3x day Disarm, Celestial, 2 years, from wayside for auction


Young Masters and Mistresses,

I have another item to offer. It casts disarm from the celestial school 3x a day for the next two years. This item is most powerful in Wayside. I will start the bidding at 3 gold.

Good Luck bidding,
A bid of 3 gold has been entered

good luck bidding,
I bid six gold.

I know I haven't been to these lands before, but the item originating from my homeland caught my attention in my dreams. Barrister Enan Bluewater, of Wayside, can vouch that I always pay my debts, and always pay for my orders.

May you always walk in the Light,

Brother Eric Marsters
Brotherhood of the Light
Yaye, I won't outbid you, Thud. You did really well dhis las' market day. You deserve something for your efforts, I think. :D
the disarm item is a pendant/locket

Good luck Bidding,
Dream realm bidding is closed. I will proxy bid for those who have arranged it. Auction ends on midnight second market day.

Many blessings,