Jinn gets a mildly confused look on his face as Calan speaks. "Put our resources into something that matters more? What could matter more than out friends and family? You people are the reason I fight in this war! Calan, you are my brother, family is the most important thing that could ever exist to me. There is no waste of resources to check up and ensure someone is doing ok. I could give you a cheesey line that it is our goodness that will win this war, but its not. These are hard times and we must make hard choices, but I will never ignore the needs of a friend." He walks over and puts a hand on Calan's shoulder and looks home in the eyes.
"I can do this now because your not blind. I came the moment I got your letter because you needed my help. I will always be there for you, even if you think its unimportant. Because you are family... and I will always be there because I can not die." Jinn says with a heart laugh and pulls Calan into a tight hug.
As he returns to his stump he watches Elly flash her sword and fans himself. "Oohh so intimidating initiate Elinor." He says with a big smile. "As for you, I saw and see something in you that reminds me of me. Your headstrong and filled with fire, as you so bluntly put it. I like that! I can see you doing big things for the sanctum, someone that will be steadfast and hold a position with honor. Years from now I can assume I will count you among my peers within the sanctum, and we need people like that."
Jinn pauses for a moment and his facial expressions turn a but more serious, but still jovial.
"After the dark reaches are closed, and this war is won, I have no idea what I will do. I do not know if I will stay within the lux, return to Turomfalls, go north, or even stay in this shard. I am a traveler, and always have been. I see something within you that makes me comfortable knowing I could leave for a stretch, and you would be here, holding the fort down so to speak. My job as Warmage has mainly been the reaches, but it is also an advisor, body guard, and friend to Evo, and I want to ensure that there is someone else ready for that when this war is finished. Now please don't think I'm training you to act as a replacement or a second fiddle player, oh no. I imagine us fighting Al'zoon side by side!."
Jinn looks Elinor up and down. "And here I thought the time for flattery was over, but it continues... well let's end on a low note shall we. The only thing down side is that you just don't have horns, but there is always magic for that." He says with a playful wink. "I kid I kid... you are one of the more pleasant humans i have ever met."