A call to Arts


San Francisco Staff
*A voice echoed threw the dreamscape speaking in a faux Dwarven accent and if you concentrate, you can hear soft drumming in the background*

Greetings Friends,Comrades, and Allies of Fortannis,

I am Embrawk Hematite of the resplendent Quail Merchanting Company. I currently call the lands known as the Maelstrome home. These lands are in ruin after a catastrophic and hostel Elemental takeover. Thanks to the constant efforts of many brave hero's, life has slowly begun to return to these lands.

People are resurrecting everyday after years and years of being out of there physical form. Their recovery is usually slow. While there bodies may be healthy there minds are still fragile.

Here is where you can help. These survivors have food and shelter but nothing to inspire them. Their culture has been destroyed and I unfortunately only have so many stories and pieces of art to share.

I need your help, if you have any art you can share or any artist whom you can ask to share there work, can you please do so. It is imperative we inspire these survivors. After all life without expression is merely Survival and these people deserve better.

So please, I simply ask to give what you can. I have the ability to scribe and paint replica's of written and painted works and I will credit any who wish. If you wish for compensation please name your price. I am not wealthy but I will give what I can within reason.

Thank you for hearing me out, I appreciate any assistance provided.

-Embrawk Hematite of the Quails
*A female voice chimes in*
It may come accross jumbled as its been a long time since ive even thougth of the thing but... ****... a world without art? thats stupid.

Long since out of print, never another copy to be made, but I once turned out a block-cut calendar...

(a somewhat jumbled image comes through in the dreamscape- essentially like what is below)


(ooc: if I could get you a bigger file, i would, but this is so old I have no idea where it even is)
*The sound of someone beginning to speak, but immediately followed by sputtering choked coughing like someone who has just done a spit-take*

"Uhh... I-I..."
*garbled incomprehensible stuttering*
*clearing throat*

"G-greetings Fortannis at large. I am Diplomatic Assistant Terren, a resurrected native of the land that Goodman Hematite describes. I would like to offer a caveat to his words.

It is true that, a-a-at this moment we have food and shelter, but this is not a permanent solution. We are still b-b-balancing on the brink of disaster. We have an ongoing need for medicine, clothing, blankets, and these needs will grow as our p-p-population returns, even if for the time being we have enough. There will indubitably come a time when we have to reach out to Fortannis for further help, and I don't want it to seem like the problem has been fixed.

That being said, Embrawk's call for art, stories, and songs is very necessary. Our culture has not been 'destroyed,' it returns as the people return (though it changes), but the comforts of the songs, a-a-artwork, and stories of other lands is of invaluable assistance. It is sometimes hard to remember that there is a life beyond this disaster, and hearing from other lands and receiving visitors from them helps us recall that new beginnings are possible.

I would also like to take this moment to mention that if any intend on visiting our lands, please try to contact someone through dream who can guide you here. The mists surrounding this land are perilous without someone to show the way.

Thank you all very much for your help. With the help of Fortannis, this land can be made anew.

In Service,
Assistant Terren of Knight's Ferry
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*same voice*

Thank you for the art, but to be honest I find it slightly offensive as it sets unrealistic expectations . . .
I will be back in the Maelstrom once I am able to settle a few matters in the Ceriopolis. I will bring games and jewelry. I am happy to teach others how to craft these when I arrive as well.

All of the best,

*The sound of someone beginning to speak, but immediately followed by sputtering choked coughing like someone who has just done a spit-take*

"Uhh... I-I..."
*garbled incomprehensible stuttering*
*clearing throat*

"G-greetings Fortannis at large. I am Diplomatic Assistant Terren, a resurrected native of the land that Goodman Hematite describes. I would like to offer a caveat to his words.

It is true that, a-a-at this moment we have food and shelter, but this is not a permanent solution. We are still b-b-balancing on the brink of disaster. We have an ongoing need for medicine, clothing, blankets, and these needs will grow as our p-p-population returns, even if for the time being we have enough. There will indubitably come a time when we have to reach out to Fortannis for further help, and I don't want it to seem like the problem has been fixed.

That being said, Embrawk's call for art, stories, and songs is very necessary. Our culture has not been 'destroyed,' it returns as the people return (though it changes), but the comforts of the songs, a-a-artwork, and stories of other lands is of invaluable assistance. It is sometimes hard to remember that there is a life beyond this disaster, and hearing from other lands and receiving visitors from them helps us recall that new beginnings are possible.

I would also like to take this moment to mention that if any intend on visiting our lands, please try to contact someone through dream who can guide you here. The mists surrounding this land are perilous without someone to show the way.

Thank you all very much for your help. With the help of Fortannis, this land can be made anew.

In Service,
Terren of Knight's Ferry
I stand corrected. Thank you, Terren

*same voice*

Thank you for the art, but to be honest I find it slightly offensive as it sets unrealistic expectations . . .

*same female voice*
Im offended that you're offended. You saying the men of Acarthia arent hot? You saying we arent swimming in abs and 'dat-***' ? You saying this isnt totally suitable to getting the blood of the long dead flowing again with hope?... and other assorted emotions?

Not my fault the other realms cant prove their manly hotness in comparison to my home town...

...OR CAN THEY?...

*Dramatic sound effects penetrate the dreamrealm*
*same female voice*
Im offended that you're offended. You saying the men of Acarthia arent hot? You saying we arent swimming in abs and 'dat-***' ?...

Not my fault the other realms cant prove their manly hotness in comparison to my home town...

...OR CAN THEY?...

*Dramatic sound effects penetrate the dreamrealm*
It's not the physical form of these superior male specimens, I find offensive. I feel that a dryad holding a frying pan may be offensive to dryads. As far as I understand it, it's unrealistic for many dryads to wield such a large amount of metal.
I feel we may have gotten off topic a little bit. To clarify if anyone has any art be it of word song or visual type, Please feel free to share it for those in need.

*spoken awkwardly*
Now if you'll excuse me. I'll be starting that new intense workout regiment, I just this moment remembered I was supposed to start.
Akemi appears in the dreaming shaking her head slowly. Looking to those around her she points behind her to a sign. -Days since last shitshow: 5 - Slowly she erases the 7 and fills it is with a 0.
I don't know Akemi, I like the artwork. Clean lines while still having attention to detail. I consider it a good piece of art, and I like the subject matter. I might be interested in commissioning a woodcut of this.
I was going to offer to look for storytellers, but then I discovered some people might be offended by the stories that some may offer, and have their donations rejected outright.

Perhaps when one receives a gift, one ought not look it too much in its ears.

On that at least we can agree Zeth.
*the same occasionally stuttering male voice*

I-it is my belief that Goodman Hematite intended to be humorous, I am always inclined to believe the best of people in dream b-b-because their intentions are sometimes hard to discern. However, even if he was serious...

Of the total p-p-population of my homeland, currently only around 150 people have resurrected. We are besieged and trapped underground with minimal access to the surface with limited and precious water supplies and no current way to produce our own food. The people- for obvious reasons- need all the reassurances and comforts they can get. We are a military people and used to hardships, but a long stint trapped underground will only drain our morale further as the population is currently mostly surface dwellers.

As a result, help- any help- is valuable. There is nothing that we cannot find a use for. There is nothing that, even if we do not need it at present, cannot be re purposed. Art, songs, stories, and images like above perhaps especially images like above, will truly help.

We are not in a position to judge, criticize, or be choosy about the help that Fortannis offers. As Zeth says, "one ought not look it too much in its ears." Or as my village would say, "Paupers cannot be picky."

My home does very sincerely need help. Any help. We, and I, will be in your debt.

Please, do not punish the lives of the many for the words of the few. We have suffered too much already.

-Diplomatic Assistant Terren
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*same female voice as before*

Hey if it helps I thought this whole thing was funny. Explicit indiscriminant gratitude is for people trying to put on a smile and hide something, the guy was honest that it made him feel uncomfortable to the point of feeling the need to work out- dont skip leg day man or you'll regret it... you'll get that whole... toohpicks in a potato thing going on. *the tone is clearly good-naturedly teaseing*

That said... strip down in illustration for sake an impoverished Nation! Reasonable prices!

I can be reached through the dreaming.
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*the stuttering voice sounds relieved*

O-oh thank goodness. I had assumed it was all intended to be humorous... But again, dream interpretations you know? I try to tell a joke about sending a l-letter without paying a courier and then nobody ever gets it.

You may get some orders from t-t-the resurrected here, but their payment may be unusual. May I ask your name, so I can give them a person to call to?

-Diplomatic Assistant Terren
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