A Favor to Request

Dispite my best attempts at persuading him, M'Lord Enan Bluewater wishes to traverse the mists this coming weekend. I, as well as many of his personal guard, are unable to accompany him.
I wish to entrust his care to another. It brings me no pleasure to see M'Lord risk his life unnecessarily. Please, I will compensate those with coin and or personal favor, who those who agree to personally see to his comfort and safety.

M'Lord, I anxiously await your return. I don't want you so much to even glance at that Earth circle.

-Squire Lu of the Azure Keep
Squire to Sir Siril Foss
Squire Lu,

Where is Lord Bluewater traveling to?

Sir Siril
I believe he is traveling to Eloria. I will keep an eye on him, free of charge.
With love,
First Knight of Zhool
He will be watched over by HOTH in eloria and given the protection and word that any harm befalls him a wave of force will be brought down upon that he has dealt blood

Saro, Pyke,

Thank you, friends. Do not let his spirit weaken. Many lives rely on him. Many more will need him. His work is not done here. I will be waiting at the Keep. I insist he keeps his visit short.

-Squire Lu of the Azure Keep
Squire to Sir Siril
Have no fear I will always have a life spell for Lord Bluewater. I must admit I am intrigued to see him as my general outlooks on life are so very different then they were last we meet. Squire Lu as you call yourself it is a pleasure to meet you and there is no need for payment-- other than you living your life in defense of others and not failing to live by your heart.

To all those concerned,

After considerable discussion, I have decided to canceled my planed trip to continue to monitor events at home. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

-Lord Barrister Enan Bluewater
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No problem lord Enan. As always you are welcome in Ardic and Eloria empire. Hope to see you soon back in wayside. Permanently change mwe

Land Barron of Ardic