A Call...


Chicago Staff
Adventurers of Wayside,

There is a matter in the Lands of Gaden that the adventurers of that land could use some help with and I am dreaming this to ask those of you who can to muster themselves and their resources to help in the quest. I was recently, last autumn, able to cross into the Sheltered Lands for the first time and found myself in a place filled with enemies much like our own. The Corrupt of Gaden are plaguing the people and the adventurers have been making an effort to push back this threat. They are making another effort at in the early month of showers this and I am asking if there are any warriors or casters who would like to accompany them in defending their populace. Any help that any of you can offer would be much appreciated.

If anyone is planning to venture to Gaden please contact me, I am looking for all the extra help I can find.

May the Storm Clouds be your Protection,
Eldandiril Zanabanath
I am going on vacation there in a week.

Eldandiril said:
Adventurers of Wayside,

There is a matter in the Lands of Gaden that the adventurers of that land could use some help with and I am dreaming this to ask those of you who can to muster themselves and their resources to help in the quest. I was recently, last autumn, able to cross into the Sheltered Lands for the first time and found myself in a place filled with enemies much like our own. The Corrupt of Gaden are plaguing the people and the adventurers have been making an effort to push back this threat. They are making another effort at in the early month of showers this and I am asking if there are any warriors or casters who would like to accompany them in defending their populace. Any help that any of you can offer would be much appreciated.

If anyone is planning to venture to Gaden please contact me, I am looking for all the extra help I can find.

May the Storm Clouds be your Protection,
Eldandiril Zanabanath


I will be there for the siege, along with other members of the Gaden chapter of The Brotherhood of the Light. I've spent a few nights at Thorador's forge, attempting to come up with some semblance of strategy. However, as we all know, it is like herding cats.


It's good to see that you will be there. Not only will your magical skill and your blade be needed, it is good to know you will be near, keeping watch to make sure I do not stray to the dark. I am grateful that you do this.

Brother Eric Marsters
Brotherhood of the Light
Dear El,

You Know I will help you how I can. I have been to Gaden before myself and was planning a trip like Brother Eric and Tets myself this next week to there. Mayhap we can share lodging together, a friendly face would be nice to have while in Gaden. I will also have something to help celebrate the passing of another year as my day of birth passes. Happily I will help how I can. May your roads be smooth and the mists not so thick on your journey.

Sincerely yours,

Cool, everyone's comin' to help as well. I'll be there for the fight too- if'in we got some people who wouldn't mind a fuzzball crashin' with 'em, I'd love to bunk with you all.

-Tarqaq the fox
Stripe said:
Cool, everyone's comin' to help as well. I'll be there for the fight too- if'in we got some people who wouldn't mind a fuzzball crashin' with 'em, I'd love to bunk with you all.

-Tarqaq the fox


Thank you for coming along. I wish I could extend an invitation to you, however, I know I've secured lodging for the Brotherhood, and we may be housing between four and nine members, so it will be a tight fit. Let me know if you are in need of anything else, though.

Brother Eric Marsters
Brotherhood of the Light
EricMarsters said:
Stripe said:
Cool, everyone's comin' to help as well. I'll be there for the fight too- if'in we got some people who wouldn't mind a fuzzball crashin' with 'em, I'd love to bunk with you all.

-Tarqaq the fox


Thank you for coming along. I wish I could extend an invitation to you, however, I know I've secured lodging for the Brotherhood, and we may be housing between four and nine members, so it will be a tight fit. Let me know if you are in need of anything else, though.

Brother Eric Marsters
Brotherhood of the Light

Well, if you happen to have a spare ward/wizard lock scroll that'd def'nately help me sleep a bit sounder. I'd pay for the cost of the castin' 'course.
Thank you to those of you coming, I am sure the people of Gaden would appreciate what we can do for them. As I am already in Gaden, I will await your arrival, Eve as always it is a pleasure. Tets, I look forward to seeing you after the long winter, Be safe in your travels. Tarqaq, I'm sure I can find something for you. and Brother Eric, It is good to see that you have offered your services and extended your hand to those in need.

I will see you all soon,

May the Storm Clouds be your Protection,
Eldandiril Zanabanath
Gorka Apriciated you
Thank you for help and support We took castle, we held castle. now back to killing corrupt properly with out undead. Wayside need help, ask Gorka she will find who can help, try her best.

-Healer Gorka