5/19-21/23 "When The Levy Breaks" Player List!


New Hampshire Staff
Cinderfel Event 1.jpg


The time of truce is coming to an end. Levomire’s forces hold the greater half of the continent, from Halja to the southern borders of Cinderfel at the edge of the Tegan Meadows. Adventures gather in Mournstead seeking the wisdom of the Beasts of Mer. Is there a way to shift the scale of power against the Ooze Dragon? Who is willing to take up arms, and what are they willing to sacrifice?

Cinderfel Player List.jpg

[Updated 5/13/23]

1. Brian D.
2. Brandy S.
3. Jeremy D.
4. Dustin S.
5. Mike D.
6. Rachel D.

1. Albert L.
2. Nick W.
3. Adam C.
4. Susie G.
5. M.
6. Marie R.
7. Steve D.
8. Jake D.
9. Mark S.
10. Justin D.
11. Nate K.
12. Craig F.
13. James P.

Steps to pre-register:
-Purchase Event: https://www.alliancelarpnh.com/#prereg
-CMA, for event XP (and magic items): https://db.alliancelarp.com/events/719
-Beta CMA, to build card and register for event: https://beta.alliancelarp.com/events/659
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Currently at a 3:1 ratio, with two days before pre-reg discount deadline! Get your spot reserved and bring a pal to NPC!
Thanks to a part-time NPC, we went from a wait list to one PC spot open!

Pay for the event at any time and it'll reserve your PC spot!

Reg in the CMA as an NPC and you'll open up 3 more PC spots!

Can't wait to see y'all there!!!
THIS JUST IN! Bunch more PC spots! Come help us wage war on this big evil dragon! (What could go wrong?!?)
FYI! Food options for this event!

Three meals will be provided in-game during this weekend event! Enjoy!

Dinner (Saturday):
Choice of -
Ham & cheese+rice casserole

Breakfast (Saturday and Sunday):
Waffles and Egg Sandwiches20230512_093428_0000.jpg