A divided purpose

(a sigh of disapproval is heard)

Citizens of Icenia,

My Name is Cuar, some of you know me and some of you don't. I have fought for these lands for many years and return to my friends when the time suits me to. I know this will offend people and may cause more problems then it's worth, but I can not allow my words to be suppressed any longer. I often sit quietly and listen to your thoughts and discussions. For many years now I hear these petty bickers and arguments. Why? Because someone verbally stepped on your toes? Because they looked at you wrong? Because they did not show you the proper respect that you think you diverse?

Does it suit you well to make back handed compliments to your battle brothers and sisters? Do you find comfort in pointing out the fact that you have more knowledge then someone else? Think about how you act to the people around and then question why people treat you the way they do. Icenia wake up and open up your eyes. If we as heroes can not be respectful to each other how are the rest of these lands expected to do the same? I am not expecting us to live in complete harmony, but lead by example!

Those of you that are squires, knights, barons and dames. Those who know me know I have a unique respect for the people of that status. You all know I would take a death for you, if I felt it was needed. Think about what makes you a person of that status, not why....but what. Its not the color leather around your waist. Nor is it because someone with a higher status thought it was a good idea. You need to not keep secrets and hidden information from each other. especially now. You as our commanding "leaders" need to make sure the heroes are all informed of the correct information. Not what "you" feel is the best information.

To everyone else, if you have a problem do not just sit there and complain to your traveling companions or team about it. Go and talk to one of these noble people. These can not assist in guiding us if they do not know what is going on or if they are upsetting you in some way. We all may be from different lands and different teams but we all fight for the same purpose. Stop trying to make pot shots and small back stabs to each other and lend a helping hand. If someone needs something don't be stubborn about it, offer it. Stop sitting on your treasures as if they are you life force keeping you alive! Once you are permanently dead those metal coins will still be there just sitting. Those potions will be wasted. Open your eyes and think for a moment!

What I'm getting at here is this is why Icenia is divided. While we may be moving in the same direction, it is not a safe pace. I feel as if we are on the verge of something dreadful if we do not adjust our attitudes.
We are past the verge of something dreadful. What we are is a people in the middle of a crucible that is about to be ground up and smelted. It just so happens that we have not lost all hope of getting a say as to what we will end up being after this process.

As a group we will have to come together fast and hard. Oddly, it always seems that way. Its this life...but the consequences of the actions of those who lead this life are suffered by all. It is hard, it is cruel, it is uncaring, it is truth.

But I know the Nobles are taking a look at themselves. I hope most the rest are too. I come, and I train those who want to learn the best I can. Time will tell. Right now we are feeling our way into new forms. There have been a number of upheavals recently, and we are not done quite yet I dare say. I wished so long and so hard to live in a more considerate world. Maybe it will happen. For now everyone dreaming here...I wish you the best of your fellowships and pray your paths leads you the same way as mine. None of this can be dealt with as a conversation I fear. I will meet you all in person, on the next battlefield.

Simon Neville