a Belated Arrival


Good people of Wayside,

My apologies for my long belated arrival, I had originally intended to arrive in your area back in April, unfortunately the untimely passing of Lord Regent Horatio saw my services needed to help with the logistical work of settling such a long and established state. I am happy to announce that my portions of this matter have been resolved fully and the required period for waiting for disputes on those items I was assigned has officially lasped thus freeing me to continue my intended travels and I expect to arrive in mid November before the harshest part of winter sets in.

I suppose introductions would be appropriate due to the laspe in time between my first discertation on the matter and the actual arrival I have been able to deliver. My name is Barrister Enan Bluewater, duly bounded, registered and certified with the Wayside Registered Barristers Association, having completed my initial studies in the realms of law and earth magics I find myself available to offer a variety of services that are often sorely lacking in zones of high conflict such as Wayside. I can offer legal representation on a variety of matters, when I am not assigned by the association to a conflicting matter of course, including land purchases, wealth distribution, and full fledge auctions, reserved or open. I can also offer support in the more traditional sense as I am an accomplished wielder of the magics that come from the earth's bounty, although my studies into the more formal practices are just beginning. My rates are what I believe to be very reasonable and I do offer the more traditional adventuring option of an even 'share' system.

I look forward to meeting you all this upcoming market day.


Barrister Enan Bluewater
Welcome to town, senor. I am called Marcey by dhose dhat do talk of me. If you should be in town dhis nex' faire day in Novembre, I would like much to meet wit' you straight away, should you 'ave dhe time.

Fortune and Love Find You,

~Captain Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove Idumea DagonGaddi