "No effect." "x normal!" "No effect." "x magic!" "No effect." Attacking like crazy until he somehow got a flame weapon. DEAD IMMEDIATELY. Too cool. Wasn't it celestial, too? Sorry, Mr. barbar stone elf.

All of my friends new and old in NPC camp- thank you for everything. Mike Strauss, I owe you at least nine kisses. Tom H., you continue to be one of the biggest reasons I keep coming back. I know you don't read the boards much but I'm sayin' it anyway. Alex K., you are one fun man. Illana, I love you even if you don't love my panthergasm ideas and THANK YOU for keeping an eye on me while I was asthmatic (and Drew and Heidi, too!).

And, of course, Amelia. You don't give yourself enough credit for the amazing things of which you are capable, so I'll never stop telling you how amazing you are. <3 Keep up the good work. I'm lucky to know ya'.
Khaadijah said:
-Telokh and the resurrection story. I cannot express how cool that was and how much that bond with him means to her. She will strive to make the right decisions via the right methods from now on. That was a painful lesson too…but so amazing to experience. I am so excited for more roleplay and the development of the kinship with him. THANKS MIKE E!

Thank-you, Em! That whole experience is one of my top ten RP moments in my 12 years of Alliance. I can't tell you how much I look forward to playing more events with Caoimhe. Funny, though, I was spelling it Kiva in my head all weekend. Coming from you, my inner linguist should have known better.
I do really enjoy Ashbury games. The pacing and just the style of play is just such a big jump for me coming from the Caldaria and Deadlands chapters, and I really like the variaty that it provides. I really like how I can just show up and I could make an event out of just sitting in the tavern and RPing, or I can run around and just be involved in so many different things that my character just isnt used to. It was especially a pleasure this go around with quite a few new faces both IG and OOG.

My absolute favorite moment this weekend was saturday night abysmal gorge mod. Henry came up to Avian as the Baron and asks if he could assist him and I tell him of coarse. Then Henry puts his hand on his head and goes Jeremy Can you hop fence for me. I'm pretty sure I had an evil grin when he told me what he needed me to do. That mod was really epic fun, getting to fight nemisis. Just the sheer crazy spells and effects flying in that fight... possibly in some of my top NPC mod experiences. Thanks Henry for pulling me for that, Thanks PCs for putting on a good fight, and thanks plot for writing the encounter and encounter(s) that led up to it.

Guitar in the Tavern and new found musical buddies. It was especially neat to get to play guitar while Kialda played the recorder. Ive played with other musicians before but never a duo guitar/recorder so that was quite awesome in my books.

Running around with the phalanx just showing what Caldarians are made of, then just silly conversations in the cabin, making jokes and just hanging out. All great times.

HonestIy I had a great time just all over all. I really hope I can get back up to Ashbury again soon.

Thanks for putting on such a good event guys.
Being a brand new player coming in with it being their first event ever, it was intimidating to say the least, but I still had a blast.
The Saturday morning mod with Justin as the captain and giving some of us lower level players a chance to do something great was a definite high point, with the ship combat and getting to take down a Necromancer serving as a great confidence booster and sparking that feeling of, "Hey, maybe I can do this after all." I especially have to applaud everyone involved in that mod, PC and NPC alike for doing such a great job despite the downpour as soon as we were on the ship.

I also have to admit that participating in the Beard-Off was a memorable experience despite being such a reluctant contestant. Despite my nerves it was a lot of fun and will be something i'll remember with a smile from my first event ever.

Also, a big thank you has to go out to the Blythedale crew for being some of the first to welcome Tanis and helping me feel welcome. Fighting alongside them during some of the later battles proved to be a great experience as well and made me feel like I was actually being useful.

In general, this was an amazing first experience and everyone I met was great and helpful. You all definitely convinced me to keep coming back.
Okay, I've already been typing for an hour to work on Rom plot, so here's the short:

Meeting Natalia's ancestors- especially the mother of her clan. Ok, so it was just a vision, but she was a vision! -and then using an Endow to pull her away when the Dominion attacked.

Subsequently kicking the Dominion's butt big-time with my new offensive earth column. And having Ezri doing it right beside me.

Bonding with Ezri over the gypsy mod- I wasn't sure she would get much out of it, but then it became musician plot and beating on Dominion, so there was plenty to share!

Rom being Rom, Rai being Rai, Kumpania being Kumpania- Ezri coming with me on my mod and Ashrik teaching me celestial stuff. Couch time with Rorii ( "I call upon the power of my beauty to summon a baron"- no, really, it worked!) and Daralassia and I sharing similarities in our people's histories. You guys are my Kumpania for a reason!

Learning Archery from Harrison. Finding out after game that people think he's stuffy and unapproachable, which sounds really funny to the girl that he has physically run away from on several occasions. I love messing with him, but starting to become more comfortable is really cool, too.

Rom stuff I'm not telling you gadje players even OOG. :P

Luka and Natalia starting to gel- Luka's really maturing fast, and we shall make an excellent team.

Kialda following after Natalia in battle to learn from her and running to the porch to check up on me after the gypsy mod. Anyone that ever messes with you is going to get 9 columns of earth cannon!

Doris the hag- kudos to Ferka for playing along so smoothly and flirting with her and buying her a brownie, when no one else could even look at "her"

You gotta love a good beard-off. Made infinitely more hilarious by Coggin's shenanigans.

Being more successfull with offensive Earth- what a relief!

No, seriously, that is the short version!

Jovunn said:
Epic duel with Mike Engler! "x silver!" "No effect." "x normal!" "No effect." "x magic!" "No effect." Attacking like crazy until he somehow got a flame weapon. DEAD IMMEDIATELY. Too cool. Wasn't it celestial, too? Sorry, Mr. barbar stone elf.

Yea I was the one who cast the elemental blade spell on him, and I totally didn't ask him permission, I just asked if he had a spellshield. :P
Dreamingfurther said:
Jovunn said:
Epic duel with Mike Engler! "x silver!" "No effect." "x normal!" "No effect." "x magic!" "No effect." Attacking like crazy until he somehow got a flame weapon. DEAD IMMEDIATELY. Too cool. Wasn't it celestial, too? Sorry, Mr. barbar stone elf.

Yea I was the one who cast the elemental blade spell on him, and I totally didn't ask him permission, I just asked if he had a spellshield. :P

Telokh got an out on that one. And that was the first Celestial spell he had on him in three years.

And it was only Silver before that, Kris.
Tanis Orey said:
Being a brand new player coming in with it being their first event ever, it was intimidating to say the least, but I still had a blast.
The Saturday morning mod with Justin as the captain and giving some of us lower level players a chance to do something great was a definite high point, with the ship combat and getting to take down a Necromancer serving as a great confidence booster and sparking that feeling of, "Hey, maybe I can do this after all." I especially have to applaud everyone involved in that mod, PC and NPC alike for doing such a great job despite the downpour as soon as we were on the ship.

You kicked *** this weekend. I couldn't believe it was your first event. I'm glad you had fun!
